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V-Driver For Life!
Big River, Ca
Posts: 62,886
APPD 7.81
Post Rank: 1
Posted: July 06 2004,5:45 am |
Post # 13 |
Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 05 2004,9:29 pm) | Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 05 2004,8:41 pm) | I'm not so sure. Â I've been on many various boating forums for about 5 years now and have seen MANY different Variations of RIVERGIRL, RVRGRL, RVRGIRL, etc etc, and have seen a FEW variations of RiverRatMike, RRMike, RVRRATMIKE, ETC.. Â As far as the name/alias goes, River******, RiverRat******, are probably the most common forenames on the forums. Â Every time someone new comes on a forum, that cant think up a name, and they go to the river most, well, the first thing they think of is River***** and if that name is taken, they use a variation of it, and on and on, until they find one that is not taken. Â Throughout the years that the forums have been on, they RARELY Delete names, so alot of the River********* names are used. Â Look at the members list on HB for example. Â I count 116 names that start with "River" and that does not include any variations of it, such as RR, RVR,RIVR,RVER, etc. etc. And, I would be willing to bet that at least 90%^ of them don't even log on anymore. Â The point I'm getting at, is that is is a common name. Â There's someone on HB that goes by the name of BigBoyToysPE857 or something like that, but I don't care....it don't bother me a bit. Â I know who I am and people that I am posting to/with know who I am, so what's the big deal?
Welcome to all of the "New" River****** members  |
I might also add, that usually, once someone new logs into one boating forum, they ultimately sign up with other forums also, including this forum.  How many members here are also a member of at least 1 other forum?  I think I am a member of 12 of them now, although I only post on 4 of them   (With this HD forum getting about 95% of my total daily posts ) |
I used to be on 5 of them but now I'm on 3 and that's almost too many. This is my favorite and best one though!..