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+---Topic: Hey Doug? started by miller19j

Posted by: miller19j on Jan. 06 2004,2:15 pm

What’s the latest with the Strike? The scuttlebutt in my area is that the stores are going to go non union. Is their any truth to this?
Posted by: AZKC on Jan. 06 2004,2:31 pm

I'll bet thats the end result :( A lot of people are looking for work and will take alot less to do the same work. It happened out here at the mines. People took jobs making $5-$6.oo an hour less and fewer beni's :beat
Posted by: Ziggy on Jan. 06 2004,3:06 pm

Thats what I'm hearing too...non-union.
My brother has been part of negotiations. Few weeks ago he said the union will not keep its members from going back to work if they have to or to maintain picket lines. Bummer part is that Ralphs and Vons are locked out so not really possible for them to go back.
 To clarify a bit, my brother is involved more in the Pharmacy end of the deal, and the pharmacy guys are nearing the point of leaving the union and establishing a guild or something like that.

Posted by: miller19j on Jan. 06 2004,3:20 pm


Lets try to keep this thread related to what is happening with the negotiations.  We all have opinions on Unions and the treatment of people during this strike but out of respect for the people that are involved in the strike(Mainly Doug) let’s keep this on subject.

Doug I started this thread because I was honestly curious how things were going and you are the only person that I know that would have some information. I was in no way trying to stir things up again.

Posted by: 87 Cole on Jan. 06 2004,4:08 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

Lets try to keep this thread related to what is happening with the negotiations.  We all have opinions on Unions and the treatment of people during this strike but out of respect for the people that are involved in the strike(Mainly Doug) let’s keep this on subject.

Doug I started this thread because I was honestly curious how things were going and you are the only person that I know that would have some information. I was in no way trying to stir things up again.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Unemployment is the ANSWER, J/K :phone
Posted by: RiverLiver on Jan. 06 2004,4:43 pm

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Unemployment is the ANSWER, J/K :phone
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Get to work :bebe

Posted by: RiverLiver on Jan. 06 2004,4:47 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

Lets try to keep this thread related to what is happening with the negotiations.  We all have opinions on Unions and the treatment of people during this strike but out of respect for the people that are involved in the strike(Mainly Doug) let’s keep this on subject.

Doug I started this thread because I was honestly curious how things were going and you are the only person that I know that would have some information. I was in no way trying to stir things up again.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Ya don't want to  make me use my magic powers.. LOL  Just ask AZKC what happened to his thread.. :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :good

Posted by: 87 Cole on Jan. 06 2004,4:58 pm

Hey RL. Everything is finalized and ready to get going. First 3 inspections this week alone. If the back log continues I'll be needing help in the next few weeks :jumpie  I'll be attacking the Oceanside area and all HOA'S and be keeping you busy!!!!!!!!!!!!! :phone  :phone  :phone HELLOOOW
Posted by: RiverLiver on Jan. 06 2004,5:08 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Hey RL. Everything is finalized and ready to get going. First 3 inspections this week alone. If the back log continues I'll be needing help in the next few weeks :jumpie  I'll be attacking the Oceanside area and all HOA'S and be keeping you busy!!!!!!!!!!!!! :phone  :phone  :phone HELLOOOW
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :love
Posted by: Kim Hanson on Jan. 06 2004,5:40 pm

Hey Doug! I need a picture of your boat  :good please, hope this strike thing is getting to the end now!
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Jan. 06 2004,5:46 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
What’s the latest with the Strike? The scuttlebutt in my area is that the stores are going to go non union. Is their any truth to this?
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Unfortunately Brad, I don't have any news.  I hear lots of rumors, but that's all they are.  In a way, you could say the stores already went "non-union" three months ago.  They are banking on lasting longer than the union can without a source of income.  Even though some of us are earning some sort of income in the meantime, the union is not.  They are currently paying more than they are taking in which means an end will come eventually.
Posted by: Ziggy on Jan. 06 2004,6:15 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

Lets try to keep this thread related to what is happening with the negotiations.  We all have opinions on Unions and the treatment of people during this strike but out of respect for the people that are involved in the strike(Mainly Doug) let’s keep this on subject.

Doug I started this thread because I was honestly curious how things were going and you are the only person that I know that would have some information. I was in no way trying to stir things up again.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Ok Scuba Steves Idol, :bebe
Nor was I trying to stir things up so I edited the part of my ranting(if thats what you want to call it) ill will intended, just voicing my concerns for the long haul and overall relationship of consumer/providers.
It eats at me quite a bit because I get info from both sides, very reliable info in fact. Its disheartening no matter how you look at it because so many hard working people are left in the dark. I hope it ends soon so EVERYONE involved can get back to some sort of normalcy.

Posted by: havasudreamin on Jan. 06 2004,7:19 pm

This is my first post here but I felt I needed to post my opinion.
I think that the companies are going to try and break the union and the reason is this. Wal-mart is making its way across the country opening super walmarts where they are going to sell groceries. Kmart has a few of these in the Los Angeles area and thats where I shopped. The prices were alot lower and you got more for your money. They are non union and the cashiers make $9.00 hr (Wife worked there) My sister in law was making $15.00 an hour when she finally quit Vons 4 years ago.  Wal-mart is also non union and that will hurt these union companies, in order for them to compete they need lower wages. I spoke with a few of the people at albertons before the lock out and this is what they were telling me. I dont want to see anyone loose their job but Im kinda tired of paying $3.00 for a loaf of bread at albertsons when I can now go get it at walmart for half that. So they better start looking for another job because the companies have joined together and are in this for the long haul.
Posted by: AZKC on Jan. 07 2004,5:41 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

Lets try to keep this thread related to what is happening with the negotiations.  We all have opinions on Unions and the treatment of people during this strike but out of respect for the people that are involved in the strike(Mainly Doug) let’s keep this on subject.

Doug I started this thread because I was honestly curious how things were going and you are the only person that I know that would have some information. I was in no way trying to stir things up again.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

:rotflmao I think hell froze over, Miller asking us to stay on topic :rotflmao

But I do understand what your saying  :good  This is a very stirable pot thats for sure :comp  :fight  :comp
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Jan. 07 2004,6:53 am

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This is a very stirable pot thats for sure :comp  :fight  :comp
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yeah and I'm staying far away from this one!... :fight
Posted by: miller19j on Jan. 07 2004,8:51 am


I was not trying to imply that you were stirring the pot with your post. It’s just that it could have easily gone that direction and I wanted to nip it in the bud before all hell broke loose.

Who would have thought that I would be asking people to stay on topic?    :D

Thanks forthe info Doug I hope things get solved soon  :good
Posted by: AZKC on Jan. 07 2004,9:56 am

:rotflmao Stop yer killin me :laugh  :rotflmao  :laugh
Posted by: My Man's Sportin' Wood on Jan. 07 2004,10:34 am

Just my opinion, and there are lots of rumors going around, but for the stores to go non-union, I believe they have to close for 30 days and then open up as non-union shops.  Is that what you heard, Doug?  I think if that was the goal, they would have just done that in the beginning, rather than spend all of this money shipping in help from out of state and running the stores at a loss for the last three months like they have.  It just doesn't make business sense to wait so long and then do it.
Posted by: Ziggy on Jan. 07 2004,11:06 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

I was not trying to imply that you were stirring the pot with your post. It’s just that it could have easily gone that direction and I wanted to nip it in the bud before all hell broke loose.

Who would have thought that I would be asking people to stay on topic?    :D

Thanks forthe info Doug I hope things get solved soon  :good
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Gotcha Brad...and believe me I wasn't trying to stir things up either because I have friends and a relative that are on both sides of this crappy situation. I hear it from both sides and both have an emotional reaction to it all.
As I said, my brother is involved with the negotiations and has 1st hand knowledge of the preceedings....which by the way is a job he took only a few weeks prior to the Strike. His Phd is much better served with providing prescriptions to folks in need rather than dealing with union negotiators/reps.
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Jan. 07 2004,3:22 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Just my opinion, and there are lots of rumors going around, but for the stores to go non-union, I believe they have to close for 30 days and then open up as non-union shops.  Is that what you heard, Doug?  I think if that was the goal, they would have just done that in the beginning, rather than spend all of this money shipping in help from out of state and running the stores at a loss for the last three months like they have.  It just doesn't make business sense to wait so long and then do it.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I think the 30 day waiting period to reopen as non-union would be the tactic if the union was to remain. I think the employers want to break the union PERIOD though. Stores that are non-union could always go union again if the workers wanted to.  The Walmart workers could go union if they want, but they won't because they know a bunch of them would get laid off to give the others a decent wage.

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