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+---Topic: Sellin' out... started by Sleek-Jet

Posted by: Sleek-Jet on Jan. 17 2004,9:48 am

I just watched an Auto Zone commercial with Jesse James as the spokes-dork.  

WTF, Auto Zone for christ sakes...   :rolleyes All you can buy there is Armour All and those stinky little pine tree thingies.

Posted by: RIVERRATMIKE on Jan. 17 2004,12:02 pm

It's all about the GREEN

Posted by: RiverLiver on Jan. 17 2004,2:15 pm

Jesse James, A legend in his own mind... :guns
Posted by: Mandelon on Jan. 17 2004,10:09 pm

He is definitely cashing in on his fame while he can.  If he gets too much exposure he'll be old news sooner.  I bet he just figures to make all the $$$$ he can now and sit back on his fat bank account with his hottie wife.... :rolleyes
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Jan. 18 2004,5:30 am

You go where the money is, he's a smart dude!. :good
Posted by: Sleek-Jet on Jan. 18 2004,6:12 am

I was talking to my brother last night and mentioned the commercial to him.  He made the comment that you wont see a Jeg's box on Monster Garage anymore.   :laugh
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Jan. 18 2004,7:39 am

Looks like the Zone pays better!.. :laugh
Posted by: AZKC on Jan. 18 2004,9:02 am

I watched one the other night where one guy was bitchin back and forth with Jesse and jesse more or less told him to f* off and get the fock out if he didn't like it. The guy quit :laugh Wonder if there are any out-takes of somebody after Jesse :fight  :beat  :guns  :fight

Think Paul Sr from OCC could whip Jesse :stupid I put my money on the old man :D
Posted by: Sleek-Jet on Jan. 18 2004,9:13 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Think Paul Sr from OCC could whip Jesse :stupid I put my money on the old man :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I'd put money on Mikey!!  :rotflmao

Seriously, I've been losing respect (like it matters) for Jesse ever since the infamous "English Wheel" comments made a few years ago.  

He has parlayed his image into a small fortune, but he better enjoy it while it lasts, over-exposure gets old real quick.
Posted by: AZKC on Jan. 18 2004,10:42 am

Mikey is pretty funny he stands up to Pops for about 7 seconds  :fight then runs away :laugh

A little bio on Mikey

Mikey toiled at Ironworks until he turned 20, when he moved to Tempe, Ariz., and went through six different jobs in five months:

* bouncer at a bar, which didn't work out because it interfered with his night life;
* busboy, which didn't work out because he was "treated like crap";
* telemarketer selling cell phones and cell-phone service, which didn't work out because he hates being bothered at home by telemarketers;
* valet-parking attendant, which didn't work out because they made him run — and shave; and
* movie-theater guy, which was enjoyable because he didn't really do anything but see free movies.
But overall, Arizona wasn't quite Mikey's place either, so Rock Tavern beckoned once his money ran out.

Back at home Mikey did carpentry with a friend for a year before again returning to Orange County Ironworks and working with his brother Daniel. Then, after two years of a job that was "unrewarding, cold and cruel," he went to a tavern one January night and met the man who would advocate his hiring at Orange County Choppers: Rusty, aka Russell Muth, producer of American Chopper.

Mikey was soon on board at OCC, answering phones, picking up parts, popping bubble wrap and taking out the trash. But within two weeks of starting his new job he was on the road attending bike shows with his brother and father, and his stand-in was already outperforming him. So while he has two people working under hi
Posted by: Mirvin on Jan. 19 2004,1:17 pm

Is "sellin out" so bad?  Isn't everyone looking for an opportunity to "sell out"?  I've had a problem with this argument for a long time now.    Did Tiger sold out when he got an endorsment from Nike?  If selling out is bad then I guess every athlete, rock star and personality has sold out.  I guess all of our favorite custom boat builders are "sellouts" becuase they profit from their passion   :stupid

Get over it.   :D

Posted by: yard barg on Jan. 19 2004,4:37 pm

Posted by: Wifey on Jan. 22 2004,1:13 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Think Paul Sr from OCC could whip Jesse :stupid I put my money on the old man :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I think the old man gets too flustered to kick any serious butt, he starts to yell and uses some 'made up' word and then gets embaressed and runs off camera...he's all 'nonsense talk' and no action IMHO :D

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