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+---Topic: How did you find this place? started by Havasu Doug

Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,3:26 pm

I have come to know many people here, but still wonder how they found this board in the first place? Let's hear your stories. :D
Posted by: Scuba Steve on Feb. 17 2004,3:29 pm

I found it because of OP6-5. I think it was wifey that was talking about it on one of the op6-5 threads, and thats how I found it.  :jumpie
Posted by: RiverLiver on Feb. 17 2004,3:49 pm

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I found it because of OP6-5. I think it was wifey that was talking about it on one of the op6-5 threads, and thats how I found it.  :jumpie
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I told her not to tell you, Oh well there goes the neighborhood. :ass  :bebe
Posted by: RiverLiver on Feb. 17 2004,3:53 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I have come to know many people here, but still wonder how they found this board in the first place? Let's hear your stories. :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I found it during a hotboat melt down. :break

Kinda like the no drama, and most the peps are very cool (not SS) J/K LOL :bebe =  :grouphug
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 17 2004,3:54 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I found it because of OP6-5. I think it was wifey that was talking about it on one of the op6-5 threads, and thats how I found it.  :jumpie
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Whoo Hoo...I am the Marketing Queen...I deserve points for bringing Scuba Steve on :D

I heard about this site from a hobo...he was almost passed out in this dark ally down...clutching his booze bottle and talking to himself about this great web site he found that day while surfing the net at the Library with some whore he met named Alicia. After a good romp in the dumpster with Alicia, yelling at the top of his lungs "I love your lemons" he was ready to spread the good word about his other savior Havasu Doug! He can now be found chanting "Havasu Dougs is our savior" on the corner.  :D
Posted by: RiverLiver on Feb. 17 2004,4:01 pm

Alicia and sdf4u.... :fight
Posted by: RiverDave on Feb. 17 2004,4:32 pm

I can't remember how I found it...  I think I just saw a link in your signiature Doug?

Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,4:42 pm

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I found it because of OP6-5. I think it was wifey that was talking about it on one of the op6-5 threads, and thats how I found it.  :jumpie
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Whoo Hoo...I am the Marketing Queen...I deserve points for bringing Scuba Steve on :D

I heard about this site from a hobo...he was almost passed out in this dark ally down...clutching his booze bottle and talking to himself about this great web site he found that day while surfing the net at the Library with some whore he met named Alicia. After a good romp in the dumpster with Alicia, yelling at the top of his lungs "I love your lemons" he was ready to spread the good word about his other savior Havasu Doug! He can now be found chanting "Havasu Dougs is our savior" on the corner.  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I totally forgot about the Betty connection.  :rotflmao I'm sure she had something to do with some of the peeps coming here. :laugh
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,4:44 pm

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Alicia and sdf4u.... :fight
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

:rotflmao and "yehishqkameena" and "foxyflirt". :laugh
Posted by: RIVERRATMIKE on Feb. 17 2004,4:45 pm

Doug himself told me about it about a year and a half ago. Doug and I go way back, at least to 1984. We have known each other since then thanks to the CB radio channel 15. Boy those where the good old days back when we all used to get together and go sit up on the hill all night long, desert parties you name it..... :good
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,4:46 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I can't remember how I found it...  I think I just saw a link in your signiature Doug?

-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

That was probably a large factor in the early days, but I haven't posted on other boards much lately so it's on autopilot now. :laugh
Posted by: RIVERRATMIKE on Feb. 17 2004,4:47 pm

doug am I right on that year?
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,4:49 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Doug himself told me about it about a year and a half ago. Doug and I go way back, at least to 1984. We have known each other since then thanks to the CB radio channel 15. Boy those where the good old days back when we all used to get together and go sit up on the hill all night long, desert parties you name it..... :good
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Those were some good times. :good  :beer  :drink  It was sort of like the boards, but using a different means to communicate.  The end result was the same though. GOOD TIMES! and lots of memories. :good  :beer  :drink
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,4:51 pm

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doug am I right on that year?
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I believe so.  I got hired at my current job in May of '84 and I'd been on the radio since the prior Christmas. :D
Posted by: JBB on Feb. 17 2004,4:53 pm

<000000'>Scratched into the wall in the cell I was in at The Atlanta Federal Pen..... :good
Posted by: OutCole'd on Feb. 17 2004,4:53 pm

Spam from one of the other boards .
Posted by: AZKC on Feb. 17 2004,4:54 pm

I think I was a wee lad learning the boating forums after being a Cancun forum addict for about a year planning a vacation :beer I lurked around and started posting a little on HB and then I was stalking JP because he was from AZ and ended up over at lakemead1's place< Back in the day > and then joined here about a month later :good The rest my friends is history :beer  :drink  :banghead  

As far as a place for this :grouphug colors are alittle pastel for me :p But if RL into that  :rainbow :bebe
Posted by: Mirvin on Feb. 17 2004,5:06 pm

Pretty sure I found this joint because someone mentioned it on another board :D

Same with Dave's place ;)

I think you guys are doing a great job and it seems like a tighter "like minded" group over here.   Hopefully I'll get to meet some of y'all at Elsinore :beer

Posted by: RIVERRATMIKE on Feb. 17 2004,5:07 pm

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Doug himself told me about it about a year and a half ago. Doug and I go way back, at least to 1984. We have known each other since then thanks to the CB radio channel 15. Boy those where the good old days back when we all used to get together and go sit up on the hill all night long, desert parties you name it..... :good
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Those were some good times. :good  :beer  :drink  It was sort of like the boards, but using a different means to communicate.  The end result was the same though. GOOD TIMES! and lots of memories. :good  :beer  :drink
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

yeah those were great times. kinda funny how it all died out around 1994. most everyone had left the CB and channel 15 died...
Posted by: kphayes on Feb. 17 2004,5:11 pm

Good ol' Doug recruted me. If it wasn't for the OG's in here, I probably wouldn't have come out to OP6-V and met all the other killer peeps that Deana and I know now.

Thanks Doug.
Posted by: BigBoyToys on Feb. 17 2004,5:13 pm

<00FFFF'>Hmmmm....Been here so long I can't remember how I found it :stupid
Posted by: RiverLiver on Feb. 17 2004,5:17 pm

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Hmmmm....Been here so long I can't remember how I found it :stupid
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

That is what happen's when you get old BBT. :beat
Posted by: TITTIES AND BEER on Feb. 17 2004,5:29 pm

i was drinking at the time ,and don't remember , :D it was a long time ago my friend :drink and i remember meeting 3?no 4 ,no 5 people at this was a place i'v only DREAMED of ,a majical place (no not jackos  place)pretty women ,good conversation :beer  :D and their was a "PINK TACO "in the background :D
Posted by: TITTIES AND BEER on Feb. 17 2004,5:31 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I have come to know many people here, but still wonder how they found this board in the first place? Let's hear your stories. :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

SORRY i didn't read it right ,I JUST FOLLOWED THE LIGHT :good
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,5:49 pm

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Good ol' Doug recruted me. If it wasn't for the OG's in here, I probably wouldn't have come out to OP6-V and met all the other killer peeps that Deana and I know now.

Thanks Doug.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I recall making a couple of avatars for use on hotboat and Kyle asked if I could make and host this for him. That's the earliest I can remember of him. :D
Posted by: Sleek-Jet on Feb. 17 2004,5:59 pm

Like most everyone else I started on Hotboat.  Then I read a River Dave report that mentioned Doug's.  Came over and sighned up.   :good

What's really funny is that I've got and old user name on the Hotboat forums from right after they started (2000?), but have since forgot it and my old password.  That's when I joined as Sleek-Jet.  

Doug's place reminds me of Hotboat before all the crap started, let's keep in that way.   :good
Posted by: BigBoyToys on Feb. 17 2004,6:08 pm

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Hmmmm....Been here so long I can't remember how I found it :stupid
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

That is what happen's when you get old BBT. :beat
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

<00FFFF'>Funny....that's exactly what I was thinking too :stupid
Posted by: Big H on Feb. 17 2004,6:11 pm

I wandered in through the links on Kwicherbichen. I am lovin' it here. Brought "Newmanator" with me. :beer
Posted by: Mrs big boy toys on Feb. 17 2004,6:24 pm

<00FFFF'>Mr BBT told me about this place when HB was going crazy with it's melt down...  :break
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,7:01 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I wandered in through the links on Kwicherbichen. I am lovin' it here. Brought "Newmanator" with me. :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

KB's is cool as well. :cool  I'm member #6 over there. That place has alot of good info, but I just don't have time to post there that much.
Posted by: knuckle head on Feb. 17 2004,7:02 pm

<00FFFF'>I typed in "Havasu" in to a search engine and WA-LA here I am :D
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,7:06 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I typed in "Havasu" in to a search engine and WA-LA here I am :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

And it's a good thing for me too.  I would have missed out on so much if I never met you and Shelli. :D

Thanks. :D
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 17 2004,7:10 pm

If I remember right I heard about it on HB when I was tired of the bullshit and been here ever since!. THEEEEE best place! :good  :good  :good  :beer
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Feb. 17 2004,7:22 pm

I heard about this site from my boyfriend RIVERRATMIKE.  :kiss
Decided 2 check it out. See what it was all about.
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,7:25 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I heard about this site from my boyfriend RIVERRATMIKE.  :kiss
Decided 2 check it out. See what it was all about.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Which reminds me. Mike was sort of a hard sell. :rotflmao He had been in my webring for a while, but I kept telling him. "Check this out!"  :rotflmao
Posted by: RiverLiver on Feb. 17 2004,7:26 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I typed in "Havasu" in to a search engine and WA-LA here I am :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------


Now that's funny Chuck... :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
Posted by: LLGirl on Feb. 17 2004,9:16 pm

I found this place from reading the HB forums.  It's been a while since I've posted!  This is probably one of my favorite boards because of the 'no drama'!  Hopefully I'll run into some of you this summer if you visit Big River (we're down river in Blythe).  Actually, living in OC I'm surprised I haven't seen some of you around town!
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,9:25 pm

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........Actually, living in OC I'm surprised I haven't seen some of you around town!
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

No kidding! :rotflmao  We get together locally practically every week so maybe we can meet you before the river. :D  Some of us probably live within 8 miles of you. :D
Posted by: Beautiful Noise on Feb. 17 2004,9:49 pm

For ME it was when I met you Doug at Parker for RD's Birthday Bash in Oct of 02,You said something like hey check out my Site OR we'll ditch you this weekend..................Hmmmmmmmm if I remember right didn't you guy's ditch me about a Hour later :beat  :beat  :stupid  :)  :rotflmao
Posted by: Mandelon on Feb. 17 2004,9:53 pm

I was hanging out with this guy, Al.  Al Gore. Yeah, that's it.  He decided one day to invent the internet. The next day I ws just playing around and I invented online forums.  Then just before I was going to start this site, Doug came along and stole my idea.  :comp  :comp   :D
Posted by: LLGirl on Feb. 17 2004,9:58 pm

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
........Actually, living in OC I'm surprised I haven't seen some of you around town!
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

No kidding! :rotflmao  We get together locally practically every week so maybe we can meet you before the river. :D  Some of us probably live within 8 miles of you. :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yea, that would be fun!  I'm always up for a get together!  I have only met two people from the boards... HBjet and MissHBjet, briefly, at Lost Lake last summer!
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,10:02 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
For ME it was when I met you Doug at Parker for RD's Birthday Bash in Oct of 02,You said something like hey check out my Site OR we'll ditch you this weekend..................Hmmmmmmmm if I remember right didn't you guy's ditch me about a Hour later :beat  :beat  :stupid  :)  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

OK, I remember now. :D That was back when OP6C was my primary hangout. I joked about considering buying a Bayliner and you guys ribbed me about it for a while. :rotflmao  Incidently, I met you the same day I met ANYONE from the boards. :D
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 17 2004,10:06 pm

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
........Actually, living in OC I'm surprised I haven't seen some of you around town!
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

No kidding! :rotflmao  We get together locally practically every week so maybe we can meet you before the river. :D  Some of us probably live within 8 miles of you. :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yea, that would be fun!  I'm always up for a get together!  I have only met two people from the boards... HBjet and MissHBjet, briefly, at Lost Lake last summer!
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Just watch the "Trips & Events" forum.  We post almost everything in there. :D

Oh and I've met the HBjets too............about 30 times. :rotflmao
Posted by: Rexone on Feb. 18 2004,4:38 am

Doug and I and K3 (RIP) and River Cutie and a few more were post whoring on Who's Still Up when all of a sudden there was a "big sucking sound".  HD had launched his forum... the rest is history.  BTW Doug you have some catching up to do on your post count, lol.   :D
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 18 2004,6:44 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Doug and I and K3 (RIP) and River Cutie and a few more were post whoring on Who's Still Up when all of a sudden there was a "big sucking sound".  HD had launched his forum... the rest is history.  BTW Doug you have some catching up to do on your post count, lol.   :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

:rotflmao  I actually posted on hotboat a few days ago.  They were probably saying "Who's this guy?"  :rotflmao

BTW Mike, those were some good and memorable times. :cool  :D  I still make sure to keep K3-River-Rat alive over here as well. :peace
Posted by: JustMVG on Feb. 18 2004,8:02 am

I saw it mentioned over at HB, and decided to check it out, glad i did, i've met some good folks here :) .

Mike VG
Posted by: jordy on Feb. 18 2004,9:59 am

I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 18 2004,10:03 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I typed in "Havasu" in to a search engine and WA-LA here I am :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

And it's a good thing for me too.  I would have missed out on so much if I never met you and Shelli. :D

Thanks. :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

not to mention if it weren't for the knuckleheads you would have missed out on a long term relationship with your special one...Mary, incase you forgot her name! :rolleyes  :D
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 18 2004,10:10 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yeah...I was noticing some folks act like they've been here FOREVER...and their member numbers are something like 55 or worse 149  :bebe  :D
Posted by: AZKC on Feb. 18 2004,10:23 am

Long live the King

Posted by: AZKC on Feb. 18 2004,10:25 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yeah...I was noticing some folks act like they've been here FOREVER...and their member numbers are something like 55 or worse 149  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

JP nicked ya by 1 eh Smiley :D Seems like just yesterday :alien
Posted by: RiverDave on Feb. 18 2004,10:40 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Like most everyone else I started on Hotboat.  Then I read a River Dave report that mentioned Doug's.  Came over and sighned up.   :good

What's really funny is that I've got and old user name on the Hotboat forums from right after they started (2000?), but have since forgot it and my old password.  That's when I joined as Sleek-Jet.  

Doug's place reminds me of Hotboat before all the crap started, let's keep in that way.   :good
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Well I'm glad somebody read it.. LOL :D

Posted by: Ziggy on Feb. 18 2004,3:57 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I found it because of OP6-5. I think it was wifey that was talking about it on one of the op6-5 threads, and thats how I found it.  :jumpie
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Wifey was the one who recruited me, no questions about it. I was still wasting time on HB and she said I got to try Dougs site, none of the drama, badmouthing, or harsh exchanges here. Still got plenty of people to meet and hope to do so more this season but of the handfull of peeps I have met not a one I can claim as being a asshole...not one :stupid  :jumpie
Nothing but great people around here...I think I may well be posting here a little more often now to stay in closer touch. That poll on which board is best got me thinkin'. I do like RRL but someone else said it more bluntly than I did about the content. I won't repeat cuz it ain't a big deal.
HB is good for  :drama  and that can be entertaining at times and even put in my .02c now and then. To bad they let it go so far cuz it seems to be the place where we all started in one form or another.
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 18 2004,4:14 pm

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JP nicked ya by 1 eh Smiley :D Seems like just yesterday :alien
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Age before Beauty  :p
Posted by: looky_lou on Feb. 18 2004,5:58 pm

I think I found this place doing a search for Havasu something. I strolled in, joined and been here ever since.

Doug and everyone here were very nice right from the start and still are.

About the same time I joined here, I joined HB and posted there too. Scuba Steve was the first person I really conversed with over there. He offered to take me out to shoot pics last Memorial weekend. Mrs. Scuba nixed that though being as they had'nt even met me before. (understandable). I was going to meet up with them that weekend for a beer, but never got a chance. :(

Anyway, I hope to meet many of you this year.  :beer
Posted by: miller19j on Feb. 19 2004,8:24 am

How did I learn about Doug’s?

Well it was back in the day when getting you avatar to work on hotboat required an act of god. I was struggling with mine and I noticed Doug was helping someone host his. Jokingly I asked if he wanted to host mine and he said he would (to my amazement). At that point I decided that I liked this Havasu Doug character.

That was long before he had his own boards but at that time I did check out his site and had it bookmarked. When he started his own boards we were all posting on The Boatexchange boards and the small crew from over there just came over here. In hindsight I think that Doug killed that board.

Doug did K3 ever register over here? I remember posting with him on hotboat and boatexchange but can’t remember if he posted on your board.
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 19 2004,8:34 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Doug did K3 ever register over here? I remember posting with him on hotboat and boatexchange but can’t remember if he posted on your board.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yes, K3 DID register here under the screen name "Rat". He posted very little though and it was during his last days. :(  He listed his location in his profile as "lost". :(
Posted by: riverkid on Feb. 19 2004,9:36 am

By total accident. I was searching for river info and happen to come across a link. This is where my search ended. A lot of good info and chatter. Thanks
Posted by: Kim Hanson on Feb. 19 2004,8:00 pm

It was on HotBoat, I was watching this crap go down on HavasuDoug, with this push-start girl and then I went and looked at the link! I signed his guestbook before it was a forum site!

You are all cool people, don't kick me off! :rotflmao I love ya to death :beer Sorry forgot, we don't do that anymore :stupid

Posted by: missboatnam1 on Feb. 19 2004,8:38 pm

<00FF00'>if im not mistaken, eaither kim hanson, or tom brown gave me a invite over :phone ......but i think it was kimmy!! :)
Posted by: phuggit on Feb. 20 2004,2:43 am

Found the link at RRL.
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 20 2004,4:46 am

Welcome phuggit!. :good  :beer
Posted by: BigBoyToys on Feb. 20 2004,5:19 am

<00FFFF'>yes yes, welcome to Dougs! :good
Posted by: JetBoatRich on Feb. 20 2004,6:29 am

you told me about it ay DD party over a year ago :beer
Posted by: phuggit on Feb. 20 2004,10:02 am

Thanx for the welcome.

I lurked the boards after we bought our first boat (Sea Ray), but I didn't feel worthy of posting with everyone talking about custom boats. We bought our Eliminator last year and decided it was time to come out of the "lurking closet."

I met a few of you at the boat show. Looking forward to meeting more this summer.
Posted by: RiverLiver on Feb. 20 2004,10:17 am

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yeah...I was noticing some folks act like they've been here FOREVER...and their member numbers are something like 55 or worse 149  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

OUCH !!!!!!!!!! :fouet
Posted by: RiverLiver on Feb. 20 2004,10:31 am


Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 20 2004,10:49 am

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yeah...I was noticing some folks act like they've been here FOREVER...and their member numbers are something like 55 or worse 149  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

OUCH !!!!!!!!!! :fouet
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

:rotflmao I was wondering if you or Scuba would catch that one  :bebe  :D
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 20 2004,11:22 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

OK, I'll tell the story. I got tired of talking to myself here and I AOL IM'd Jordy and informed him that I was beating his post count on a certain board. So he signed up as member#3 and all hell broke loose. :rotflmao  Incidently, member#2 is really just a test account. :)
Posted by: Sleek-Jet on Feb. 20 2004,11:24 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

OK, I'll tell the story. I got tired of talking to myself here and I AOL IM'd Jordy and informed him that I was beating his post count on a certain board. So he signed up as member#3 and all hell broke loose. :rotflmao  Incidently, member#2 is really just a test account. :)
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Long live the King.... the reason I stayed here is because Jordy's avatar was winking at me.  :D
Posted by: Scuba Steve on Feb. 20 2004,1:27 pm

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yeah...I was noticing some folks act like they've been here FOREVER...and their member numbers are something like 55 or worse 149  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

OUCH !!!!!!!!!! :fouet
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

:rotflmao I was wondering if you or Scuba would catch that one  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Oh yeah you sure do got the focker title for the day!  :D  :rotflmao
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 20 2004,1:36 pm

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yeah...I was noticing some folks act like they've been here FOREVER...and their member numbers are something like 55 or worse 149  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

OUCH !!!!!!!!!! :fouet
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

:rotflmao I was wondering if you or Scuba would catch that one  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Oh yeah you sure do got the focker title for the day!  :D  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Am I the first FEMALE to earn this title...I feel so honored  :jumpie
Posted by: Scuba Steve on Feb. 20 2004,2:22 pm

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yeah...I was noticing some folks act like they've been here FOREVER...and their member numbers are something like 55 or worse 149  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

OUCH !!!!!!!!!! :fouet
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

:rotflmao I was wondering if you or Scuba would catch that one  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Oh yeah you sure do got the focker title for the day!  :D  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Am I the first FEMALE to earn this title...I feel so honored  :jumpie
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

lmao!!! Well you can put the title next to all of Millers, he has plenty.  :D  :rotflmao
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 20 2004,2:32 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yeah...I was noticing some folks act like they've been here FOREVER...and their member numbers are something like 55 or worse 149  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

OUCH !!!!!!!!!! :fouet
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

:rotflmao I was wondering if you or Scuba would catch that one  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Oh yeah you sure do got the focker title for the day!  :D  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Am I the first FEMALE to earn this title...I feel so honored  :jumpie
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

lmao!!! Well you can put the title next to all of Millers, he has plenty.  :D  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

As soon as I reach 1000 posts I can add that title under my own name  :rotflmao
Posted by: Ziggy on Feb. 20 2004,2:35 pm

I beat Scuba by 20 members :stupid How'd that happen? :confused
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 20 2004,2:39 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I beat Scuba by 20 members :stupid How'd that happen? :confused
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

well I'm not really sure :stupid  since he's #149...and you're like #192 or do you figure YOU beat him by 20?  :stupid  :p
Posted by: Havasu Doug on Feb. 20 2004,2:40 pm

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I don't even recall... it's been quite a while.  Hell, look at my member number...   :)  :good  :beer
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yeah...I was noticing some folks act like they've been here FOREVER...and their member numbers are something like 55 or worse 149  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

OUCH !!!!!!!!!! :fouet
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

:rotflmao I was wondering if you or Scuba would catch that one  :bebe  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Oh yeah you sure do got the focker title for the day!  :D  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Am I the first FEMALE to earn this title...I feel so honored  :jumpie
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

lmao!!! Well you can put the title next to all of Millers, he has plenty.  :D  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

As soon as I reach 1000 posts I can add that title under my own name  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Not only that, you can alter the look of the text with the post buttons. :good
Posted by: Scuba Steve on Feb. 20 2004,2:48 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I beat Scuba by 20 members :stupid How'd that happen? :confused
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

well I'm not really sure :stupid  since he's #149...and you're like #192 or do you figure YOU beat him by 20?  :stupid  :p
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Ziggy must still be on pain killers.  :rotflmao  :D
Posted by: Ziggy on Feb. 20 2004,2:49 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I beat Scuba by 20 members :stupid How'd that happen? :confused
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

well I'm not really sure :stupid  since he's #149...and you're like #192 or do you figure YOU beat him by 20?  :stupid  :p
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

There's that Vicadin induced dyslexia working for me today. DOH....192 not 129...I better quit while I still can...
Time to hit the road and build a patio at my Havasu House...Dr. just called and said my pain is normal and heavy physical activity might just make the kidney pebbles start flyin'. No pain no gain he said. :eek
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 20 2004,2:52 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I beat Scuba by 20 members :stupid How'd that happen? :confused
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

well I'm not really sure :stupid  since he's #149...and you're like #192 or do you figure YOU beat him by 20?  :stupid  :p
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

There's that Vicadin induced dyslexia working for me today. DOH....192 not 129...I better quit while I still can...
Time to hit the road and build a patio at my Havasu House...Dr. just called and said my pain is normal and heavy physical activity might just make the kidney pebbles start flyin'. No pain no gain he said. :eek
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Like Miller's sig says...I used to be dyslexic, but now I'm KO  :laugh

Have a great weekend in Havasu! And good luck on peeing those pebble!  :good
Posted by: RIVERRATMIKE on Feb. 21 2004,6:19 pm

ok I'm at 900 post now I guess I'll stop post whoring for now.. LOL :rotflmao
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 21 2004,8:55 pm

Geeez, it's about fkn time!... :eek  :rotflmao
Posted by: RIVERRATMIKE on Feb. 21 2004,9:00 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Geeez, it's about fkn time!... :eek  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I know tell me about it...
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 21 2004,9:01 pm

:rotflmao  :rotflmao
Posted by: RIVERRATMIKE on Feb. 21 2004,9:02 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
:rotflmao  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

gofast are you post whoring?
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 21 2004,9:02 pm

FKN A!... :good  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
Posted by: RIVERRATMIKE on Feb. 21 2004,9:03 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
FKN A!... :good  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

oh man I'll never be able to keep up now... :good
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 21 2004,9:04 pm

That's the plan! :good
Posted by: RIVERRATMIKE on Feb. 21 2004,9:05 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
That's the plan! :good
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

figures........... :beer
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 21 2004,9:07 pm

Well I'll catch up in the morning, time for the news and nighty night, night all!.. :good  :D
Posted by: RIVERRATMIKE on Feb. 21 2004,9:08 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Well I'll catch up in the morning, time for the news and nighty night, night all!.. :good  :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I'm sure you will, I give up anyway. Never was born a post whore.............. :good
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 21 2004,9:09 pm

:good  :laugh  :sleep  :sleep
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Feb. 21 2004,9:13 pm

NOOOOO just my whore honey.. :bebe  j/k
Love you baby.. :kiss
Posted by: knuckle head on Feb. 21 2004,10:28 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I beat Scuba by 20 members :stupid How'd that happen? :confused
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

well I'm not really sure :stupid  since he's #149...and you're like #192 or do you figure YOU beat him by 20?  :stupid  :p
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

There's that Vicadin induced dyslexia working for me today. DOH....192 not 129...I better quit while I still can...
Time to hit the road and build a patio at my Havasu House...Dr. just called and said my pain is normal and heavy physical activity might just make the kidney pebbles start flyin'. No pain no gain he said. :eek
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Like Miller's sig says...I used to be dyslexic, but now I'm KO  :laugh

Have a great weekend in Havasu! And good luck on peeing those pebble!  :good
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

<00FFFF'>OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
Posted by: RiverLiver on Feb. 21 2004,11:43 pm

ouch  :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 22 2004,12:40 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
ouch  :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Loser!!! :rolleyes
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 22 2004,5:04 am

:eek  :eek  :eek  :laugh
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 22 2004,11:06 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
:eek  :eek  :eek  :laugh
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Hey "Postfastracer" you're a whore  :bebe

I had no idea until last night how competitive you little whores are...Knucklehead and RiverLiver were dooking it out last night :fight  :rolleyes  :rotflmao

...Which inspired me to 'catch up' and get back in the top 10  :guns  :D
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 22 2004,11:17 am

:rotflmao Jealousy will get you nowhere!.. :rotflmao
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 22 2004,11:30 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
:rotflmao Jealousy will get you nowhere!.. :rotflmao
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Just want it to get me back in the top 10  :guns  :D
Posted by: RiverLiver on Feb. 22 2004,12:12 pm

:rotflmao  :fouet  :rotflmao
Posted by: AZKC on Feb. 22 2004,1:20 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I beat Scuba by 20 members :stupid How'd that happen? :confused
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

well I'm not really sure :stupid  since he's #149...and you're like #192 or do you figure YOU beat him by 20?  :stupid  :p
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

There's that Vicadin induced dyslexia working for me today. DOH....192 not 129...I better quit while I still can...
Time to hit the road and build a patio at my Havasu House...Dr. just called and said my pain is normal and heavy physical activity might just make the kidney pebbles start flyin'. No pain no gain he said. :eek
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Well from what I've heard passing those stones is as close to the pain a woman goes thru when they have babies :eek And after going thru that about 21 years ago with Bc I;ll have to say no thanks  :alien
Posted by: RiverLiver on Feb. 22 2004,1:43 pm

KH tagging all the trucks LOL
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 22 2004,1:58 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Well from what I've heard passing those stones is as close to the pain a woman goes thru when they have babies :eek And after going thru that about 21 years ago with Bc I;ll have to say no thanks  :alien
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I had a girl friend that had to pass stones a week after giving birth and she said the stones were WORSE then the child birth :eek

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