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Posted by: RVRGIRL on Feb. 23 2004,12:03 pm

Hey all your ladies. Have any of you tried this new TRIM SPA diet pill? I bought it today. I took 2 pills this morning. Not really feeling hungry. Does this stuff really work? OR is it just in your head. Its $40 a bottle. Well just wondering if anyone had any info on it. Thanks in advance.Heather :p
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 23 2004,12:16 pm

Hey I got a country I'll sell ya cheap!.. :laugh  :laugh

Lose weight=Less calories!.. :)
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Feb. 23 2004,12:20 pm

I nooo that.  :bebe  But they seem 2 not make me as hungry.
I started back at the gym. That seems 2 be helping as well. Gives me more energy.
OOOOOOO and by the way!!! YOUR "NOT" a LADY!!!! :D
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 23 2004,12:26 pm

I know I'm a whore remember!. :rotflmao  :rotflmao
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Feb. 23 2004,12:27 pm

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I know I'm a whore remember!. :rotflmao  :rotflmao
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oooooo ok~ I see how you are.. BOY, I might get to 300 post by the end of the day.. :jumpie
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 23 2004,12:44 pm

:laugh  :laugh
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Feb. 23 2004,1:22 pm

Posted by: miller19j on Feb. 23 2004,2:58 pm

Anna Nichole took it and she still looks like Shit…..Come to think of it I don’t think anything would help her.  :D
Posted by: Sleek-Jet on Feb. 23 2004,4:09 pm

John "I'm done golfin' pass me a beer" Daly has Trim Spa on his shirts.  :D  

Nobody says you have to use the sponser's product.  :D
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 23 2004,7:03 pm

No shit huh!. :laugh
Posted by: JustMVG on Feb. 24 2004,12:22 pm

If you look closely to the warning on the bottle and on the package, drink alot of water because the pill might get stuck in you r throat and EXPAND, if any of you remember the diet craze that had you swallowing fiber pills, well guess what Trim spa is just that it expands in side your tummy and tells the tummy it's full, plain and simple , and there's that lovely run to the bathroom just before dinner to get rid of all of that fiber and whatelse that the stuff is made of, the wife and i wanted to lose a few pounds, those of you that know me and have seen me know that i need to lose a few no a bunch, so being the good/whipped hubby that i am i tried it with the wife, i took a total of ten and gave up, walking the dog and using the tread mill when its raining has lost me ten more pounds then the 40 buck Trim Spa stuff.

Just my 2 cents worth, if you believe it will work for you then go for it, it just did not pan out for us.

Mike VG
Posted by: OceansidePat on Feb. 24 2004,12:47 pm

My wife used trim spa for 2 months and had no luck ..she did lose 5 lbs but that was only durring the first month ..I guess everyone is different...but it is pricey she joined a health club instead ...anyway nice talking to you
Posted by: Mrs.Bordsmnj on Feb. 24 2004,12:49 pm

Heather, I just tried those and so far, I have yet to notice any difference in my appetite or the size of my ass!   :eek    :D   I have tried them all too, Hydroxycut, TrimSpa, Zantrex, etc. and while they all to seem to give a little energy boosts, for the most part, they haven't worked.  I have found excercise and healthier eating works best.  

Now if only I would listen to my own advice and excercise and eat healthier......... :beat  :beat

Good luck!   :kiss
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Feb. 24 2004,4:32 pm

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Heather, I just tried those and so far, I have yet to notice any difference in my appetite or the size of my ass!   :eek    :D   I have tried them all too, Hydroxycut, TrimSpa, Zantrex, etc. and while they all to seem to give a little energy boosts, for the most part, they haven't worked.  I have found excercise and healthier eating works best.  

Now if only I would listen to my own advice and excercise and eat healthier......... :beat  :beat

Good luck!   :kiss
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

<000080'>Well I have only been on the Trim Spa for 2 days now. I don't really see that big of change in my appetite. Maybe just a little. BUT I did sign back up with the gym so hopefully that will help as well. Will have 2 wait and see. I just don't understand how all the girls on here on sooo skinny and perfect looking. I want the secret.. :stupid  :confused
Posted by: BigBoyToys on Feb. 24 2004,4:53 pm

<00FFFF'>The ONLY way to diet is to eat less and EXCERCISE.  All of these diet pills with their false claims are just making somebody rich.  Just like that Atkins diet BS......WTF is up with that?  That dude was HUGE!  I consume a TON of carbs and a TON of Saturated Fat EVERY DAY and can't get over 190 lbs. (I'm 6'1").
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 24 2004,7:09 pm

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The ONLY way to diet is to eat less and EXCERCISE.  
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Right on the money! :good  :good I can sniff food and gain weight! :angry Back in 83 I went from 292 down to 160 which is where I still am today, it took me 9 months to do it. I went from barely walking a 1/2 mile to running 5 miles in 35 minutes in 8 months. The worst part about the whole deal was going without beer for 6 months! :angry ....But I did it :good , and I AIN'T doing it again! :D
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Feb. 24 2004,8:14 pm

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The ONLY way to diet is to eat less and EXCERCISE.  
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Right on the money! :good  :good I can sniff food and gain weight! :angry Back in 83 I went from 292 down to 160 which is where I still am today, it took me 9 months to do it. I went from barely walking a 1/2 mile to running 5 miles in 35 minutes in 8 months. The worst part about the whole deal was going without beer for 6 months! :angry ....But I did it :good , and I AIN'T doing it again! :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

<000080'>Well what kind of diet were you on? If any? I can't run with my bad knee. I do walk on the treadmill. I like doing that.
Posted by: BigBoyToys on Feb. 24 2004,9:35 pm

<00FFFF'>Walking on a treadmill is cool, as long as ya keep in mind that you don't really even start burning off fat until after about a 1/2 hour of walking.....
Posted by: Mrs big boy toys on Feb. 24 2004,10:00 pm

<00FFFF'>I too started going back to the gym last week. I work out on the stair stepper or the tread mill for 40 minutes then do some weight lifting on the other machines. I have tried so many of those diet pills and they don't work. I eat less fat and I'm tring to eat  better. I do have more energy and sleep better at night. Good luck Heather.
Posted by: BigBoyToys on Feb. 24 2004,10:06 pm

<00FFFF'>I excercise alot myself.  Sleep in the chair, wakeup, walk over to the bed, sleep in the bed, wakeup, walk over to the chair, sleep in the chair, wakeup, walk to the bed ........... :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :sleep  :sleep   Oh yeah, then there's that excercise that I get from eating all of that White Chocolate (I love white chocolate :good )  :bebe  :laugh
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Feb. 24 2004,10:20 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I too started going back to the gym last week. I work out on the stair stepper or the tread mill for 40 minutes then do some weight lifting on the other machines. I have tried so many of those diet pills and they don't work. I eat less fat and I'm tring to eat  better. I do have more energy and sleep better at night. Good luck Heather.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

<000080'>Yes, I like the stair stepper as well. It's just hard on my knee so I can't do it for very long. I love the weights. Also really like the ab crunch machine. That one is great.
Posted by: JustMVG on Feb. 24 2004,11:03 pm

I just wanted to say a little about the Atkins diet, i tried it some years ago, i weighed in then at 325, i drooped down to 174, i am not shitting anyone, but i worked out with weights and rode my bike each day before work, i worked the second shift so that gave me time to ride everyday, i wish i had been able to keep up that kind of workout, hell if i did i wouldn't be back up to 250, working on getting that down now too, regardless of the wife trying to sabotage my diet, damn she's a good cook though, oh well, any way Atkins works i will swear to that, but i see way too much "attached" to the Atkins name and i think thats fooling too many folks and therefore they don't get the results, INSTANT!!, results they think they're going to get, it took me 11 months to drop all those pounds and four and a half years to get them back on.

Good luck to all of you trying to make it to your goal weight, it can be done, Mike VG
Posted by: BigBoyToys on Feb. 25 2004,3:20 am

<00FFFF'>Congrats!  Yes, ANY DIet can work as long as there's plenty of excercise involved.  I heard on the News the other night and they did a study at some college back east like Harvard or something, and said that the results between a Low Carb diet versus a Low Fat diet were about the same.  I guess that the main thing is that if a person truely believes that a certain diet will help them, and they stick to it along with excercise, they will all work :D
Posted by: BigBoyToys on Feb. 25 2004,3:23 am

<00FFFF'>But you've got to hang in there strong and stick to it.  The ones that don't make it on the diets are the ones that aren't committed to it enough.
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 25 2004,5:02 am

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Well what kind of diet were you on? If any? I can't run with my bad knee. I do walk on the treadmill. I like doing that.
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I went on Herbalife, one meal and two shakes a day and the vitamins three times a day. I also had a very physical job at the time and I would go to the GYM in the evening, I lost a pound a day, that's what gave me the incentive, every day I got on the scale and I saw another pound gone, yeahhh kick ass!.. :good And I was never tired and always had energy!.. :good
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 25 2004,5:04 am

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Walking on a treadmill is cool, as long as ya keep in mind that you don't really even start burning off fat until after about a 1/2 hour of walking.....
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

The ideal cardio workout is to bring up yor heart rate up in 10 minutes and keep it there for 20 minutes, regardless of the type workout!. :good

Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 25 2004,5:10 am

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I too started going back to the gym last week. I work out on the stair stepper or the tread mill for 40 minutes then do some weight lifting on the other machines. I have tried so many of those diet pills and they don't work. I eat less fat and I'm tring to eat  better. I do have more energy and sleep better at night. Good luck Heather.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

You're absolutely right, all those pills are bullshit!.The only way to lose weight is exercize and LOW calorie intake!.. :good

A tip: Go easy on the weights while losing or you will put on mass, you want light weights and do a lot of reps to tighten up!. :good
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 25 2004,5:17 am

One thing about this low carb crap that's going around, if you're very active you need the carbs or you will not have any energy to work out and you'll be tired all the time, don't forget you burn the carbs when you workout!...It all boils down to one thing, "Calories". Oh, gobbing down a box of Twinkies after a workout don't cut it either!.. :laugh
Posted by: AZKC on Feb. 25 2004,5:54 am

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Walking on a treadmill is cool, as long as ya keep in mind that you don't really even start burning off fat until after about a 1/2 hour of walking.....
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

The ideal cardio workout is to bring up yor heart rate up in 10 minutes and keep it there for 20 minutes, regardless of the type workout!. :good
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Sounds like to much work. I'll stick to my walking to the beer fridge and back workout :beer
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 25 2004,6:32 am

:laugh  :laugh
Posted by: jordy on Feb. 25 2004,7:56 am

Losing weight isn't rocket science.  It's very simple.  You have to put out more than you take in.  That is, you have to run your body at a deficit where you're burning more calories than you're consuming.   :)

Oh and the worst thing for you is the  :beer    :(
Posted by: Mrs big boy toys on Feb. 25 2004,11:32 am


---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I too started going back to the gym last week. I work out on the stair stepper or the tread mill for 40 minutes then do some weight lifting on the other machines. I have tried so many of those diet pills and they don't work. I eat less fat and I'm tring to eat  better. I do have more energy and sleep better at night. Good luck Heather.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Yes, I like the stair stepper as well. It's just hard on my knee so I can't do it for very long. I love the weights. Also really like the ab crunch machine. That one is great.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I to have bad knees (arthritis) not to bad. I just have to be careful...I drink Slimfast shakes and the meal bars. They seem to work better then pills.... :) I also like the ab cruncher machine to...

Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 25 2004,11:49 am

Anything to burn calories!. :good
Posted by: Wifey on Feb. 25 2004,12:17 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Hey all your ladies. Have any of you tried this new TRIM SPA diet pill? I bought it today. I took 2 pills this morning. Not really feeling hungry. Does this stuff really work? OR is it just in your head. Its $40 a bottle. Well just wondering if anyone had any info on it. Thanks in advance.Heather :p
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

I didn't read the other accept my apologies if I'm repeating someone else.  :)

I don't know if I would trust a product that claims it has helped "Anna Nicole Smith" because she is still pretty large in that Trim Spa commercial.  :(

If it is curbing your eating habits, then it's doing something...but make sure it's something you can keep control of once you're off of it.

I did that "Hollywood" diet once and lost 9 pounds...and kept it off, but only because I had gained 10 pounds over night and basically the fasting got me back down to my normal for loosing the additional 15 I'd like to...well I think it's just going to take less food, more exercise, and a longer amount of time then I'd like.  :(

Unfortunately I think I'll end up staying at the happy weight I am, because I'm not good at dieting or exercising  :D

Good Luck with your quest!  :good Check out "" it's a great place to keep track of what you're doing!!! I love fitday!!! :jumpie
Posted by: JustMVG on Feb. 25 2004,11:15 pm

It looks like Anna Nicole, used the product, probably had to, but quit the meds she seemed to taking , she seems a little bit better when talking and doing interviews, just getting away from all the BS meds they had her on will cause her to lose weight, simple bloating from the meds or steroids they had her on.
Posted by: catsmeow on Feb. 26 2004,6:15 pm

<00FFFF'>RG if your looking for a diet pill that actually works today, forget about it.  I've tried them all in the last year.  They made Effedrine illegal or at least they are taking it off the shelves and that's what was in the diet pills that worked.  It turns out that effedrine is the drug of choice for drug dealers to cut thier speed and crystal and coke with.  So because of them we have to loose weight the old fashioned way... excercise and eating better.   :cry   It's just not fare that some bad apples blow it for the rest of us.  :(    ;)
Posted by: gorillastyle on Feb. 26 2004,6:24 pm

<810541'>I went on the atkins last year lost 50 #   but it turned me into a drunk you can not have beer so I drank Crown Royal :drink
Posted by: Mrs big boy toys on Feb. 26 2004,7:19 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I too started going back to the gym last week. I work out on the stair stepper or the tread mill for 40 minutes then do some weight lifting on the other machines. I have tried so many of those diet pills and they don't work. I eat less fat and I'm tring to eat  better. I do have more energy and sleep better at night. Good luck Heather.
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

You're absolutely right, all those pills are bullshit!.The only way to lose weight is exercize and LOW calorie intake!.. :good

A tip: Go easy on the weights while losing or you will put on mass, you want light weights and do a lot of reps to tighten up!. :good
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

<00FFFF'>I have been using less weights and more reps.I don't want to over do it and look like a female body builder...  :eek :D
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 26 2004,7:24 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I have been using less weights and more reps.I don't want to over do it and look like a female body builder...  :eek :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

There ya go, keep up the good work!. :good  :good  :good
Posted by: Mrs big boy toys on Feb. 26 2004,7:26 pm

<00FFFF'>:D  thanks...
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Feb. 26 2004,7:29 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
:D  thanks...
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

You're welcome, just remember if I did it you can do it!.. :good  :good
Posted by: OceansidePat on Feb. 27 2004,4:54 pm

Anna Nicole Smith is still a Goddess even if she is chunky after being on trim spa....but she still talks like an idiot..but who wants to talk anyway! ;)
Posted by: looky_lou on Feb. 28 2004,1:20 am

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Anna Nicole Smith is still a Goddess even if she is chunky after being on trim spa....but she still talks like an idiot..but who wants to talk anyway! ;)
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Anna has lost more weight since the ads for TrimSpa. I saw her on some late night talk show a couple of weeks ago. She is still a big woman and always will be though. :)
Posted by: docjeff on Feb. 28 2004,8:11 am

No I'm not a female but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents anyway.  I can't diet cause I love to eat.  So I've tried just running lifting etc. but I'm always hungier when I work out, so of course I lose some fat, but the weight never changed.  Had a buddy of mine that lost 40lbs on the south beach diet, so I figured for $7 for the book I'd give it a try.

I'm 6'3" went from 225 to 205 in 2 months.  Still work out 4-5 days a week and have just as much energy as I did when I was eating carbs everyday.  You only do 2 weeks of absolutely no carbs and then you switch to only eating "good" carbs (no potatoes, beer or rice).

I'm no southbeach salesman, but about 30 people have asked me how I lost the weight and they're all trying it.  

Bottom line like everyone else said is you need to burn more calories than you take in, but this is a nice in between solution where you can still eat, but you do lose some weight.

Sorry for rambling,   :phone
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Feb. 28 2004,8:34 am

<000080'>Thank's everyone for all your info. NOW if I could just find someone 2 go 2 the gym with me. ;)
So does anyone belong 2 Havasu Fitness?

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