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+---Topic: Alcohoroscopes started by RVRGIRL

Posted by: RVRGIRL on Mar. 09 2004,8:20 pm

Posted by: RVRGIRL on Mar. 09 2004,8:21 pm

<000080'>Im a Tauras! This seems about right.
Drinking style:

Taurus prefers to drink at a leisurely pace, aiming for a mellow glow rather than a full on zonk. Since a truly intoxicated Taurus is a one-person stampede, the kind of bull-in-a-china-shop inebriate who spills red wine on white carpets and tells fart jokes to employers, the preference for wining and dining (or Bud and buddies) to body shots and barfing is quite fortunate for the rest of us.  This is not to say that the Bull is by any means a teetotaler -- god, no. A squiffy Taurus will get, er, gregarious (full of loudmouth soup, some would say) and is extremely amusing to drag to a karaoke bar when intoxicated.
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Mar. 10 2004,4:39 am

:good  :good
Posted by: BigBoyToys on Mar. 10 2004,6:01 am

<00FFFF'>Sorry, I don't download so I guess I missed it :confused
Posted by: GoFastRacer on Mar. 10 2004,6:45 am

Oh well!.. :rotflmao  :rotflmao
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Mar. 10 2004,7:56 am

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Sorry, I don't download so I guess I missed it :confused
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<000080'>Here's yours~Drinking style:

If you're a Pisces, you've probably already heard that you share a sign -- and an addictive personality -- with Liz Taylor, Liza Minelli and Kurt Cobain. Not only do Pisces like to lose themselves in the dreamy, out-there feeling that only hooch can give, but they build up a mighty tolerance fast.  Who needs an expensive date like that? On the other hand, they’re fabulously enchanting partners, whether in conversation or in crime.  With the right Pisces, you can start out sharing a pitcher of margaritas and wind up in bed together for days. The phrase "addictive personality" can be read two ways, you know.
Posted by: My Man's Sportin' Wood on Mar. 10 2004,8:26 am

Drinking style:

Capricorn is usually described as practical, steadfast, money-hungry and status-thirsty -- no wonder they get left off the astrological cocktail-party list. But this is the sign of David Bowie and Annie Lennox, not to mention Elvis. Capricorn is the true rock star:  independent, powerful and seriously charismatic, not too eager to please. And if they make money being themselves, who are you to quibble? But just like most rock stars, they're either totally on or totally off, and they generally need a little social lubricant to loosen up and enjoy the after party, especially if they can hook up with a cute groupie.

So true it's scary. :eek
Posted by: Big H on Mar. 10 2004,9:48 am

Pisces!  :good  :good
Posted by: RVRGIRL on Mar. 10 2004,10:05 am

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Pisces!  :good  :good
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<000080'>Drinking style:

If you're a Pisces, you've probably already heard that you share a sign -- and an addictive personality -- with Liz Taylor, Liza Minelli and Kurt Cobain. Not only do Pisces like to lose themselves in the dreamy, out-there feeling that only hooch can give, but they build up a mighty tolerance fast.  Who needs an expensive date like that? On the other hand, they’re fabulously enchanting partners, whether in conversation or in crime.  With the right Pisces, you can start out sharing a pitcher of margaritas and wind up in bed together for days. The phrase "addictive personality" can be read two ways, you know.

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