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+---Topic: Birthday Gift Ideas started by Wifey

Posted by: Wifey on July 20 2004,10:49 am

Everyone keeps e-mailing and PMing me asking for B-day gift ideas for Mr. Miller.

Mr. Miller is very sure he just wants you guys to come to his party and that is gift enough. But you all still insist on some here is all I can come up with:  :D

As you all know he loves his Single Malt Scotch (the 'peat' taste is what he likes)

Legos (he loves playing with legos)  :rolleyes

Gag gifts (anything PINK...he just loves PINK as we all know)  :p

Cheap Anchors (as we are always getting ours stolen or run over)  :rolleyes

Floating Rope (useful in many ways)  :love  :rotflmao

Those yellow (or PINK) bouy thingys that you use when making an anchor/rope set up.

A whistle (or some sort of 'emergency' boat signal thing...that doesn't blow up in the heat)  :p

Swim Trunks 34 (he blows out the butt in his trunks ALL THE TIME when don't bother with 'expensive' those cheapy trunks work great!;)

That Brady Bunch fake grass to lay on the ground when camping

Pink Flamingos to go with the fake grass  :rotflmao

RV/Camper style magaine rack (oak)

Venison Cook Book(s)

A propeller hitch cover is kind of a fun thing

For those of you that want to spend the BIG BUCKS...feel free to get a water proof stero for our boat...ha, ha  :laugh

I hope those ideas help? :stupid He's not easy to shop for...he truly and honestly is happy that you guys are making the drive up...that is present enough! :good and he has stated NO GIFTS!  :angry  so if you choose to bring one, beware of Miller's wrath!  :fouet  :p
Posted by: miller19j on July 20 2004,11:00 am

I really don’t want any gifts.

Guys you can give me a Boat ride  and the Gals can give me a gig hug. That’s all I need.  :good
Posted by: Wifey on July 20 2004,12:34 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I really don’t want any gifts.

Guys you can give me a Boat ride  and the Gals can give me a gig hug. That’s all I need.  :good
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

Big hug my ass :rolleyes ...I'm sure you were thinking a lap dance  :D
Posted by: Kim Hanson on July 20 2004,12:50 pm

A propeller hitch cover is kind of a fun thing

-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

You have to attach it to the boat trailer though :good  :jumpie  :rotflmao
Posted by: yard barg on July 20 2004,1:37 pm


Posted by: Sleek-Jet on July 20 2004,2:00 pm

I was going to get you a trial dosage of Enzyte (you know, now that your getting older I figured Wifey would appreciate that :D ) .

And did I see that you want a "gig" hug???   :rainbow  :rainbow Does he know that you want one??  :ass

Posted by: AZKC on July 20 2004,3:46 pm

A Big Gig Hug :laugh
Posted by: Wifey on July 20 2004,3:51 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
give me a gig hug. That’s all I need.  :good
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------'s true...he's asking for a GIG hug  :laugh

And Sleek...I promise you he needs NOTHING like what you're suggesting...I'm praying for the day that his manhood slows down.  :D
Posted by: Wifey on July 21 2004,12:35 pm

Just want everyone to know that Mr. Miller was not happy I posted this thread...he really truly just wants you guys to come and have a good time...that is present enough for please don't fret...take him for his word...he's being honest when he says it...he wants you guys to have a good time for his b-day!!!  :beer  :grouphug  :beer
Posted by: ICETOM on July 21 2004,2:37 pm

So now I need to find the reciept for that new boat stereo and the rare bottle of scotch I had imported.. :D
Posted by: Wifey on July 21 2004,6:04 pm

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
So now I need to find the reciept for that new boat stereo and the rare bottle of scotch I had imported.. :D
-----------------------QUOTE END--------------------

:rotflmao Something like that would serve him right!  :rotflmao

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