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Sleek-JetMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 05 2003,5:12 pm Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Ok, first I have a little confession to make.  My place in Durango is in a trailer park... that's right laugh it up everyone.
I don't want to buy anything here and this is the best situation I could find, and it's actually alot nicer than the houses I could afford around here.

Anyway, I've got this little racoon problem, the fuckers keep getting under the house, and they've crapped everywhere behind the house.  So today, I went and bought some stuff to try and fix that.  I get behind the house, and here is this sticky note that says, and I quote;

"Please be a good neighbor and stop dumping dog shit in other people's yards, Thanks."

Now this is wrong on some many levels.  First, whatever comes out the ass end of a raccoon doesn't smell,  none, nada stink.  Anybody had a good wiff of dog crap lately?
Second, I don't have a dog, my schedule doesn't allow it.  
Third, this fuck is so chicken shit that he doesn't even say his name or space #.

I'm trying to decide if I should have a door knocking campaign, or leave a replying note telling this dick head he's a tool, or just ignore it.

Edited by Sleek-Jet on Dec. 05 2003,5:15 pm

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 05 2003,5:16 pm Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Well I think you are the only one on this board with a plane, so it evens out. :rotflmao

That note business is a bunch of BS though.  I say you leave your own note next to the note they left you. :D

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 05 2003,6:38 pm Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

So the neighbor/bors think the racoon crap is your dog crap.  If your trying to fix the problem I'd ignore the note :sleep Racoons are a pain in the ass. And as far as a trailer goes, I'll probably be "livin in a van down by the river" so your one up on me     :drink

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 05 2003,8:20 pm Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Look in the magazine for articles about dealing with coons and neighbors...!

Edited by Jetboat Brian on Dec. 08 2003,4:55 am

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 06 2003,10:23 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I'd have to say you've found yourself in a pretty "shitty" situation.  :D  I don't know what I'd do other than laugh about it.  It sounds like your neighbor(s) are pretty lame though.  :stupid.  You may want to make mention to the next neighbor you talk to that you are having probs with Racoons and see if they are having the same problem.  Then they may realize how stupid they are.  Of course you don't know which one it was, but if you mention it to enough of them, eventually you'll reach the right one.  ;)  

Good luck with that problem.

I had a prob once with Racoons myself.  My old can Midnight was the neighborhood stud.  He was so popular with the neighbors cats that when I'd come home to find 2 or three extra cats there that I did not own.  He always threw the parties.  :D  I'm very serious about the neighbors cats being at my house all the time.  But when Midnight got board of them, he'd bring the Racoons over.  It turns out that he had this one girlfriend that was a racoon that had no where to go to have her babies, so he invited her to have them at my house.  He was go good hearted, but RACOONS?  I had to draw the line somewhere.  I threw out the chair that she had her babies on when she was out one day with them and I never saw her or her babies again.  But for about a month I fed her.  She was at least kind enough to use the cat box though.  :)   You may want to think about a cat box and litter investment.  :good :D

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 06 2003,3:16 pm Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sleek-Jet @ Dec. 05 2003,5:12 pm)
Ok, first I have a little confession to make.  My place in Durango is in a trailer park... that's right laugh it up everyone.
I don't want to buy anything here and this is the best situation I could find, and it's actually alot nicer than the houses I could afford around here.

Anyway, I've got this little racoon problem, the fuckers keep getting under the house, and they've crapped everywhere behind the house.  So today, I went and bought some stuff to try and fix that.  I get behind the house, and here is this sticky note that says, and I quote;

"Please be a good neighbor and stop dumping dog shit in other people's yards, Thanks."

Now this is wrong on some many levels.  First, whatever comes out the ass end of a raccoon doesn't smell,  none, nada stink.  Anybody had a good wiff of dog crap lately?
Second, I don't have a dog, my schedule doesn't allow it.  
Third, this fuck is so chicken shit that he doesn't even say his name or space #.

I'm trying to decide if I should have a door knocking campaign, or leave a replying note telling this dick head he's a tool, or just ignore it.

Mine is a modular home also,1800 square feet! Biggest around for blocks and guess what, you can afford more boats all the time :jumpie  :jumpie

I would keep all those and bag them and throw them in his truck one night, up under the seat..that worksgood! Since he's a fucktard pack his tail pipe with spuds, sure sounds cool when the exhaust leaves the truck :rotflmao  :good

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 07 2003,7:54 pm Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Yeah, I'm kinda of just laughing it off right now, the note just kinda rubbed me the wrong way.  But if I get another one... I won't be able to let that slide.  

KC, I live in a "premanufactured home" down by the river.  Literally, the Animas river is about 150 yards from my house.  In the winter there is a huge elk heard that hangs out in the flats across the river from me... it's pretty cool.  I'll try to get some pics this year.  


Oh, and JBB, that's a pretty strong statement from somebody that lives in the "Land of Cotton".  Gone on any rafting trips w/ your banjo playing buddies?   :bebe

Edited by Sleek-Jet on Dec. 07 2003,7:56 pm

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Trailer Park CasanovaMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 07 2003,8:04 pm Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sleek-Jet @ Dec. 05 2003,5:12 pm)
Ok, first I have a little confession to make.  My place in Durango is in a trailer park... that's right laugh it up everyone.

Hey wait a minute, who's laughing?

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 07 2003,8:13 pm Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sleek-Jet @ Dec. 05 2003,5:12 pm)
Ok, first I have a little confession to make.  My place in Durango is in a trailer park... that's right laugh it up everyone.

Headed for the trailer park myself.  Or maybe even the back of a pickup truck :eek

Leave a note next to the one that was left there.  And make sure you tell them in so many words what an a$$ that they are to ass-u-me that you even had a dog :D  :guns  :guns

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JBBMale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 08 2003,5:00 am Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sleek-Jet @ Dec. 07 2003,10:54 pm)
Oh, and JBB, that's a pretty strong statement from somebody that lives in the "Land of Cotton".  Gone on any rafting trips w/ your banjo playing buddies?   :bebe

Strong statement ....No... just a little joke ...with practice you will learn to tell the difference :D

I have deleted the offensive image in an effort to keep it drama here!..  :good

Rafting trip....What a great Idea!...  :plane

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 08 2003,11:39 am Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

JBB, I though it pretty funny, I was just giving you crap.   :good

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 08 2003,2:01 pm Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I would leave a big  piece of paper with chocolate hand prints all over it , and invite them over for dinner -  main corse , of course - shit on a shingle ... buahaahahaha   ohh yea - I just bought a  portable home  1600 square feet - I will be building a new house ( wanted the land)  nice moblil- but i have plans for a nice garage /shop  under the house  :good

adios pussy cat
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yard bargMale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: Dec. 08 2003,2:05 pm Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

hey , i wonder if you put down sticky rat strips if the coons will shake their feet like a cats with tape - might be worth getting drunk and trying ....  :beer  ohh and one big biker party will usually shut the neibors up    don't forget the hookers  :bebe

adios pussy cat
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