HDF Bronze Supporter Jack of all trades. Master of none.
Tucson Posts: 16,439
APPD 2.02 Post Rank: 5 1979 20ft Hawaiian Moonraker
Posted: Dec. 10 2003,6:54 am
Post # 1
Got this in an email today from CitiBank
Dear Citbiank Cardholder,
This e-mail was ssent by the Citibank sevrer to veerify your e-mail adderss. You must coptelme this pcesors by clicking on the link below and enteering in the smal window your Citi ATM/Debit card nummber and Pin that you use on Atm. This is done for your porctetion -l- becouse some of our members no lngoer have acsces to their email adreessds and we must verify it.
To veerify your e-mail adderss and access your Citi-Bank account, clic on the link beloow. If ntohing hapepns when you click on the link -P coppy and pastte the link into the adderss bar of your web browser.