HDF Supporter Boat Racer
Hemet, CA Posts: 2,314
APPD 0.30 Post Rank: 28
Posted: Dec. 21 2003,12:20 am
Post # 1
OK; it's 12:15AM and you clowns haven't posted one pic from DD's Christmas party! I am so bummed not to mention disappointed not to mention surprised not to mention.....ah screw it! Thanx Dave and Linda for welcomin' us into your home and bein' such a gracious host and hostess again! My social calendar, as pitiful as it is, is goin' to be even more pitiful when you guys get moved to YOUDAHO. We had a great time and it was nice seein' "da oldies" and makin' acquaintences with"da newbies". I'm just thankful I got outta there before "Tarzan" made an appearance in his leopard skin speedo!
"My lifestyle determines my deathstyle!" -Metallica
Okay, I just got home.  Great party!   I'm gonna try to forget the dude in the leopard skin speedo and chaps   and concentrate on the trio of hotties who were having a good time ...something tells me there's some awesome pics out there.  77Charger, Gigamurph and wife, the Knuckleheads, Scuba Steve and wife, HD and Mary, thanks for a great time.  DD and Linda you are the best hosts.  Sorry I didn't make any of your other parties and even sorrier that your heading up to Idaho.  Good night all...SandbarScot is going nite-nite.  Â
knuckle head
Aquarius "Stupid Bitch"
Encinitas Ca./The island of Roatan Posts: 2,775
APPD 0.34 Post Rank: 22
Posted: Dec. 21 2003,7:21 am
Post # 3
Great to see everyone again! A great time was had by all thanks to DD & Linda. Gigamurph I hope you don't get the flu and if you do you can blame Shelli not me 77Charger & Sandbarscot It was great to meet you both again (I am sure I met both of you at OPC-V but I may have had to many that day )
I will put everyone on alert as of now! Dave & Linda are moving around the 24th of January. So look for a Going away party thread that will be posted in the next few days
bordsmnj Hot Boater
garden grove,ca Posts: 284
APPD 0.04 Post Rank: 82 22 Stoker.
Posted: Dec. 21 2003,7:05 pm
Post # 5
sorry we missed it ,you guys. sounds like it woulda been fun.we're kinda caught up in x-mas crap and other stuff,getting the house ready for family invasion,etc.
Havasu Doug
HDF Gold Supporter Delta Tau Chi - ΔTX
North Padre Island, Texas Posts: 12,188
APPD 1.50 Post Rank: 7 '78 Challenger jet
Posted: Dec. 21 2003,7:36 pm
Post # 7
Thanks Dave and Linda! I had a great time! It was great to see everyone again and meet some new people as well. What a small world. A guy from my company that shared mutual friends with me and a couple that shopped at my store until the lockout. Oh and SandbarScot!, it was great to finally meet you.
HDF Supporter Chillin' in the Pacific Northwest
Spokane, WA Posts: 5,940
APPD 0.74 Post Rank: 12
Posted: Dec. 21 2003,9:11 pm
Post # 11
A little off topic but....Moving to Idaho huh? Hmmmm....we have been looking at, and seriously considering, moving there ourselves. Where in Idaho is DD moving to?
Scorpio Born to Hang
Boise, Idaho Posts: 292
APPD 0.04 Post Rank: 79
Posted: Dec. 22 2003,8:35 am
Post # 12
Thanks to everyone for showing up. We enjoyed having everyone over. It wasnt the huge blowout that we had last year, although it doesnt help that half of the state has the flu right now.
We are moving to a town just outside of Boise. The climate is very similiar to what we have here in Riverside, minus the assload of people and smog.
Anyhow, great seeing everyone again, and meeting some new people (Sandbar Scot). -DD Out
In New Orleans, women get fake jewelry to show real boobs, In SoCal, women get real jewelry to show fake boobs.
Leo Pinto
Lancaster, CA Posts: 776
APPD 0.10 Post Rank: 47
Posted: Dec. 22 2003,7:55 pm
Post # 13
We missed a great party, except what is with the chaps and leopard underwear
DD have a safe trip and enjoy the new location, I wish the best to you and Linda. If you come out to one of the future events we will have room for you guys in our boat