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Sleek-JetMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 07 2004,6:52 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Well, since I logged more windshield time than flight time over the last couple weeks, here's a little rant.

Driving lights: Congradulations ass-hole, you have a couple really freaking bright aux lights on that POS rice rocket.  Now, if we were running the Paris-Dakar or maybe even the old B to V race it would be great.  But since were sitting in traffic on I-15 New Years eve, and those fuckers are blinding me and everyone else, TURN THEM OFF!!!

Highway Patrol/Police:  Oh shit, a cop. :eek  Everyone slow to 10 mph below the speed limit, or else we'll all get tickets.  Here's a clue to all the rocket scientists out there, you won't get a speeding ticket for doing the speed limit, dumbass.

The horn:  Ok, butt-munch.  The car ahead of me moved 20 ft then stopped, we aren't going much further.  So if you honk one more time to get me to inch forward (like that's going to help), they are going to have to surgically remove the horn button from your ass.

Ok, I feel better.  While sittling on I-15 headed back to Vegas, I saw this bumper sticker (again)

"Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them"

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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 07 2004,6:55 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Hmmm, another great day on the highways!.. :rotflmao
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 07 2004,8:54 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Don’t even get me started on Dip-shits passing me and slowing down when I am on Cruise Control!  :rolleyes

Hey Sleek Bite Me!
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 07 2004,9:55 am Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Have a nice trip home did ya Sleek :laugh

One of my favorites is the losers driving Jetta's on I-5 that come haulin ass thru traffic on the right then get pissed when you won't let them in to pass the truck everyone else was passing thats why the right lane is empty :guns

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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 07 2004,11:18 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Holy shit Sleek, check me out:  405 from Torrance to Sherman Oaks every day.  24 miles- minimum 1 hour to get each way.  I'm a fucking robot now.  Been doing it for 8 years.  I get in my car and check out!!  It's almost scary cuz when I get home I have no memeory of the last hour!  If I couldn't somehow turn myself off mentally like that I would be murdering people regularly!!!

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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 07 2004,11:24 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (AZKC @ Jan. 07 2004,8:55 am)
Have a nice trip home did ya Sleek :laugh

One of my favorites is the losers driving Jetta's on I-5 that come haulin ass thru traffic on the right then get pissed when you won't let them in to pass the truck everyone else was passing thats why the right lane is empty :guns

Funny you single out Jetta's here...what you got against them anyway? Fine German engineering :bebe
But I sympathise with you on the jackoffs who seem to think they are special and deserve to cut off and bolt in front of everyone else. Those kinda people just make me wanna pop it into 4x4 and run right up their ass. :guns  :guns
Merge with courtesy and I'll gladly let you in. :peace

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AZKCMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 07 2004,11:35 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Ziggy @ Jan. 07 2004,12:24 pm)
Quote (AZKC @ Jan. 07 2004,8:55 am)
Have a nice trip home did ya Sleek :laugh

One of my favorites is the losers driving Jetta's on I-5 that come haulin ass thru traffic on the right then get pissed when you won't let them in to pass the truck everyone else was passing thats why the right lane is empty :guns

Funny you single out Jetta's here...what you got against them anyway? Fine German engineering :bebe
But I sympathise with you on the jackoffs who seem to think they are special and deserve to cut off and bolt in front of everyone else. Those kinda people just make me wanna pop it into 4x4 and run right up their ass. :guns  :guns
Merge with courtesy and I'll gladly let you in. :peace

Funny back in the 80's it was Prelude drivers that made me nuts :guns the 90's I don't remember alot of :drink here lately the younger gen X types seem to be buying Jetta's and think their on the Autobahn.  
Nothing wrong with Jetta's just quit selling them to idiot drivers :ass  :D

God is Great, Beer is Good, and People are Crazy......


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Sleek-JetMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 07 2004,11:36 am Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Mirvin @ Jan. 07 2004,12:18 pm)
Holy shit Sleek, check me out:  405 from Torrance to Sherman Oaks every day.  24 miles- minimum 1 hour to get each way.  I'm a fucking robot now.  Been doing it for 8 years.  I get in my car and check out!!  It's almost scary cuz when I get home I have no memeory of the last hour!  If I couldn't somehow turn myself off mentally like that I would be murdering people regularly!!!

That drive from Barstow to Vegas was done (the first time) on New Years Eve.  I had to drive back from Merced after dropping off an airplane.  It took almost 4 hours to get from Barstow to my mom's place in Vegas.  I was just kind of zoned out the whole time.

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catsmeowFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 09 2004,6:03 pm Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sleek-Jet @ Jan. 07 2004,11:36 am)
Quote (Mirvin @ Jan. 07 2004,12:18 pm)
Holy shit Sleek, check me out:  405 from Torrance to Sherman Oaks every day.  24 miles- minimum 1 hour to get each way.  I'm a fucking robot now.  Been doing it for 8 years.  I get in my car and check out!!  It's almost scary cuz when I get home I have no memeory of the last hour!  If I couldn't somehow turn myself off mentally like that I would be murdering people regularly!!!

That drive from Barstow to Vegas was done (the first time) on New Years Eve.  I had to drive back from Merced after dropping off an airplane.  It took almost 4 hours to get from Barstow to my mom's place in Vegas.  I was just kind of zoned out the whole time.

I use to drive from San Diego to Santa Ana (something like 95 miles one way) every day.  I did the same thing, tune out.  I could not remember how I got home or to work.  But I was there and sober, it's a trip how you go on a sort of autopilot after awhile.  

I don't drive much during traffic anymore, so my road rage has returned in the last few years.  I have to agree with the bumper sticker, There are a lot of people that are alive because it is illegal to kill people.  

I also have to disagree with you miller.  Why are you driving with your cruise control?  Where in California can you do that?  Please tell me that it is at least a 4 lane hwy (2 each way) that you do this on... Unless your on the 5 in the middle of nowhere and its after midnight, there really isn't anywhere I've been in California that cruise control is acceptable.  :)  Sorry Miller, just my oppinion.  :)

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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 09 2004,6:42 pm Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

this is why we moved  :good ,let me help  :drink stop at 7-11 and get a 2-3 beers and a big gulp ,dump out big gulp insert a beer put on big gulp lid ,insert straw,and injoy YOUR SLOW RIDE HOME :good ,SAVE YOUR BIG GULP CUP  ;)  ;) for the next slow ride home :beer

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GoFastRacerMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: Jan. 10 2004,9:06 pm Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (miller19j @ Jan. 07 2004,9:54 am)
Don’t even get me started on Dip-shits passing me and slowing down when I am on Cruise Control!  :rolleyes

Shit that ain't nothin, try going down the road grossing 80,000lbs and some air head bitch in the next lane with two little kids that's going slower than you just moves over in front of you without any warning at all and they are so close that all you can see is the rear window!..Then the best part is when you lay on the horn, the bitch flips you off!.. :angry .
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