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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 02 2004,4:56 pm Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I keep getting a Downloader.MSCache virus on this computer. Norton removes usually all but one of the versions  and their instructions to remove it seem quite a pain in the arse. Whats the skinny on this virus and any tricks to remove it.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 02 2004,5:23 pm Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply - Downloader.MSCache virus
November 14, 2003

Many users  have noticed a problem with a certain website (talkstocks dot net). This virus is very similar to the Trojan.Sinkin (Realphx) virus from earlier in that it spreads itself through AIM profiles. This method is also used to install another virus recognized by Symantec AntiVirus as Downloader.MSCache. The code can infect all versions of Windows including Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP(pro and home).

Infection Methods
This virus is activated when a user visits a malicious website (talkstocks dot net). This site prompts a user to install a browser plugin, and run an executable program. This program installs the Downloader.MSCache virus on a user's computer.

Symptoms and Effects
This virus will:

Install multiple adware and spyware packages.
Add registry keys.
Create numerous offensive Favorites in Internet Explorer.
Try to download code from a website (currently unavailable)
There may be other symptoms that are unknown at this time.

There are two steps to removing this virus from your computer.

Step 1 - Removing the Talkstocks dot net portion
Windows 2000 and Windows XP
Press 'Ctrl-Shift-Esc'.
Choose the 'Processes' tab.
Select 'b.exe' from the list.
Click 'End Process'.
Go to 'Start/Search/For Files or Folders'.
Search all files and folders for 'b.exe'
Delete files that have the exact name 'b.exe' or 'b'
Click on 'Start/Run...'
Type 'regedit' and press 'Enter'.
Delete the 'Antivirus' key with a value of 'b.exe'.
Close regedit.
Empty the recycle bin.
Restart computer
Reset aim profile by removing the link for the virus.
Windows 98 and Windows ME
Turn on the computer (or if the computer is already on, restart).
While the computer is coming up and before the Windows screen appears, hold down 'F8' until a Windows start-up option screen appears.
Use the up/down arrows to select the 'Safe mode' option.
Press the 'Enter' key.
When the computer has finished loading, go to 'Start/Find/Files or Folders'.
Search all files and folders for 'b.exe'
Delete files that have the exact name 'b.exe' or 'b'
Click on 'Start/Run...'
Type 'regedit' and press 'Enter'.
Delete the 'Antivirus' key with a value of 'b.exe'.
Close regedit.
Empty the recycle bin.
Restart computer
Reset aim profile by removing the link for the virus.

Step 2 - Removing the Downloader.MSCache portion
You can find removal information for the Downloader.MSCache virus at:

This will not remove all traces of the virus from your computer. This will only stop the spread of the virus, and clean up damage from the Downloader.MSCache virus. Several adware/spyware packages are installed with these viruses as well. Many people have had luck in minimizing damage from the worm by running a third-party program to clean up adware such as AdAware or Spybot. You can find these programs on many websites by searching the internet.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 02 2004,5:55 pm Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Like I said  :( What a pain in the arse :break I'm blaming my kid and making him buy me another computer and he can deak with this one :beat

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 02 2004,6:44 pm Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

That sounds easy enough! :good One thing to add to this is when you go to a site and a window pops up and says "Do you wish to download blah,blah,blah" don't do it unless it's something that you want or need, if you don't recognize it, don't do it!..Also I'd get rid of that Norton shit and get a good firewall!...Ok Jim go ahead, nail me to the cross!. :laugh

BTW, you can always format the thing and start new, it's probably due anyhow!.. :D

Edited by GoFastRacer on Feb. 02 2004,6:46 pm
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 02 2004,6:49 pm Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I don't accept hardly any downloads, but I share this thing with a 21 year old, no telling what he does :break

I'm still dickin around with the firewall crap  :comp

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 02 2004,6:49 pm Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (AZKC @ Feb. 02 2004,6:55 pm)
Like I said  :( What a pain in the arse :break I'm blaming my kid and making him buy me another computer and he can deak with this one :beat

KC, I can build ya one for a good price(exactly the way you want it) and it would be a lot better than that store bought junk!.. :good
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 02 2004,6:51 pm Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (AZKC @ Feb. 02 2004,7:49 pm)
I don't accept hardly any downloads, but I share this thing with a 21 year old, no telling what he does :break

I'm still dickin around with the firewall crap  :comp

Get Zone Alarm, it's a no brainer to set up and it works!. :good
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 02 2004,10:37 pm Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ Feb. 02 2004,6:44 pm)
That sounds easy enough! :good One thing to add to this is when you go to a site and a window pops up and says "Do you wish to download blah,blah,blah" don't do it unless it's something that you want or need, if you don't recognize it, don't do it!..Also I'd get rid of that Norton shit and get a good firewall!...Ok Jim go ahead, nail me to the cross!. :laugh

BTW, you can always format the thing and start new, it's probably due anyhow!.. :D

Sounds absolutely correct to me Art :good  :D   The Downloader.MScache is one of thoseWeb based virus that you get typically from porn sites, online casinos, etc.  They don't do any real damage but are a pain in the a$$ to get rid of.  And I agree 100%....Get rid of Norton.  Norton slows down a computer quite a bit and isn't really any better than others IMO.  A little anti-virus program such as AVG along with ZoneAlarm is very effective and doesn't really slow down your PC.  Both programs are available for free downloads off the internet.  Here's a quick solution for your current virus situation;
c:\format c: /q     :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,12:57 am Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

If you don't have some sort of router between the DSL/Cable modem and yer computer, definitely download and install Zone Alarm. It's a must have. Norton's firewall is a joke just as the microsoft's built in one.

A good thing to have on if yer worried about those popups and auto downloading stuff is Spybot ( ). It's freeware and has a hdd scanning part but also a part of it can be turned on and blocks incoming popups and those "accept this and download..." messages. Between that and ad-aware6, you can eliminate all that junk.

Hope the info helps!

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,5:45 am Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Delusion @ Feb. 03 2004,1:57 am)
If you don't have some sort of router between the DSL/Cable modem and yer computer, definitely download and install Zone Alarm. It's a must have. Norton's firewall is a joke just as the microsoft's built in one.

A good thing to have on if yer worried about those popups and auto downloading stuff is Spybot ( ). It's freeware and has a hdd scanning part but also a part of it can be turned on and blocks incoming popups and those "accept this and download..." messages. Between that and ad-aware6, you can eliminate all that junk.

Hope the info helps!

yeah spybot and adaware 6 are great programs. Use them all the time...

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:15 am Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Spybot is a good program! :good One thing that helps also is to keep up on "Windows Update" and download the latest security patches, I just got a notice for one this morning!... :good
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:22 am Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ Feb. 03 2004,6:15 am)
Spybot is a good program! :good One thing that helps also is to keep up on "Windows Update" and download the latest security patches, I just got a notice for one this morning!... :good

Windows update :puke  :rotflmao

I don't trust them fockers at Microsoft  :beat  :laugh

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:23 am Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ Feb. 02 2004,11:37 pm)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ Feb. 02 2004,6:44 pm)
That sounds easy enough! :good One thing to add to this is when you go to a site and a window pops up and says "Do you wish to download blah,blah,blah" don't do it unless it's something that you want or need, if you don't recognize it, don't do it!..Also I'd get rid of that Norton shit and get a good firewall!...Ok Jim go ahead, nail me to the cross!. :laugh

BTW, you can always format the thing and start new, it's probably due anyhow!.. :D

Sounds absolutely correct to me Art :good  :D   The Downloader.MScache is one of thoseWeb based virus that you get typically from porn sites, online casinos, etc.  They don't do any real damage but are a pain in the a$$ to get rid of.  And I agree 100%....Get rid of Norton.  Norton slows down a computer quite a bit and isn't really any better than others IMO.  A little anti-virus program such as AVG along with ZoneAlarm is very effective and doesn't really slow down your PC.  Both programs are available for free downloads off the internet.  Here's a quick solution for your current virus situation;
c:\format c: /q     :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao

Yep I see that "Downloader.MScache" a lot, I just click no! :laugh I see all different ones pop up. I got curious about those so I built a junk computer to try shit out and I've downloaded a few of those, be surprised what happens sometimes :laugh It's kinda fun playing around with that stuff. When the puter fks up, clean it out and start over!..  :good  :laugh
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:26 am Post # 14 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ Feb. 03 2004,7:22 am)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ Feb. 03 2004,6:15 am)
Spybot is a good program! :good One thing that helps also is to keep up on "Windows Update" and download the latest security patches, I just got a notice for one this morning!... :good

Windows update :puke  :rotflmao

I don't trust them fockers at Microsoft  :beat  :laugh

Well I don't have too much faith in Microsoft either but I've never had a problem with Windows Update!.. :stupid Been 8 months now since I cleaned this one out and it's still cruising along just fine!.. :good  :D
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:28 am Post # 15 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (AZKC @ Feb. 02 2004,5:55 pm)
Like I said  :( What a pain in the arse :break I'm blaming my kid and making him buy me another computer and he can deak with this one :beat

Hey AZKC, you should have Art build ya a New PC.  I'm sure he'll give ya the "HD Forums" discount :D   Anymore, the PC's off the shelf are garbage.
Speaking of which, I see that Gateway just purchased EMachines :rolleyes  :stupid   F'ing Great.....Hope we (My Employer) don't have to work on those now :angry  We're already doing the other crappy stuff for Gateway (Plasma TV installs, Wireless Networking, PC Installs, etc)

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:32 am Post # 16 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Well Gateway wasen't great to begin with, E-Machines is a total POS, now they combined for the ultimate POS!.. :rotflmao  :rotflmao
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:33 am Post # 17 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ Feb. 03 2004,6:26 am)
Quote (BigBoyToys @ Feb. 03 2004,7:22 am)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ Feb. 03 2004,6:15 am)
Spybot is a good program! :good One thing that helps also is to keep up on "Windows Update" and download the latest security patches, I just got a notice for one this morning!... :good

Windows update :puke  :rotflmao

I don't trust them fockers at Microsoft  :beat  :laugh

Well I don't have too much faith in Microsoft either but I've never had a problem with Windows Update!.. :stupid Been 8 months now since I cleaned this one out and it's still cruising along just fine!.. :good  :D

Yeah, I know Art.  I too have installed a few updates for Windows, but am real picky on the ones that I choose to install.  I wish they would just come out with 1 good OS and make it great rather than coming out with a new OS every 2 years and mking them worse.  I still use W2k Advanced Server as my primary OS but have been known to run Linux from time to time :jumpie

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:34 am Post # 18 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ Feb. 03 2004,6:32 am)
Well Gateway wasen't great to begin with, E-Machines is a total POS, now they combined for the ultimate POS!.. :rotflmao  :rotflmao

:rotflmao  :rotflmao   Sad, but true  :rotflmao

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:38 am Post # 19 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ Feb. 03 2004,7:33 am)
Yeah, I know Art.  I too have installed a few updates for Windows, but am real picky on the ones that I choose to install.  I wish they would just come out with 1 good OS and make it great rather than coming out with a new OS every 2 years and mking them worse.  I still use W2k Advanced Server as my primary OS but have been known to run Linux from time to time :jumpie

I hear ya, never tryed Linux heard it was pretty good, but I think you're limited to programs though!..If they came out with one good OS then there wouldn't any need for another one and these bastards couldn't get ritcher!.. :rotflmao
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:40 am Post # 20 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Dells seem to last a while but they ar too proprietary and if they have a hardware failure, costs for repair can be high if not under warranty.  (Yes, we also do Dell warranty service :rolleyes )

I see more and more Large Businesses, schools, Government Agencys, etc going with Dell and adding the Extended Commercial Warranty Agreement.  And since they recently moved their Help Desk back to the USA from India, their service should get better, or at least easier to understand what they are saying :rotflmao   Fortunately, we have our own DSP (Dell Service Provider) call center that is in the USA so I've never had a problem with their Help Desk other than lack of knowledge :phone  :eek  :beat

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,6:43 am Post # 21 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ Feb. 03 2004,6:38 am)
Quote (BigBoyToys @ Feb. 03 2004,7:33 am)
Yeah, I know Art.  I too have installed a few updates for Windows, but am real picky on the ones that I choose to install.  I wish they would just come out with 1 good OS and make it great rather than coming out with a new OS every 2 years and mking them worse.  I still use W2k Advanced Server as my primary OS but have been known to run Linux from time to time :jumpie

I hear ya, never tryed Linux heard it was pretty good, but I think you're limited to programs though!..If they came out with one good OS then there wouldn't any need for another one and these bastards couldn't get ritcher!.. :rotflmao

There has been a wave of new applications for Linux.  And many OEM PC/ ServerManufacturers are offering the Linux OS as well as a bundles application package.  The problem is that most people are used to Microsoft applications (ie; Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, etc) And don't want to switch because they don't want to learn something new :stupid

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 03 2004,7:37 am Post # 22 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Thanks for the advice, I'll start working on some of those :break so if you don't here from me for few days you'll know I fixed it :laugh

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