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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,8:57 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I have to vent a little so what better place to do it.  I am in the process of filing a formal complaint against 2 teachers at my kids high school.  One of the teachers is just a total wack job.  We have 1 boy in her class and am getting some strange reports that I've also heard from the neighbors kids also.
1. One day last week she made all of the boys in the classroom line up on one side of the room and she went around to check them to see if they were wearing belts.  She said it's a school rule (It isn't) and if they were not wearing belts the kids were sent to the office.
2. Told the students in class that boys are not allowed to wear hats in class but girls can because they need to "look pretty" School rules are NO hats are allowed to be worn in classroom....period!
There are alot more things on this teacher but you get the idea.

The other teacher I have 2 boys in the same class.  She just straight up doesn't teach!  She hands out homework without going over the subject.  Then, the next day she reviews the homework in class and anyone who says a wrong answer either gets sent to the principals office or sent outside for the remainder of class.  Everyone in class has been sent out at least 1 time.....

I feel that these 2 teachers don't know how to deal with teenagers and they are degrading them by not treating them with dignity and respect.  I also feel that the teacher(s) are discriminating against the kids and also embarrassing them and knocking down their self-esteem.  We have tried getting the kids transferred to another class and when that was denied, we tried transfering them to the other high school in town which was also denied.  SO, I have told the boys that if there is anymore "unreasonable" actions against them by the teachers, tell the teachers no, go to the office, and call me.  I just called the superintendent of schools and told them this and warned them that they ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT ME TO GET THAT CALL FROM THE BOYS because I will raise hell so bad that the devil won't know where he's at!

Sorry 'bout the long winded post....I'm just straight up Pissed off!

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,9:18 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

What grade is this? And I ,have never heard of having to wear a belt as a school rule. Boys as well as the girls, should remove hats in the class. Looking pretty has nothing to do with learning. I truly do not know the whole story, but I can say this.........if you feel the way you do stand tall and stand your ground! No one fights for "THEIR KIDS" better than their own parents!!!!!!! Believe in your children, raise them right, and teach them to stand up for what they believe in............the lesson learned here is bigger than you can imagine! Handle it right and the reward will be worth it! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!! And vent away! Go get 'em DADDY!  :peace  :good  :jumpie

It's a whole new year!

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,9:21 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

BBT;Im sorry to hear this!You have to be careful. The only reason i say that is because i have a freind going through somthing simalar. it all started with the teacher doing something unethical.He went down to the school and raised hell now any time something happens the school blames the son. There reasoning is if the father is a hot head the son is just the same.He is now suing the district because the son gets sent to the office every other day.If anything happens it must have been raymond.He has one teacher that purposly ignores him until he say something or will purposly help another student first.I hope your situation does not go
that far

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,9:30 am Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

The boys are in grades 9 and 10.  I am indeed raising hell over this situation and have threatened the school district with a lawsuit.  The problem is well known by the principal and other parents and I even know of a few parents that have went in and sat through classes just because of this kind of unreasonable actions by these teachers.  It is a brand new high school and new teachers but someone needs to speak up for the kids and not allow them to be subject to this abuse.

I've worked my butt off all of the kids lives to make sure that the kids are raised correctly and all of our kids (5) do not get into any trouble and are very honest typically.  We run a strict household but it is a very loving one and we do not embarrass our kids nor do we knock down their self-esteem.  Therefore, I will not allow anyone else to do it.  Our kids are proud of themselves for what they have accomplished and will accomplish in their lives and I'm gonna keep it that way.  Ain't no 2 bit teacher ghonna come in and destroy what we have worked so hard to achieve!

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,9:35 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (gorillastyle @ Feb. 04 2004,9:21 am)
BBT;Im sorry to hear this!You have to be careful. The only reason i say that is because i have a freind going through somthing simalar. it all started with the teacher doing something unethical.He went down to the school and raised hell now any time something happens the school blames the son. There reasoning is if the father is a hot head the son is just the same.He is now suing the district because the son gets sent to the office every other day.If anything happens it must have been raymond.He has one teacher that purposly ignores him until he say something or will purposly help another student first.I hope your situation does not go
that far

Oh....That would be a BIG mistake on their part to single out my kids because they got bad teachers.  I have been known to take things to the "next level" if the need arrives :D

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,9:38 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

One of the teachers just called and is on the phone with Mrs BBT right now...Details to follow.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,9:45 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Ok....Mrs BBT got frustrated with the teacher on the phone so she handed me the phone :D   I told her that she does not need to be embarrassing the kids and she needs to treat the kids with dignity and respect.  The teacher hung up on me!!!  Now I'm REALLY PISSED! :angry   On my way out the door to go to the high school right now!!!!!!!

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,9:50 am Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Sorry to hear about your troubles. Back in the day my parents had the same problem with a teacher of mine. Mr St John. What a wacko..... I did get transferd to another teacher after a meeting with the princible, the teach, my parents and I.

I hope it works out for you.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,9:51 am Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ Feb. 04 2004,9:45 am)
Ok....Mrs BBT got frustrated with the teacher on the phone so she handed me the phone :D   I told her that she does not need to be embarrassing the kids and she needs to treat the kids with dignity and respect.  The teacher hung up on me!!!  Now I'm REALLY PISSED! :angry   On my way out the door to go to the high school right now!!!!!!!

Holly sh*t  :eek

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,9:54 am Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Somebody call 911 :eek

Put them in their place  :beat Teach my kids and quit f'n around :fight

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,10:16 am Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Ok.....Principal and Vice Principal are in meetings and they have the gates locked at the school.  No access to the teacher :rolleyes  :D
Just got off the phone with the School District office and am filing a formal complaint.  Explained the deal to the folks in charge of the teachers (HR) and they are just beside themselves over the belt incident and that the teacher hung up on me.  Waiting on a return call from Arnold Schwarznegger and if I don't get results there, I'll go to my 33rd cousin (Distant Cousin) Mr. George Bush! :laugh  :D  

It's not what ya know, it's who you know :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,10:18 am Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

J/K......I'll handle this on a local level :guns  :bebe  :laugh  :laugh

I do have numerous calls out to various officials that I am waiting on return calls.  Should be an interesting day.  Especially when 3:00 rolls around and I go pick up the kids from school :jumpie  :jumpie

Edited by BigBoyToys on Feb. 04 2004,10:22 am

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,10:20 am Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I'm so mad I'm shaking (that's my story and I'm sticking to it :D )  But Mrs BBT is here to help keep me calm.....If she would just quit yelling and screaming at the teachers long enough to calm me down that is :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,10:35 am Post # 14 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Your so pissed you probably didn't notice this, but you just became a ranting post hoe :rotflmao

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,10:36 am Post # 15 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

And The school thinks I'm tough on them........ :D  Now they have to deal with "THE BIG MAN".
now I have to go to school myself..... :)

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,10:39 am Post # 16 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Think its safe to leave him home alone :guns  :fight  :beat

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,11:13 am Post # 17 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (AZKC @ Feb. 04 2004,10:35 am)
Your so pissed you probably didn't notice this, but you just became a ranting post hoe :rotflmao

No, I noticed it :D   But you fockers don't have anything to worry about.....I'll never be as big as a PW as you guys :eek  :bebe

Update:  I just got off the phone after having a lengthy conversation, at times a heated discussion, with the vice principal.  He contradicted EVERYTHING the teacher that called told me and when it was all said and done, He was saying, "She did what?!!!!" and "She said What?!!!"  I'm going for the jugular.  Nobody hangs up on me! :phone  :beat   By the end of the month I'll have that teacher ( :rolleyes  I use that term loosely) working for a different Government entity......THE UNEMPLOYMENT OFFICE! :jumpie

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,11:19 am Post # 18 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Also, he (Vice Principal) tried talking me out of filing a formal complaint.  I told him that if the issues are fixed, and not just patched, I'll withdraw my complaint.  Otherwise, let's boogie! :jumpie   I always have and always will stand up to the "System" and have brought up more than a few issues with various Government agencies...... Haven't lost one yet :D   Maybe I intimidate them a bit by my long hair and determined attitude :rotflmao  :rotflmao  Of course, it could be that I have the same name as my dad who had a VERY violent reputation in town (He now lives in Mexico), after he chased a cop with a butcher knife until the cop shot him :jumpie   (Sorry about the jumpie, I don't think too highly of my dad)

Edited by BigBoyToys on Feb. 04 2004,11:30 am

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,11:33 am Post # 19 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (AZKC @ Feb. 04 2004,10:35 am)
Your so pissed you probably didn't notice this, but you just became a ranting post hoe :rotflmao

The perfect joke! During a serious moment.  :D  :good

BBT, I hope it works out.  :peace

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,11:37 am Post # 20 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Scuba Steve @ Feb. 04 2004,11:33 am)
Quote (AZKC @ Feb. 04 2004,10:35 am)
Your so pissed you probably didn't notice this, but you just became a ranting post hoe :rotflmao

The perfect joke! During a serious moment.  :D  :good

BBT, I hope it works out.  :peace

Thanks SS, and to everyone else also.  No need to worry though, I can GUARANTEE that it will turn out ok.  I do not believe that there is any such word as failure until one accepts it as such ;)   I am already considering home schooling at least the 2 older boys if the issues aren't resolved to my satisfaction.  I am currently not doing anything anyway other than an occasional Doctor Appointment, Attorney appointment, or post whoring on the various forums. :good  :D  :laugh

Edited by BigBoyToys on Feb. 04 2004,11:56 am

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,11:49 am Post # 21 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Jeez you sound like my Dad :)

Yeah alot can happen if you really push it(the system that is)    :comp

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 04 2004,12:52 pm Post # 22 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Damn that sucks Jim, I hope it all turns out ok!.. :good
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 05 2004,8:19 am Post # 23 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Local media i.e. paper would love to hear your story I bet.

Mrs. S.W. Is working toward teaching H.S.  :stupid She felt that our future generation needed a little more balance in what they are taught.
Good luck

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 05 2004,12:55 pm Post # 24 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Please let me know what district this is in order to avoid moving there at all costs.....thanks
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 05 2004,12:58 pm Post # 25 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Good luck with this problem. I have had some situations of my own as far as teachers go with my son. Its not fun at all. And i dont envy anybody going through this. It seems that teachers dont have the same qualitites that they did the last 20 years.
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