HDF Supporter Chillin' in the Pacific Northwest
Spokane, WA Posts: 5,940
APPD 0.74 Post Rank: 12
Posted: Feb. 11 2004,11:55 am
Post # 2
No, sure don't. I know about the Mother's Day get together there every year but other than that event, I haven't heard of any others. I go there (Berryessa) about once every 2 years or so. Don't really care much for the larger lake and bigger waves. Most of my Time is spent at Camp Far West Reservoir which is about the same distance for me as Berryessa(1 hour)
Leo Pwc'er
North Tustin, CA Posts: 63
APPD 0.01 Post Rank: 173
Posted: Feb. 11 2004,9:20 pm
Post # 3
I think for a lot of years it was because of the water level in the lake. It was so unpredictable that it was hard to plan. I haven't been in awhile so things might have changed....