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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,7:14 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Anybody watch about the congressional hearings on the Janet Jackson debacle??

I heard that the FCC is boosting fines for this sort of thing from $27,000 to $270,000, per occurance, not per show.  :eek  And that fine will be levied againt each affiliate.  :eek  :eek  This means no more live TV, everything will be delayed.   :angry  :angry  :angry

Oh yeah, they want to go after the cable channels as well (HBO, Cinemax, The Comedy Channel, ect...).   :angry  :angry

Uhhh... anyone heard of the 1st ammendment here people?

One of the guys on the radio had a good point.  He feels he's gotton screwed by a Jackson and didn't get a ride on the ferris wheel.   :laugh  

This could get very interesting and turn out very bad for all of us.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,7:17 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I seen that, it sucks the big one!.. :angry
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,8:08 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I have no problem with nudity….as a matter of fact I am quite fond of it.

Here is the problem that I have. The people producing the shows have no intention for this type of activity to happen. An event like the super bowl is a family oriented event and portrayed that way. Hundreds of thousands of parents and kids are watching what they think is a family event. Then comes Janet and decides to make a statement to shock everyone to advance her stagnant career.  I think that she should be held personally accountable for her actions and they should take precautions to keep this thing from happening again.

Just think about it. If she was walking down the street and flashed her breast to a child that would be considered a “Sex Offense” and she would be charged as a Sex Offender. Now she does it on TV in front of thousands of children and all she gets is a fine.

Call me old fashioned, prude, whatever. But I think what she did is wrong.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,8:18 am Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Ok, your a prude.  :D  :laugh

I do not disagree what she did was wrong, and CBS and the NFL have every right to be upset with her and the producers of the Halftime show (MTV).

My point is that you can't use this one example as a way to infringe on free speech.  

I consider myself a moderate on most of my views.  But to use one tit flash (wrong as it was) as reason to allow the gov't to clamp down on all broadcast media is outlandish at best and unconstitutional at worst.  

Personally I think most knee-jerk reactions (as this is) usually don't get very far.  But, it will produce some sort of action limiting what we can see and hear, if ever so slight.  This is a slippery slope that is being tread upon, we need to be carefull.

Edited by Sleek-Jet on Feb. 12 2004,8:47 am

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,8:33 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

So if I got caught streaking I would have been a sex offender?  :eek

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,8:35 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply


To some extent I agree with you.

But, this is just the tip of the ice berg. The next Hollywood loony will want to do it bigger and better that the other. What’s next Brittney Spears having sex with a donkey during a guest appearance on Sesame Street? Ok I may be getting a little carried away there.

But my point is that something should be done. Besides her tits are nasty and I don’t want to see them!

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,8:37 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Scuba Steve @ Feb. 12 2004,8:33 am)
So if I got caught streaking I would have been a sex offender?  :eek

If you are seen by a child yes!

As a matter of fact women flashing at the lake can be cited if children are present. It is not common but it does happen.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,8:51 am Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

So who will set the moral barometer?  I think most of us can agree what happened in Houston shouldn't have (at least on network TV), but who decides where the threashold is?

What may be acceptable to you and I (girls in bikini's in beer commercials) may be over the line for someone else.  

The biggest problem is that in our society these types of judgment calls are too subjective.  Gross misconduct is easy to spot, it's the grey area's where we'll end up hanging ourselves.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,8:52 am Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (miller19j @ Feb. 12 2004,8:37 am)
Quote (Scuba Steve @ Feb. 12 2004,8:33 am)
So if I got caught streaking I would have been a sex offender?  :eek

If you are seen by a child yes!

As a matter of fact women flashing at the lake can be cited if children are present. It is not common but it does happen.

So streaking in a retirement community like Lesiure world be ok? j/k I am just being a fock right now.  :rotflmao

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,8:52 am Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I don't have a problem with the Halftime show.  What I have a problem with is the venue in which they chose to do it.  For those of us that have kids, we would never expect anything like that to happen on the SUper Bowl.  There are certain shows on tv that I am aware of that have that type of stuff on it and that's fine, I don't have a problem with that because I know in advance what the content is and I can choose to censor what my kids watch.  There were MANY prblems with the Halftime show, Kid Rocks Flag Thing, that one dude holding his crotch the whole time, the scantily clad women dancers, and of course, Janets saggy breast.  I don't have a problem with it personally...I may not agree with the content (and I don't) but I'm an adult.  What do I need to do, Ban my kids from watching Football because of the fact that there may be some unacceptable content for them?  That was just straight up Bullshit to be putting that show in the place that it was, without warning viewers in advance of the content.  And I hope that the FCC slaps the largest fine in History on them M'Fers.  And also, I have heard that Janets stunt backfired.  Analysts are predicting that her new album coming out that she is trying to get publicity for, that the sales will be poor due to the outrage over the stunt!  That will teach that freak! (The whole Jackson Family is Dysfunctional if ya ask me)

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,9:12 am Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Let's put Janet's flabby breast/performance art halftime show aside for a second since we all agree that it was way over the line.

The commercials were also mentioned yesterday and congress wanted controls put on what could be shown in them also.

So, is poor taste now on the chopping block as well??  Granted, some of them were sophmoric, but not on the level of vulgarity as the half time show...

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,9:14 am Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ Feb. 12 2004,8:52 am)
(The whole Jackson Family is Dysfunctional if ya ask me)

LOL…I think that is the understatement of the year!  :)

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,9:17 am Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sleek-Jet @ Feb. 12 2004,8:51 am)
So who will set the moral barometer?  I think most of us can agree what happened in Houston shouldn't have (at least on network TV), but who decides where the threashold is?

What may be acceptable to you and I (girls in bikini's in beer commercials) may be over the line for someone else.  

The biggest problem is that in our society these types of judgment calls are too subjective.  Gross misconduct is easy to spot, it's the grey area's where we'll end up hanging ourselves.

I am not a fan of big government. Do I think that our government should determine what is acceptable to watch? No I do not.

But I think that the rating system that is in place should be followed. I think that the networks have the responsibility of telling us if there is going to be nudity and adult content. If the line is crossed someone should be accountable.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,9:38 am Post # 14 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (miller19j @ Feb. 12 2004,10:17 am)
But I think that the rating system that is in place should be followed. I think that the networks have the responsibility of telling us if there is going to be nudity and adult content. If the line is crossed someone should be accountable.

Just to clarify, I've never really paid much attention, do they throw up the little TV rating boxes on sporting events??

Yes Miller accoutability needs to be thrown in this mix as well.  Why hold just CBS accountable?  As far as I've heard, Ms. Jackson and MTV did this without the acknowledgement of the league, yet the NFL is also being blamed for this incident.  

I think that they should hold the "artist" accountable.  Fine Janet, not the individual TV affiliates that showed it who had no control.

OK, I edited this a little after doing some research this am.  MTV is owned by Viacom, which ownes CBS also.

Edited by Sleek-Jet on Feb. 12 2004,11:28 am

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,10:52 am Post # 15 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply


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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,11:01 am Post # 16 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Hey, no popcorn for you... aren't you an Atkins fan??? :D

Ya know, if this was on HotBoat, we'd be calling each other names by now.   :laugh

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,11:13 am Post # 17 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Hey stay on topic :D

My 47 cents worth is the media hyped it up to what it is now the actual incident was not even enough that everyone watching even saw it. They don't show the streakers, boob flashers, mooners :ass  or any other stuff that interupts the events but boy get a 1 second flash of a flapjack and its fockin headlines. :angry

Edited by AZKC on Feb. 12 2004,11:14 am

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,11:34 am Post # 18 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (AZKC @ Feb. 12 2004,11:13 am)
Hey stay on topic :D

My 47 cents worth is the media hyped it up to what it is now the actual incident was not even enough that everyone watching even saw it. They don't show the streakers, boob flashers, mooners :ass  or any other stuff that interupts the events but boy get a 1 second flash of a flapjack and its fockin headlines. :angry

That is because the streakers and flashers are not a planned event and the cameras were not on them.  I'm sure that the camera men saw them but didn't point the cameras at them due to decency laws.  The halftime show now, that is another story.  That was planned "Entertainment" :stupid (I don't call that entertainment) and it was done live.  So the cameras were pointed at them.

As for the commercials, yes, there were a few that actually exceeded the moral decency levels.  For example, the Horse Farting commercial....That was funnier the hell to me, but I'd rather my kids don't see that.  How about the Potato chip commercial where the old guy knocks down the old lady... Probably a little to much violence there sending the wrong message to the kids.  But, the one with Ditka and that new prescription the end of the commercial in the Disclaimers and warnings, it stated "If erection Lasts longer than 4 hours, seek medical attention immediately"  Although that is funny and an easy topic to joke adults, I'd rather my kids are not joking about that or even talking about it for that matter.

What is happening, is todays moral society is so downgraded due to people "tolerating things.  Music for instance, when I was growing up, foul language in lyrics was rare.  Now it's everywhere.  10 year old kids are taking guns to school, murder is up and the kids doing it don't even care about the penalties, etc etc.  I could go on for days about this crap but you get the idea.  Maybe it is time for someone to draw the line on moral decency!  Maybe we need to take it back to 20 years ago when all of this stuff was unheard of!  As a father of 5, trying to raise my kids to be good kids with morals and respect, I can tell is a VERY hard job when fighting constantly with the elements of society.  No wonder so many parents just throw in the towel and don't care what their kids do....
That is not for me nor is it for my family, and I'll fight for what's right until I can't breathe no more.

Edited by BigBoyToys on Feb. 12 2004,11:48 am

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,11:50 am Post # 19 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sleek-Jet @ Feb. 12 2004,11:01 am)
Hey, no popcorn for you... aren't you an Atkins fan??? :D

Ya know, if this was on HotBoat, we'd be calling each other names by now.   :laugh

Dickhead! ...... :D

In all honesty I think that you and I pretty much agree. I think that the only person responsible is Jackson. She made the  decision to deviate from the script and she should be punished for it.  

Now on to the bigger problem How do you prevent this thing from happening in the future. Because we all know that this is just the start of a trend.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,11:54 am Post # 20 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (miller19j @ Feb. 12 2004,12:50 pm)
How do you prevent this thing from happening in the future. Because we all know that this is just the start of a trend.

I don't think a little(5-10 sec.) is going to change the outcome of things, but it gives time to edit.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,11:56 am Post # 21 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

True Dat BBT :good

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,12:04 pm Post # 22 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ Feb. 12 2004,12:34 pm)
What is happening, is todays moral society is so downgraded due to people "tolerating things.  Music for instance, when I was growing up, foul language in lyrics was rare.  Now it's everywhere.  10 year old kids are taking guns to school, murder is up and the kids doing it don't even care about the penalties, etc etc.  I could go on for days about this crap but you get the idea.  Maybe it is time for someone to draw the line on moral decency!  Maybe we need to take it back to 20 years ago when all of this stuff was unheard of!  As a father of 5, trying to raise my kids to be good kids with morals and respect, I can tell is a VERY hard job when fighting constantly with the elements of society.  No wonder so many parents just throw in the towel and don't care what their kids do....
That is not for me nor is it for my family, and I'll fight for what's right until I can't breathe no more.

Now I think we're are getting to the meat of the subject.  BBT you are right.  You should be able to shield your children from offensive behavior/images, and raise them with the values and morals that you hold personally, without being influenced by the media.  I understand it's a difficult job.  

Remember the flap over "Married With Children" 12 or so years ago?  The lady called on the sponsers to pull their support of the show.  The sponsers did.  And as much as I didn't aggree with her views, she did make a statemant and backed it up.

That's what needs to happen.  Everyone is outraged at this, but they're looking to the wrong people to fix it... the feds.  People need to hit the corporations in the pocket book to make the changes needed.  The consumer has the power and leverage to make things happen, we just need to do it.

I really don't mind if the public decides what is decent or not, and if they say that it's time to ratchet what's allowed back, so be it.  But if a few appointed officials in Washington make that decision, it's bad for all of us.

Edited by Sleek-Jet on Feb. 12 2004,12:15 pm

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,12:13 pm Post # 23 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (miller19j @ Feb. 12 2004,12:50 pm)
Now on to the bigger problem How do you prevent this thing from happening in the future. Because we all know that this is just the start of a trend.

I think we need to bring pressure on the corporations that advertise and broadcast.  

Remember, we are the customer.  If you don't like the product, don't buy it.  I think 30 years ago, there would have been such an outcry against the advertisers and broadcasters that they wouldn't even have thought of broadcasting a half time show like that.

Somewhere along the line we've lost that power as consumers, I feel.  People are wrighting their representitives about this, and that's the wrong people to be talking to.  Write Anhiesure-Busch, Pfizer, Coka Cola, Pepsico, and Viacom.  Let them know that you won't stand for it.  That's how you'll keep this from happening again.

Edited by Sleek-Jet on Feb. 12 2004,12:14 pm

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,12:16 pm Post # 24 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 12 2004,12:55 pm Post # 25 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Hey, just to clarify,

The superbowl is sort of a "family show" but in the face of realism, football is a seriously male sport. The amount of children watching is probably nil and I would be willing to bet that kids probably have more incidents of a sexual nature at school than they ever do on TV. It is called Parental Guidance for a reaosn...

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