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The Cooler
Batavia, IL
Posts: 6,351
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Big 'Ole Inner-tube
Posted: Feb. 12 2004,12:04 pm |
Post # 22 |
Quote (BigBoyToys @ Feb. 12 2004,12:34 pm) | What is happening, is todays moral society is so downgraded due to people "tolerating things. Â Music for instance, when I was growing up, foul language in lyrics was rare. Â Now it's everywhere. Â 10 year old kids are taking guns to school, murder is up and the kids doing it don't even care about the penalties, etc etc. Â I could go on for days about this crap but you get the idea. Â Maybe it is time for someone to draw the line on moral decency! Â Maybe we need to take it back to 20 years ago when all of this stuff was unheard of! Â As a father of 5, trying to raise my kids to be good kids with morals and respect, I can tell is a VERY hard job when fighting constantly with the elements of society. Â No wonder so many parents just throw in the towel and don't care what their kids do.... That is not for me nor is it for my family, and I'll fight for what's right until I can't breathe no more. |
Now I think we're are getting to the meat of the subject. Â BBT you are right. Â You should be able to shield your children from offensive behavior/images, and raise them with the values and morals that you hold personally, without being influenced by the media. Â I understand it's a difficult job. Â
Remember the flap over "Married With Children" 12 or so years ago? Â The lady called on the sponsers to pull their support of the show. Â The sponsers did. Â And as much as I didn't aggree with her views, she did make a statemant and backed it up.
That's what needs to happen. Â Everyone is outraged at this, but they're looking to the wrong people to fix it... the feds. Â People need to hit the corporations in the pocket book to make the changes needed. Â The consumer has the power and leverage to make things happen, we just need to do it.
I really don't mind if the public decides what is decent or not, and if they say that it's time to ratchet what's allowed back, so be it. Â But if a few appointed officials in Washington make that decision, it's bad for all of us.
Edited by Sleek-Jet on Feb. 12 2004,12:15 pm
A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.