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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,3:17 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

And you thought only California legislators came up with crazy ideas.  From the Farmington Daily-Times:

SANTA FE — Every driver in New Mexico would have to prove they had not been drinking in order to start their car, under a House bill designed to curb the state’s DWI problem.

House Bill 126, passed Monday 45-22, would require all vehicles bought and registered in New Mexico to be equipped with DWI-prevention ignition interlock devices.

The interlock measures a driver’s alcohol level either through their breath or on their skin. A positive reading prevents the car from being started. It also registers the number of times a driver tries to start a car unsuccessfully.

Currently, only drivers convicted of aggravated DWI — 2,000 out of 20,000 DWI convictions in 2003 — are court-ordered to have the ignition interlocks.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Ken Martinez, D-Grants, said it does not make a presumption motorists statewide are guilty of drinking, despite being required to take the test proving their innocence.

“It’s not a guilt or innocent thing. It’s a safety issue like an air bag or seat belts,” he said. “I think its constitutional.”

Other House members opposed a bill which they said mirrored a George Orwellian society of Big Brother.

“This legislation is taking over personal responsibilities,” said Rep. James Roger Madalena, D-Jémez Pueblo. “I don’t know if we’re at this point to have this kind of legislation.”

Rep. Donald Bratton, R-Hobbs, agreed.

“How far are we going to carry this? Next year we’ll have small cameras above the driver shutting down the car if a person blinks too much,” he said. “Let’s don’t punish all the citizens of the state of New Mexico.”

Lawmakers, responding to Gov. Bill Richardson’s challenge for them to pass tough DWI laws, said they want New Mexico to be known as the Land of Enchantment and not the Land of the Drunken Driver. There were more than 200 DWI deaths last year in the state.

“The only place we can solve this (DWI) problem is through citizens,” Martinez said. “This bill would require all citizens to stand up and say ‘I will not drink‚’” He added, “Each time a drunken driver drives drunk they get a little more braver. We want to stop the drunken driver before the conviction.

New cars would be required to have factory-installed ignition interlocks beginning in 2008. It would raise the price of a vehicle by $300 to $500, Martinez said. The ignition interlock devices also need to be calibrated at a cost of $80 every three months. It could be done during an oil change, he added.

Motorists with used cars would be required to install after-market devices — at a cost of $1,000 to $1,500 — on their cars beginning in 2009.

The House also passed Bill 533, 63-0, to give motorists purchasing a car, new or used, on or after Jan. 1, 2005, a dollar-for-dollar match on the 3 percent Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Act — or sales tax — to compensate the cost of the ignition interlock.

That will cost the state $83.3 million in lost tax revenues, according to an impact statement on the bill. The state would also pay to install the ignition interlocks into more than 1,900 vehicles in its fleet.

Motorists who already own their cars, however, would not be compensated — including those with older cars whose value may not exceed the cost of the ignition interlock.

“My concern is it would put New Mexico auto dealers out of business,” said Rep. Joseph Cervantes, D-Las Cruces. He added people could also register their cars in El Paso to bypass the legislation.

There were 125,000 new cars and 400,000 used cars sold in 2003 in New Mexico, according to the state’s Taxation and Revenue Department.

That would cost the state’s general fund $540 million, or 13 percent of the state’s budget, said Rep. Eric Youngberg, R-Corrales.

DWIs cost the state $1 billion a year from insurance costs to emergency rooms to loss of life and property, Martinez said, adding the savings would exceed the cost.

Martinez said the ignition interlocks were needed. He cited repeatedly the case of an intoxicated Bureau of Indian Affairs employee who drove a BIA truck the wrong way on I-40, killing two Nebraska couples on vacation.

The state does not have jurisdiction, however, over BIA vehicles or other vehicles registered with the federal government.

Native American sovereignty could also become an issue for the state’s 22 tribes and pueblos as well as a portion of the Navajo Nation. Martinez said they would be included in the bill despite their sovereignty as long as they have New Mexico license plates.

Rep. Ray Begaye, D-Shiprock, added there needed to be a balance between a law requiring ignition interlocks and for the state to fund alcohol treatment centers.

“There are none. There’s one down in Gallup. They’re trying to build one in Shiprock but there’s very limited funding,” he said.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,3:54 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

That sounds about right for NM.  We lived there a few years back.... :stupid

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,3:59 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

The ignition interlock devices also need to be calibrated at a cost of $80 every three months. It could be done during an oil change, he added.

Motorists with used cars would be required to install after-market devices — at a cost of $1,000 to $1,500 — on their cars beginning in 2009.

Wow! :eek

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,4:34 am Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Actually, I'm not surprised at all.  More surprised that it took them this long to come up with something like that.  When I was going to NMSU about 7 tears ago in Las Cruces, the county, Dona Ana, had the highest DUI rate and the highest death by traffic accident rate, in the USA.  Every night there'd be someone getting killed on the roads in or around Las Cruces.....and it isn't that big of a city.  I'll never forget coming down the hill one morning (I lived up by White Sands Missile Range) and seeing a guy that lost his head (decapitated him) while crossing a center line on I-25 in a convertable corvette.  He didn't hit another car....just the stranded fence separating the northbound and southbound lanes.  And yes, he was drunk. Not the kinda thing I needed to see at 7:00 in the morning, but things like that are common in that area.  I still have relatives that live in the area and my biggest fear for them is driving on those streets.
The biggest problem there with DUI is alot of the Hispanics (Legal and illegals) get together every night drinking.  And then you have the Indians up there too that like their "firewater" :rolleyes   I'm just glad I'm done with NM and will NEVER move back there again :)

Edited by BigBoyToys on Feb. 18 2004,4:35 am

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,4:40 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Happiness is Albequerque in the rear view mirror.  I spent a one year sentence (not really) working in ABQ and living in Belen about 8 years ago.  BBT, I feel your pain.  :D

With the highest rate of DUI's in the country you think that they would remove things like drive-up liquor windows, but no, ain't gonna happen.  :beat

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,4:55 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Havasu Doug @ Feb. 18 2004,4:59 am)
The ignition interlock devices also need to be calibrated at a cost of $80 every three months. It could be done during an oil change, he added.

Motorists with used cars would be required to install after-market devices — at a cost of $1,000 to $1,500 — on their cars beginning in 2009.

Wow! :eek

That's a bunch of crap, if they want to put something in vehicle, THEY can pay for it!. :angry Calibrating :eek , I do my own oil change so much for that!.. :beat  :laugh
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,5:12 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

They will overturn that.  I can definitely see the ACLU getting involved in this one.  NM is a VERY POOR state and most of the cars there are junkers.  They'll say that it discriminates against poor people and minorities.  Of course, those are the ones that need it the most because they are the ones that are causing the problems.

Edited by BigBoyToys on Feb. 18 2004,5:13 am

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,5:14 am Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I believe it! :beat
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,6:39 am Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I don't use this stuff, so it wouldn't apply to me BUT.....

If you took your car to the car wash, they would get to blow into your device. :eek

Same with valet parking (never use it), auto servicing (do my own), etc.

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,4:46 pm Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I don't drink alcohol anyway so it wouldn't affect me....except for the costs :angry

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 18 2004,7:44 pm Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Perfect example why it sucks!.. :angry  :beat
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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 19 2004,5:09 am Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Now, back in my younger days... :D   That would have been a problem. :eek   I have been arrested for DUI 4 times in my life, but only 2 convictions :eek  (Don't ask).  Drinking and driving is just plain stupid but once I got going, there was no stopping because I was having "Too much" fun.  There were also MANY trips to the local jail for other things that were drinking related (Like fighting, harrassing cops, driving over top of a police car :eek , etc)  Ahh yes, the good ole days of driving down the railroad tracks playing chicken with an oncoming train :beat

Actually, when I moved to New Mexico, that is when I went cold Turkey and quit drinking.  Glad I did too! It was one of the best things I ever did in my life :good   Just wish that a few of my other family members took my example....My sister died in Las Cruces, NM a few years ago from alcohol poisoning/overdose.  Alcohol is bad stuff that's for sure....  Not preaching here, to each is own, but it's just not for me anymore.  Now I'm a good boy :eek  :D  :good  :laugh  :laugh

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Post Icon Posted: Feb. 19 2004,5:15 am Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Yeah, alcohol can be dangerous and if more people would realize that they can't keep it under control, we wouldn have all these problems. I had friends like that, they were the coolest people until they had a couple of drinks, then it turned the opposite, they became assholes supreme!.. :angry
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