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Chillin' in the Pacific Northwest
Spokane, WA
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Posted: Mar. 30 2004,12:06 pm |
Post # 1 |
Well, Airborne Express just dropped off a package for me.  It was my Official Termination of Employment letter from my work   On top of that, Mrs BBT got an email from our (Her) manager asking for my pager, cell, tools, etc back from me.  My manager hasn't called me at all to ask for it back or discuss anything Well, I notified my attorney and faxed the Termination letter to him.  Something tells me that this will get interesting since it is illegal to terminate an injured worker in the State of California as long as the worker is listed as temporary disabled....which I am.  Also, I ain't giving them back crap unless my attorney tells me to, which he hasn't yet.  As far as I'm concerned, although I love my job, my employer can just kiss my   That's it!! They done pissed me off!  Now I'm going for the jugular Â
Edited by BigBoyToys on Mar. 30 2004,12:08 pm
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| Member # 87 | Joined: 2-19-2003 | |

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Chillin' in the Pacific Northwest
Spokane, WA
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Posted: Mar. 30 2004,12:41 pm |
Post # 5 |
Quote (Mandelon @ Mar. 30 2004,12:11 pm) | That sucks. Â Its not like you are milking the want to go back to work. Â Even working is better than being in pain for an eternity...
Call the super and see what he has to say....I'd like to hear that one.... |
My local manager didn't want for me to be terminated (of course they all say that). Corporate Headquarters is in Pennsylvania, where the laws are different. The termination came from HQ, not from the local level. All I can say is they better have some damn good attorneys that know California Workers Comp laws....because they are in for a heap of hurt now. According to the laws of the State of California, it is illegal to discriminate against an injured worker, and VERY illegal to terminate an injured worker while they are still listed as temporary disability. HEads are gonna roll and I'm definitely gonna force the issue. I've never been terminated from a job in my life, and I'm not about to be now! I would like nothing better than to go back to work. I hate doing nothing and those that know me are totally baffled on how I made it this long. I have never taken a sick day with this employer, even though we have unlimited sick days and when taking a vacation, it was never for more than 3 days because I just simply hate not staying busy. You know, the hell of it is, while I've been out on workers comp, there have been NUMEROUS times that my employer, managers, project leads, techs, etc have called me for tech help and opinions on how something should be done. They even had me working on writing up a National Scope Of Work Contract and the instructions for it (For A Major Bank in the US). I didn't get ANYTHING for helping out, nor did I ask for anything. I was just glad to be doing something. Now they treat me like this.
Oh man...I gotta stop before I have a coronary. I am SO PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!
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| Member # 87 | Joined: 2-19-2003 | |

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Chillin' in the Pacific Northwest
Spokane, WA
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Posted: Mar. 30 2004,1:30 pm |
Post # 11 |
Quote (Mrs.Bordsmnj @ Mar. 30 2004,1:15 pm) | That is so illegal. Â
It doesn't matter if HQ is in another state, you work in California, therefore California WC laws apply. Â I have dealt with workcomp stuff on the job, Â for years and even worked for an attorney who handled workcomp shit like this. Â Big-Wigs think they can screw over the average working class Joe by scaring them and throwing legal bullshit your way.
Don't let them win!
Good luck! Â
Yes, I know it's illegal. And my attorney even sent them a letter telling them so back in February when they threatened to terminate me. I'm very well aware of California Workers Comp Laws, and I know that they can't, and won't, get away with it. The only thing is, if the Doctors come up with something like declaring me permanent and stationary, it's a mute point. But, I don't want to be permanent....I just want to get better so I can get back to doing what I love doing, which is working and boating (I can't do either right now). But, the insurance carrier is playing they're stupid little BS games now.
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| Member # 87 | Joined: 2-19-2003 | |

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Chillin' in the Pacific Northwest
Spokane, WA
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Posted: Mar. 30 2004,7:42 pm |
Post # 14 |
Thanks everyone.  Later on this afternoon, I get Fed Ex dropping by now and they have another letter.  SO, I'm thinking, WTF now?   Turns out that by Medical and dental coverage for myself and the entire family (Mrs BBT and 5 kids) has been terminated along with my employment.  Oh sure, I have the COBRA option, but they want $852.00 for medical and $76.00 for dental PER MONTH for continued coverage   Them Fockers are gonna have me in the welfare line by the time this is over   So, today so far I had Airborne Express come with my Employment termination letter, and then Fed Ex comes with my loss of medical coverage letter, and I'm thinking....what's next????  Well, you guessed it, Now UPS shows up!  I wasn't gonna sign for it this time but then I saw that it is my new Shock for my truck  Man, what a day.  I ain't done with this yet and my employer hasn't heard the last of me by any means.  The tough thing is that Mrs BBT still works there Part Time....and needs to continue there for a little while longer anyway.
Edited by BigBoyToys on Mar. 30 2004,7:43 pm
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| Member # 87 | Joined: 2-19-2003 | |

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V-Driver For Life!
Big River, Ca
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Posted: Mar. 31 2004,4:46 am |
Post # 16 |
Quote (BigBoyToys @ Mar. 30 2004,8:42 pm) | Thanks everyone.  Later on this afternoon, I get Fed Ex dropping by now and they have another letter.  SO, I'm thinking, WTF now?   Turns out that by Medical and dental coverage for myself and the entire family (Mrs BBT and 5 kids) has been terminated along with my employment.  Oh sure, I have the COBRA option, but they want $852.00 for medical and $76.00 for dental PER MONTH for continued coverage   Them Fockers are gonna have me in the welfare line by the time this is over   So, today so far I had Airborne Express come with my Employment termination letter, and then Fed Ex comes with my loss of medical coverage letter, and I'm thinking....what's next????  Well, you guessed it, Now UPS shows up!  I wasn't gonna sign for it this time but then I saw that it is my new Shock for my truck  Man, what a day.  I ain't done with this yet and my employer hasn't heard the last of me by any means.  The tough thing is that Mrs BBT still works there Part Time....and needs to continue there for a little while longer anyway. |
Damn that sucks, they just won't quit huh! Sounds like an outfit from AZ.. Just hang in there, they're just burying themselves more and more!. They keep that shit up, I see your name on the building!.
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| Member # 101 | Joined: 3-03-2003 | |

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V-Driver For Life!
Big River, Ca
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Posted: April 01 2004,4:44 am |
Post # 21 |
Quote (BigBoyToys @ Mar. 31 2004,6:21 am) | Yeah, my name on the building would be a landlord   I don't want the business.  They have too many corporate idiots that don't know WTF they are doing  |
That's where the fun comes in, fire the mofo's!.
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| Member # 101 | Joined: 3-03-2003 | |

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V-Driver For Life!
Big River, Ca
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Posted: April 01 2004,5:06 am |
Post # 24 |
Quote (BigBoyToys @ April 01 2004,5:51 am) | Quote (GoFastRacer @ April 01 2004,4:44 am) | Quote (BigBoyToys @ Mar. 31 2004,6:21 am) | Yeah, my name on the building would be a landlord   I don't want the business.  They have too many corporate idiots that don't know WTF they are doing  |
That's where the fun comes in, fire the mofo's!. Â  |
Yep....Fire them all!!!!  |
And start fresh, how much you paying!.
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| Member # 101 | Joined: 3-03-2003 | |
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