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JustMVGMale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: April 26 2004,5:52 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply


The young Mountaineer came running into the store and said to his buddy, "Bubba, somebody just stole your pickup truck from the parking lot!" Bubba replied, "Did you see who it was?" The young Mountaineer answered, "I couldn't tell, but I got the license number."
Kentucky's worst air disaster occurred when a small two-seater Cessna 150 plane, piloted by two University of Kentucky students, crashed into a cemetery earlier today in Albany. Search and rescue workers have recovered 300 bodies so far and expect the number to climb as digging continues into the evening. The pilot and copilot survived and are helping in the recovery efforts.
A group of Kentucky friends, went deer hunting and paired off in twos for the day. That night, one of the hunters returned alone, staggering under the weight of an eight-point buck. Where's Henry?" the others asked. "Henry had a stroke of some kind. He's a couple of miles back up the trail," the successful hunter replied. "You left Henry laying out there and carried the deer back?" they inquired. "A tough call," nodded the hunter. "But I figured no one is going to steal Henry"!


After a long night of making love to a woman whom he had met earlier that evening, a man notices a photo of another man on the woman's night stand by the bed.

He begins to worry. "Is this your husband?" he nervously asks. "No,
silly," she replies, snuggling up to him.

"Your boyfriend, then?" he continues.

"No, not at all," she says, nibbling away at his ear.

"Is it your dad or your brother?" he inquires, hoping to be reassured.

"No, no, no!!!" she answers.

"Well, who in the hell is he, then?" he demands.

"That's me before the surgery."
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tunamasterMale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: April 30 2004,6:04 pm Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

the last one is the best. :rotflmao

Every man bleeds, just like me.
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My Man's Sportin' WoodFemale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: May 02 2004,11:18 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

:eek   Doh!
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