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V-Driver For Life!
Big River, Ca
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Posted: May 07 2004,8:42 pm |
Post # 3 |
Nope it's not "Bulk Transport", they're drivers don't dig ditches!. I don't remember the name of the company that Don works for but he told me that it used to be "Matlack" which was a good outfit to work for back in the day!..All I know is after rowing the handle for 30 years, no tickets no accidents, no DUI's, have all endorcements, I'll be damned if I'm going to dig fkn ditches on weekends! But that's what they expect here in this fkn cesspool that they call a state!..Since I moved here everywhere I've gone for a job, all I get is insults, I've forgotten more than most of these assholes that do the hiring will ever know, I've asked plain ole dumb questions that a rookie could answer and I couldn't get a straight answer from these jokers! ..The funniest part is when they bitch and complain to me that they can't find qualified drivers or they can't keep any drivers, but at the same time they tell me I'm only worth $10 an hour, they don't pay for experience!.. So that's why I quit, fk em all, I work at home, I ain't making shit but at least I don't get insulted everyday!. Thank god the wife works for a Ca company, they pay her for what she's worth and they treat her like a human!..
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| Member # 101 | Joined: 3-03-2003 | |

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V-Driver For Life!
Big River, Ca
Posts: 62,882
APPD 7.81
Post Rank: 1
Posted: May 07 2004,9:18 pm |
Post # 5 |
Go back and read the thread!. Just a figure of speach!..
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| Member # 101 | Joined: 3-03-2003 | |
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