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Posted: May 10 2004,7:02 pm |
Post # 1 |
Not looking for sympathy...just want all of my boating friends to be in the know.
I have been given several tests over the last weekend to watch my HCG hormone levels. The results of my ultra sound last week and all the blood work we've done over the past several days points towards some bad news. It appears that my HCG levels are not rising fast enough and the embryo will be dying in the near future and I will be having a miscarriage within the next month. And the worst part is I can't do a single thing to stop it. I have a couple choices. 1) I can wait for mother nature to do her thing which can happen today or in a month from now...or 2) have another ultra sound next week to confirm the embryo is dead and then have a D&C to clean out my uterus. Either choice is not easy...and either way I don't come home with a baby. BUT there is some good news...I don't have problems getting pregnant so Miller & I can start trying again within a month. So maybe in the near future we will be pregnant again. Say some prayers that it all works out for the best!!! I enjoyed every minute of being pregnant and can't wait to enjoy it for a longer period of time (hopefully a full 40 weeks next time! Love to you all, Lindsey PS Now I'm off for that long awaited glass of wine!
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My Man's Sportin' Wood

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Hallett Hottie
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Posted: May 10 2004,7:29 pm |
Post # 3 |
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| Member # 250 | Joined: 10-17-2003 | |

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Born To Drive...
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Posted: May 11 2004,5:03 am |
Post # 10 |
Lindsey, Our prayers are with you too. My wife and I went 8 years tryin. She lost one at 15 weeks, and another at 21 weeks. Those were really hard to take. We were very blessed to finaly recieve our son inb '89.
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| Member # 376 | Joined: 2-01-2004 | |

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V-Driver For Life!
Big River, Ca
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Posted: May 11 2004,5:43 am |
Post # 12 |
So sorry to hear that , best of luck to both of you!...
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| Member # 101 | Joined: 3-03-2003 | |


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Posted: May 11 2004,12:23 pm |
Post # 16 |
We are doing I said please no sympathy (I don't do well with pity) We are looking forward to trying again and when ever it's meant to be we will have a child, I have no doubt about that. You can all rest assured Miller will be gett'n lucky for a while longer
On a happier note: Please remember to mark your calendars and come join us in a birthday bash at the lake for Mr. Miller the weekend of July 24th.
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| Member # 4 | Joined: 12-03-2002 | |
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