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Born To Drive...
Alta Loma CA
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Posted: May 24 2004,9:04 pm |
Post # 1 |
Monday, May 24, 2004 9:18 PM MDT
Bridge to the future? Council to discuss options for another road to Island
BY Brian Wedemeyer
A pair of kayakers paddle their way north through Bridgewater Channel in one of two areas where construction of a second bridge to the Island is being considered. Â Â A second bridge to the Island would cost as much as $5.5 million depending on what architectural style Lake Havasu City officials prefer, a recent study suggests.
TransSystems Corporation, hired last year to examine the prospects of building a second bridge, will present its findings to the City Council during a work session at noon today at the Police Facility, 2360 McCulloch Blvd.
"The report goes a long way toward identifying the costs of a second bridge and becoming comfortable with those estimates," said Mark Clark, the city's transportation manager.
The two-lane London Bridge is currently the only vehicle crossing to the Island, which has been targeted for major development in the future. Last year, an investment group bought 104 acres of Island property from the city's original developer, MCO Properties, for $8.8 million.
A portion of that land was sold a few months ago to a developer who announced plans to build 108 single-family homes. A resort, commercial development and some open space have been proposed for the remainder of the property.
The same investment group also has applied with the Arizona State Land Department to lease 117 acres on the Island's west side for a proposed marina resort, including a 100-room hotel, two restaurants, 200 boat docks, a yacht club and a recreation area.
The council in the past has discussed requiring future developers of the Island to share in the cost of a second bridge. The consultant has recommended one of three bridge types ranging from $4.5 million to $5.5 million.
That amount does not include the cost of securing right-of-way on the Island. The city obtained right-of-way on the mainland side of the Bridgewater Channel several years ago.
The city's capital improvement program includes nearly $1.2 million to buy right-of-way from the state land department, although Clark said that amount could be as much as $2.5 million. The property must be sold at public auction.
After evaluating two proposed roadway alignments, the consultant recommended the second option, which reduces the bridge length by 100 feet and avoids some existing utilities. Both alignments would extend from London Bridge Road south of the Holiday Inn across the Channel to the intersection of McCulloch and Beachcomber boulevards.
The three bridge types recommended by the consultant include a box girder, arch and flat arch box girder bridge. Use of cable stayed, suspension or steel truss bridge was excluded from consideration due to high cost and incompatibility with the London Bridge.
The proposed bridge would be 92 feet wide with five 12-foot lanes, five-foot bicycle lanes and a 10-foot raised sidewalk on each side.
The consultant determined that the arch bridge, estimated at $5.5 million, is most compatible with the London Bridge, with the other two types offering more modern designs.
At the request of the council, the consultant also examined the feasibility of a tunnel beneath the bridge. The estimated construction cost is about $10 million.
A budget session is scheduled to immediately follow the work session.