HDF Supporter Chillin' in the Pacific Northwest
Spokane, WA Posts: 5,940
APPD 0.74 Post Rank: 12
Posted: May 28 2004,5:13 am
Post # 1
I know that you folks down south get them all the time but it is kinda rare up here. It started around midnight this morning and lasted for about 2 hours. It was off the hook...shaking my house even! Dogs were freaked out too... I love thunderstorms, but I just wish that they would come when I can enjoy them, not when I'm trying to sleep. I didn't even get outta bed. Just laid there tossing and turning and listening to the rumble and watching for the light
HDF Supporter Chillin' in the Pacific Northwest
Spokane, WA Posts: 5,940
APPD 0.74 Post Rank: 12
Posted: May 28 2004,5:43 am
Post # 3
Yes, alot of them WERE right above the house. I usually sleep pretty deep and it's hard to wake me up until my body says it's time to get up, but the thunderstorms last night woke me up quick! They were VERY loud