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Posted: June 07 2004,12:19 pm |
Post # 1 |
The Parker crew!!!!!
RD: Thanks for the hospitality and the use of the couch! As always you were a great host. You are one of the coolest guys I have ever had the priviledge to know and kick it with!
Jackpunx: Mark thank you so much for the triple digit ride You are a very cool person. You have a great view on life. Always smiling. I wish you all the best and hope to see ya at Hollister.
Badblown: A.K.A. sexy Danny. Thank you for a great time on your boat all weekend. Glad to see nothing broke and fun was had by all. After spending some time with you and drinking and talking, all I can say is your Parents should be very proud. tHey raised a great person with a wonderful outlook on life.
The Scuba's: You guys just rock!!!! Monique you are always so nice to talk to. Scuba is a lucky man. Steve I just have one word for you buddy (SHOCKER) f**KING HILARIOUS!!!!
The Knuckleheads: The thread about you was right!! You guys are just a kick a$$ couple that knows how to have fun and are just down right cool to hang with. You were defiantly robbed for best party crew!!! But hey at least you made it, and from what I remember everyone loved your party favors. It was my priviledge and honor to finally meet you. Knowing RD the mayor did nothing for you.
Silver: Wow!!!! Just wow! You are so..........I can't find words to describe you. Thank you for the quick talk about me and the g/f problem. She is doing much better and had a blast at Vegas. Maybe next time out I will have prego info. I see many great things for you in the future!!!
Bre & Andy: As always it was great to see you guys. I am glad the boat is coming along. Sorry we didn't get to party in Parker with you guys. Bre I still need Shamrock pasties. I bought her a shirt from Bandock's so she didn't kick my a$$ when I got home.
Forensic: What can I say? We have been friends since we were kids. We have been to 3 OP6C events never had any drama and basically spend the weekend drunk as hell and loving life!! Not bad this time for not having the boat, A place to stay, ANd a car to get there in!!
Thank you to the folks that thru this event. And a special thanks to all the peeps I hung with and drank with at the casa: ADAM,NATE,SARAH,MCKENZIE,MICHELLE,ZACH, PAT, and anyone I am forgetting.
I know there is a lot going on in the world right now, And the world can seem like a f**ked up place. But if everyone was like the people who were at this party this weekend it would be one hell of a place to live. The love, friendship, caring, and compassion that is showed at these events is AMAZING!!!! Plus the drinking, and naked women part doesn't hurt either! Long live River peeps!!!!
Hey DAVE dinner for one!!!! roflmao!
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| Member # 262 | Joined: 11-14-2003 | |


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Posted: June 08 2004,4:04 pm |
Post # 4 |
Okay someone help me shrink my AVATAR please!
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| Member # 262 | Joined: 11-14-2003 | |


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Posted: June 08 2004,4:20 pm |
Post # 6 |
Thank you! That thing was scaring the hell out of me
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| Member # 262 | Joined: 11-14-2003 | |


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Posted: June 08 2004,4:26 pm |
Post # 8 |
I hear ya! But the more I look at it the more I think "Damn that's one sexy biatch!
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| Member # 262 | Joined: 11-14-2003 | |
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