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Sportin' WoodMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: June 14 2004,5:31 pm Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I have a vendor that offered up tickets for K.C. at Coors amp last night, Being that the wife likes K.C. and the fact I did not have a gift ( YET)to celebrate our 14th year together (as of the 16th) I said what the hell, we will go with ya.( read free gift)

First let me say I was not that excited to go, I like K.C.but.....

Tailgated in the parking lot,  :beer the beer flowed and the beads we're flying.. The women to men ratio was about 3.5 to 1.
Single guys make a note: Girls go to this kind of event in force with a party as job one.( I think finding a cowboy might be job 2)

Concert was no different, A sea of estrogen, :drink  beer, hip huggers, and boobs. :jumpie  Uncle Cracker :stupid  :stupid  I don't get it? why is he here?

Rascal Flats are really tight live, but so we're all the jeans around us.  :ass They did a couple of cover songs that I found entertaining(80's hair band stuff)

Kenny Chesney :hitit  put on a great show even though he is a tool.
I really thought it was great that he spent a long time at the end of the show signing hats and crap for the fans instead of running off stage to bang a couple groupies.
Pretty good show all and all, :drama  $8.00 beers, People pissing in the bushes of the cheap seats,( yes girls also) public intoxication, :drink  bouncers carring passed out hotties over there shoulders to the gate, and barfing in public. :puke  Lets not forget the guy who's girl friend was pissed off because he was checking out the talent, :fight and they were receprocating. :guns
Yep good times, would be like shooting fish in a bucket, but I already caught the prize. Still fun to watch and laugh with the wife, I guess thats how we got to 14. :love

Got home around 2:30 got up for work( or tried) at 5:00.
I'm going to take a nap now, see ya! :sleep  :sleep

BTW next time He comes around :bowdown  We will be there. :p

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Post Icon Posted: June 14 2004,6:34 pm Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Awww! He said I was the prize  :love

It was fun to people watch.  We always see the wierdest folks at concerts :eek
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BigBoyToysMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: June 14 2004,10:10 pm Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Yep....Kenny Chesney is pretty cool :good

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