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RVRGIRLFemale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: June 19 2004,3:56 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Search ongoing for 2nd boater

Thursday, June 17, 2004 10:50 PM MDT

Law enforcement officials will continue searching today for the body of a 48-year-old California man who is believed to have died in a two-boat collision on the Colorado River Wednesday night.

Steven Patchett's 10-year-old son, Tyler, was pronounced dead at the scene, while another son, 18-year-old Stephan, was taken to University Medical Center in Las Vegas, where he was listed Thursday night in fair condition with a head injury. The Patchetts are from Simi Valley, Calif.

The six passengers in the second boat were treated at Havasu Regional Medical Center for minor injuries. They are Kim Padilla, 44; Jennifer Kim Padilla, 21; Nathan Lorge, 22; Nathan Padilla, 14,and and Andrew Padilla, 9, all of Corona, Calif.

Sgt. Phil Odom with the San Bernardino County, Calif., Sheriff's Department said Thursday that the sheriff's department dive team wrapped up its work at about 6 p.m. after identifying several targets during the day that were not Patchett's body.

Lt. Bill Maddox, also with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, said the cause of the collision is still undetermined, but that alcohol may have been a factor, according to the preliminary investigation.

Maddox said that all indications point to the elder Patchett's death. "Based on the amount of the blood at the scene and the condition of the boat, he isn't with us anymore," Maddox said. "But we can't call him dead because we have no body."

Maddox said the Patchett boat was destroyed and the second boat was severely damaged.

He called the collision "amazing" since it occurred in the middle of the week during daylight hours with only a few boats on the water.

He said witnesses described the two boats - the 32-to 34-foot Catamaran occupied by the Patchetts, and the 23-foot Magic occupied by the second party - saying that "every time the Cat moved, the Magic made a mirror move." A witness said the two watercraft operators were apparently trying to prevent a collision.

Maddox described the collision as a "severe side swipe," instead of a head-on collision.

When the accident occurred, Patchett was southbound at about 60 mph near Havasu Palms resort, while Robert Padilla, the Magic boat operator, was northbound at an unknown speed. The boats struck port to starboard with Tyler and Steven Patchett ejected. Tyler, who was wearing a life jacket, was found floating by "good Samaritans," and had sustained major head trauma, Maddox said.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Boating Accident Team (BAIT) is investigating the collision. Also on the scene Wednesday night were officers from the Lake Havasu City Police Department and from the Mohave and La Paz County sheriff's departments.



Thats "MRS" RVRGIRL 2 you.....
"When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt."
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Post Icon Posted: June 19 2004,8:42 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Proof positive that booze and boat operation doesn't mix. :(

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