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The Cooler
Batavia, IL
Posts: 6,351
APPD 0.79
Post Rank: 11
Big 'Ole Inner-tube
Posted: June 21 2004,7:11 pm |
Post # 1 |
OK, a little rant here.
I have bought alot of pieces and parts for variouse projects over the last couple years. Most of the stuff get's shipped UPS, with a liberal dosing of Fed-Ex and USPS. I even got an engine block next day air one time (but that is a different story). Anyway, the last 2 times I've had stuff shipped UPS it's been a huge hassle.
First were a set of Cylindar Heads for my tow rig motor. 1st UPS says they won't deliver packages that heavy to a residential address. WHAT???? I call my local (when I was still in Colorado) UPS guy and ask him the same question. He's never heard of that, Joe (the UPS guy) delivers overwieght packages all day long, it just costs a few $$ more. So I call back the seller, but he allready went with Fed-Ex ground (which takes about a week longer than it should, that's why I don't use those guys very often either).
OK, so I buy this Vertex Mag in Texas, the seller wants to COD it. I'm not to thrilled, but ok, we'll do it that way. It's scheduled to be delivered last Thursday, I had to work, but Andrew was off (and stuck at the house since I had his truck ), so no biggy. Well, they focked up the shipment and it took an extra day to get here. UPS tries to deliver on Friday, but no-one is home, you know that work thing. Rescheduled for Monday (today) between 10 and 2. So I wait around the house, and burn a day off waiting for the big brown truck to show up with my Mag. Nothing... Nada... no show. So I call customer service and they have no idea where the Mag is, should be on the truck, but it wasn't delivered... so where is it???
This is about as much fun as taking a shower in gasoline.
A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.