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RiverLiverMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: June 30 2004,11:18 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I just found out that they guy driving the Bronco(Steve Fields) was a good friend of mine. He lived here in Costa mesa and moved to Havasu about 5 years ago, he had a mobile boat repair service called "Roadrunner". He would do about any thing to help you out. He made the trip back and forth to Newport Beach to do work down here, he was on his way back when he was killed by some asshole passing on a blind hill on rice road.

This the qoute from the paper after it happened.

Five die in fiery collision

01:28 AM PDT on Friday, June 18, 2004
The Press-Enterprise

Five people, their bodies burned beyond recognition, died Thursday afternoon in a head-on collision on a highway in a remote desert area of San Bernardino County, coroner's officials said.

A 1991 Lincoln Towncar, registered in Phoenix, was westbound on Highway 62 east of Rice at 2:40 p.m. when it passed a tractor-trailer rig and collided head-on with an eastbound Ford Bronco, coroner's officials said.

The ensuing fire melted the license plate of the Bronco.

Officials said four people were in the Lincoln and one was in the Bronco, and that their ages and genders could not be determined. Dental records will be used to identify them and autopsies will be performed, officials said. officials said.

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Post Icon Posted: June 30 2004,11:32 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Sorry to hear thar Scott :(
I am beginning to hate that road

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Post Icon Posted: June 30 2004,11:35 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Sorry to hear that RL.  I lived in a place that had no freeways, everthing was two lane roads.  It is amazing what people will pull to pass someone that is going slower than they are.   :angry

All that for what?? Getting home a couple minutes early.

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Havasu DougMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: June 30 2004,11:41 am Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

That's sad news Scott. :(  I think about these stories all the time when I drive that road.  The saddest part of all is you don't have to drive like an idiot to get killed there.  You can be be totally innocent and gone in a second.  :( Maybe I'll start going through Blythe instead now.

Hang in there buddy.

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RVRGIRLFemale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: June 30 2004,1:03 pm Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

That is very sad news. I hate driving on Rice Road. It has always scared me a bit.

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Thats "MRS" RVRGIRL 2 you.....
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GoFastRacerMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: June 30 2004,2:41 pm Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

So sorry to hear that, prayers and thoughts go out to all involved!.. :(
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