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Post Icon Posted: June 30 2004,11:50 pm Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

It's Time For 'Oohs' and 'Aahs': Area Fourth of July events kick off tonight in Laughlin; Havasu fireworks Sunday night

News-Herald Photo/L.J. Frink Rockets red glare will begin bursting in air tonight when the first of at least six Fourth of July fireworks displays, planned from Parker to Kingman, light up the Laughlin evening sky. The "oohs" and "aahs" continue Saturday in Parker with two locations planning fireworks displays. Laughlin will have a second display on the Fourth, joining both Kingman and Lake Havasu City.  
Skyrocketing insurance rates could make this year's Independence Day fireworks display, set to blast off at 9 p.m. Sunday from Spectator Point, the last of its kind in Lake Havasu City.

Dave Glass of Havasu Pyrotechnics said that insurance premiums rose to $17,000 this year, compared to $7,000 in 2003. He said that the threat of terrorism may have caused the escalation. The whole show is budgeted at $22,000, and help from United Rentals was crucial this year, he said.

"I don't know what will happen next year," he said.

Glass said that Sunday's display will be unusually colorful and feature a massive grand finale. Tim O'Neil, Scott Danielson, Bobby Swaney and Glass will fire the same sort of shells as last year, but change the pattern of fire, and add color, he said. The show leads up to a 960-shell finale.

"There'll be a lot of noise at the end," he said.

Boaters viewing the fireworks must keep their crafts 500 feet away from the Island shoreline near Spectator Point. Glass said that he had never seen an unexploded bomb fall to earth, but fiery bits of paper from the rockets sometimes do land and cause burns. Buoys and a floating sign will mark the restricted area.

The show is dedicated to America's men and women in the military. Music will be carried over a public address system beginning at 7 p.m., he said.

There are no admission or parking charges.

Other holiday events around the region include:

€ Today and Sunday at 9 p.m., the gambling town of Laughlin, Nev., will launch its annual Rockets over the River fireworks display from the Arizona side of the Colorado River. Best viewing will be from the casino areas on the Nevada side.

€ Saturday at 7 a.m., the Kingman Regional Medical Center Del E. Webb Wellness Center, at 1719 Beverly Ave. in Kingman, will hold its sixth annual Firecracker Run. Entrance fees are $15 for the 5-kilometer run, and $10 for the 1.5-mile run/walk. Race day registration will be held from 6-6:30 a.m. Runners are asked to be ready to line up by 6:30. Races will start from the Wellness Center parking lot. All participants will receive shirts, with top finishers awarded medals or plaques.

€ Saturday, at 10:30 p.m., the BlueWater Resort and Casino in Parker will present a fireworks display choreographed to patriotic music.

€ Saturday at 8:30 p.m., the Avi Resort and Casino south of Laughlin, Nev., will present a fireworks display.

€ Sunday at 10 a.m., the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7061 in Parker will host a barbecue. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be served. Donations are $2, and drinks will be available for purchase. There will be games, dancing, live music and drawings for selected cuts of meat. The post is located at 516 Hopi Ave. Open to the public.

€ Sunday at noon, the Oatman Gold Road Chamber of Commerce will sponsor an "eggstra" event, the Sidewalk Egg Fry at High Noon in downtown Oatman. Contestants have 15 minutes to use the sunlight to fry an egg on a piece of tin foil or something similar. The most edible-looking egg wins. Contestants may use glasses or similar aids.

€ Sunday from 1-5 p.m., the Bullhead City Municipal Pool will host a luau at 2255 Trane Ave. in Bullhead City. Hawaiian shirts and leis are encouraged for hula dancing and Hawaiian fun. Hot dogs, baked beans, juice and cookies will be served free. Tickets are $1 for seniors, $2 for adults, $1.50 for teens, and $1 for children. Children under age 3 will be admitted free. The event will be over in time to view Rockets over the River.

€ Sunday at 2 p.m., Kingman will hold its 4th of July Festival at the Mohave County Fairgrounds, 2600 Fairgrounds Blvd. Games for all ages will include horseshoes, a potato sack race, an obstacle course called "mud mania," and a watermelon seed-spitting contest. There will be food vendors and a live band.

Fireworks will be displayed at 9 p.m. Admission is $2, plus $1 for parking. Children under 3 admitted free.

€ Sunday at 4 p.m., the Colorado River Indian Tribes in Parker will present its annual July 4 celebration in Manataba Park. A community dinner will be held at 4 p.m., followed by games and activities at 7, and fireworks at 9:30. Manataba Park is located at Second Avenue and Mohave Road on the CRIT reservation.

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Thats "MRS" RVRGIRL 2 you.....
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,2:06 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

So where did everyone watch the fireworks from? Did they put on a good show? Or have you seen better? I think this years in Havasu was pretty weak. The show they had in February this year was 100% better and a much longer show.



Thats "MRS" RVRGIRL 2 you.....
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,4:31 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Our fireworks sucked pretty bad this year. we watched them from the boat in the river.....

Now the best fireworks show I have ever seen is the stern wheel festival here in Sept... they always have awesome fireworks..... they bring a big barge and park it on the ohio river and then we stay on the river and watch them. they are always spectacular.... If I remember hearing it right they spend upwards of 100,000+ on there fireworks.... they fireworks last for like 45mins. I have a few shots from last years in our photo albums..

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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,6:07 am Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

That must quite a show!.. :good  :good
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,7:38 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Our Local fireworks Display was pretty cool.  it last about 30+ Minutes.  Not bad for a small town of 52k people, and all done through donations. :good
I took lotsa fast as the camera would process them I was snapping them.  After the fireworks show we all (My family members, nieces, nephews, mother, etc.) came back to our place and lit off all of our fireworks.  All in all, a pretty fun day.  I think the funnest part for me was that I totally decorated my truck and as we were driving around people were honking, waving, etc.  We went to the store right after we finished decorating it and I had to wait a few minutes before we could back out of the parking space to leave because there was a group of people gathered around the back of my truck tring to read the banner that was taped to my back window.  It was pretty cool! :good

Edited by BigBoyToys on July 05 2004,7:42 am

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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,7:44 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Now it's done with for another year, and as soon as I can get a few cups of Java down me, we're heading out to the lake to test the boat.  If everything goes well, it will get parked and covered until early morning July 23rd :D

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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,7:45 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Sounds like everyone had a good time!.. :good  :good
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,7:46 am Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 05 2004,7:44 am)
Now it's done with for another year, and as soon as I can get a few cups of Java down me, we're heading out to the lake to test the boat.  If everything goes well, it will get parked and covered until early morning July 23rd :D

Just don't break it!. :D  :laugh
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,7:48 am Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 05 2004,7:46 am)
Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 05 2004,7:44 am)
Now it's done with for another year, and as soon as I can get a few cups of Java down me, we're heading out to the lake to test the boat.  If everything goes well, it will get parked and covered until early morning July 23rd :D

Just don't break it!. :D  :laugh

Got my fingers crossed.  I'm gonna take it easy on the motor today.  Just some cruising around with a few short bursts

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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,7:59 am Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 05 2004,7:48 am)
 I'm gonna take it easy on the motor today.  Just some cruising around with a few short bursts

Yeah right! :laugh  :laugh Better put a block under the gas pedal!.. :D  :rotflmao
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,8:03 am Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 05 2004,7:59 am)
Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 05 2004,7:48 am)
 I'm gonna take it easy on the motor today.  Just some cruising around with a few short bursts

Yeah right! :laugh  :laugh Better put a block under the gas pedal!.. :D  :rotflmao

:D  :D  :D  No seriously, I'll take it easy today.  I took a really bad spill yesterday afternoon while we were setting up our "camp" at the local High School Stadium for the fireworks stuff.  Wasn't watching where I was walking and Stepped into a big hole about 6" deep.  Ankle hurts, knees hurt, wrists hurt, and yes, most definitely my back hurts.  I was taking Vicodin at the rate of 1 every 2 hours after that.  Along with the Morphine patch that I was already wearing :D

Edited by BigBoyToys on July 05 2004,8:06 am

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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,8:09 am Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 05 2004,8:03 am)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 05 2004,7:59 am)
Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 05 2004,7:48 am)
 I'm gonna take it easy on the motor today.  Just some cruising around with a few short bursts

Yeah right! :laugh  :laugh Better put a block under the gas pedal!.. :D  :rotflmao

:D  :D  :D  No seriously, I'll take it easy today.  I took a really bad spill yesterday afternoon while we were setting up our "camp" at the local High School Stadium for the fireworks stuff.  Wasn't watching where I was walking and Stepped into a big hole about 6" deep.  Ankle hurts, knees hurt, wrists hurt, and yes, most definitely my back hurts.  I was taking Vicodin at the rate of 1 every 2 hours after that.  Along with the Morphine patch that I was already wearing :D

Man that hurts when you step down and don't expect that!. :(
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,4:52 pm Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 05 2004,8:03 am)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 05 2004,7:59 am)
Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 05 2004,7:48 am)
 I'm gonna take it easy on the motor today.  Just some cruising around with a few short bursts

Yeah right! :laugh  :laugh Better put a block under the gas pedal!.. :D  :rotflmao

:D  :D  :D  No seriously, I'll take it easy today.  I took a really bad spill yesterday afternoon while we were setting up our "camp" at the local High School Stadium for the fireworks stuff.  Wasn't watching where I was walking and Stepped into a big hole about 6" deep.  Ankle hurts, knees hurt, wrists hurt, and yes, most definitely my back hurts.  I was taking Vicodin at the rate of 1 every 2 hours after that.  Along with the Morphine patch that I was already wearing :D

I hope you are doing a little better today. I think you need 2 stay inside your house for a while.



Thats "MRS" RVRGIRL 2 you.....
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,7:33 pm Post # 14 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Easy there BBT don't need a bum knee and a bad back ;)

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