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Sportin' WoodMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,6:38 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Even my kids will be enjoyin the river this weekend while the wife and I are stuck at work :banghead

Damn kids are leaving with the grandparents this afternoon for Mohave while Angie and I are stuck at home this weekend.

17 years with the company, and she pulls crappy shifts all weekend. Meanwhile Its my turn to stay home and keep an eye on all my little sheep :fouet  
 Damn kids,talk about loyalties. Oh well.

Guess I will have to take it out on the workers :fouet

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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,6:50 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Well, I'll be thinking about ya's as I'm out on the lake this saturday.  Sunday is a big family time for me, so we'll be picknicking and BBQing at a place OTHER THAN the lake.  So it's saturday boating only for us this weekend.

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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,7:08 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Oh well, life's a bitch and then you die!.. :D  :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :beer
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,7:29 am Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I am sorry to hear that, :cry  but I am out the door to the river for 6 days..

:jumpie  :jumpie  :jumpie  :jumpie  :jumpie  :jumpie

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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,7:32 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (RiverLiver @ July 01 2004,7:29 am)
I am sorry to hear that, :cry  but I am out the door to the river for 6 days..

:jumpie  :jumpie  :jumpie  :jumpie  :jumpie  :jumpie

When you leaving? I'm heading out at 10:30 today. SEE YA :beer

I wouldn't mind being the last man on Earth - just to see if all of those girls were telling me the truth.
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,7:37 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

You guys have a great weekend!.. :good  :good  :beer  :beer
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,8:14 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Weekend without the little ones... :cry I feel so sorry for you  :rolleyes NOT  :D You and the wife will have a blast!!! Enjoy your time together this weekend!!!  :good  :beer

As for RL  & 87 I'm too are lucky bastards!!!  :D
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,8:42 am Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply


You all have a good time this weekend!

:beer  :beer  :beer  :drink  :drink  :drink

:cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry

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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,10:34 am Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Delusion and myself will be lookig at places to move. No major plans. Everyone please be safe!

It's a whole new year!

Where my girls at?

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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,12:51 pm Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sportin' Wood @ July 01 2004,8:42 am)

You all have a good time this weekend!

:beer  :beer  :beer  :drink  :drink  :drink

:cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry

Not to feel bad, I'll be home working on the boat all weekend!..And maybe have a few :drink by the pool at break time!.. :)
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,12:52 pm Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Silver @ July 01 2004,10:34 am)
Delusion and myself will be lookig at places to move. No major plans. Everyone please be safe!

Good luck on finding a place!.. :good  :good
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yard bargMale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,2:27 pm Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

My wife pulled a fast one  and i'm not happy !!!!!

 my cruiser took a crap on fathersday - So i'm kinda done boating this year do to $$$$ ( new house is an adjustment )  i still have  pop's jet ( my avatar ) MY FEMALE friend and her new husband - go to my wife's saloon - and they all made plans for us to go on their  New ski what ever ( the roll bar boats ) Now I hope all the men will agree - as we know there is no hope for the women as you stick togther like glue , unless one of you make a coment about the others butt - then its on)  I'm not a good passanger - IM THE CAPTAIN - If it was another sport boat i would not feel as guilty  ( I"M a dirty boat owner who is cheating on his beloved one ) SSSSOOOOOOOO any ways my wife have been  " debating " - ok arguing over this - and on top of the boat thing she invited her sister and brother in law to go out - Which was ok with my  friend . but i still feel that this is not right - I should be in my Jet boat - not stuck as a second mate on the drama barge !!!  fricken ski boats --- I shall where my cap low all day !!!   this would describe what could possiably happen  :puke

adios pussy cat
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,2:36 pm Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (yard barg @ July 01 2004,2:27 pm)
My wife pulled a fast one  and i'm not happy !!!!!

 my cruiser took a crap on fathersday - So i'm kinda done boating this year do to $$$$ ( new house is an adjustment )  i still have  pop's jet ( my avatar ) MY FEMALE friend and her new husband - go to my wife's saloon - and they all made plans for us to go on their  New ski what ever ( the roll bar boats ) Now I hope all the men will agree - as we know there is no hope for the women as you stick togther like glue , unless one of you make a coment about the others butt - then its on)  I'm not a good passanger - IM THE CAPTAIN - If it was another sport boat i would not feel as guilty  ( I"M a dirty boat owner who is cheating on his beloved one ) SSSSOOOOOOOO any ways my wife have been  " debating " - ok arguing over this - and on top of the boat thing she invited her sister and brother in law to go out - Which was ok with my  friend . but i still feel that this is not right - I should be in my Jet boat - not stuck as a second mate on the drama barge !!!  fricken ski boats --- I shall where my cap low all day !!!   this would describe what could possiably happen  :puke

Dang, sounds like a fun weekend coming up! :laugh You could get an emergency call and have to take a load to LA or somplace!. :D  :laugh  :laugh  :laugh
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,2:43 pm Post # 14 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 01 2004,12:51 pm)
Quote (Sportin' Wood @ July 01 2004,8:42 am)

You all have a good time this weekend!

:beer  :beer  :beer  :drink  :drink  :drink

:cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry

Not to feel bad, I'll be home working on the boat all weekend!..And maybe have a few :drink by the pool at break time!.. :)

YOU DIDNT SAY UR STAYING HOME WORKING ON YOR chevy pwr"d lake blender did u?  ur making this way to easy Art :p

if you're afraid of dying you're afraid of living
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,3:07 pm Post # 15 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (TopCat @ July 01 2004,2:43 pm)
YOU DIDNT SAY UR STAYING HOME WORKING ON YOR chevy pwr"d lake blender did u?  ur making this way to easy Art :p

No I didn't did I!. :D  :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
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yard bargMale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,3:11 pm Post # 16 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

an emergency load to havasu?? hummm very very intersting  :stupid If i did that i'd be hauling a load to my hand lmao ( sry ladies )

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adios pussy cat
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GoFastRacerMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,3:19 pm Post # 17 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (yard barg @ July 01 2004,3:11 pm)
an emergency load to havasu?? hummm very very intersting  :stupid If i did that i'd be hauling a load to my hand lmao ( sry ladies )

:D  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
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My Man's Sportin' WoodFemale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,3:34 pm Post # 18 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (yard barg @ July 01 2004,2:27 pm)
My wife pulled a fast one  and i'm not happy !!!!!

 my cruiser took a crap on fathersday - So i'm kinda done boating this year do to $$$$ ( new house is an adjustment )  i still have  pop's jet ( my avatar ) MY FEMALE friend and her new husband - go to my wife's saloon - and they all made plans for us to go on their  New ski what ever ( the roll bar boats ) Now I hope all the men will agree - as we know there is no hope for the women as you stick togther like glue , unless one of you make a coment about the others butt - then its on)  I'm not a good passanger - IM THE CAPTAIN - If it was another sport boat i would not feel as guilty  ( I"M a dirty boat owner who is cheating on his beloved one ) SSSSOOOOOOOO any ways my wife have been  " debating " - ok arguing over this - and on top of the boat thing she invited her sister and brother in law to go out - Which was ok with my  friend . but i still feel that this is not right - I should be in my Jet boat - not stuck as a second mate on the drama barge !!!  fricken ski boats --- I shall where my cap low all day !!!   this would describe what could possiably happen  :puke

You've gotta be kidding!  You're not one of those control freaks, are you?  You need to learn how to see the bright side of things.  You get to go boating, drink as much as you want (without pissing the wife off :bowdown  ) and not have to worry about being in charge of anything except getting your ass at a certain place at a certain time.  Sounds like a dream trip to me.  Grab some gas money for the boat owner, some beer and fritos and you're good to go.  Better yet, you go to work for me and deal with the public, I'll go with your wife and we'll leave your crybaby butt at home!   :rotflmao  :rotflmao

BTW, my kids are gone and the worry begins.  I know, I should take my own advice and appreciate the fact that we have a childless weekend.  I'm just worried because of all the accidents lately, and my dad drinks too much.  I'm hoping my mom will control the situation, knowing how worried I am.  The kids want to learn to ski though, and my dad is a very patient teacher, so I'm sure they'll have a good time.

Edited by My Man's Sportin' Wood on July 01 2004,3:36 pm
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,6:38 pm Post # 19 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

well no river house trip for me over the 4th. all my buddies and friends are staying in OC this year where they live. Labor Day for sure will be a big trip for us. Can't wait!

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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,7:36 pm Post # 20 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (My Man's Sportin' Wood @ July 01 2004,3:34 pm)
BTW, my kids are gone and the worry begins.  I know, I should take my own advice and appreciate the fact that we have a childless weekend.  I'm just worried because of all the accidents lately, and my dad drinks too much.  I'm hoping my mom will control the situation, knowing how worried I am.  The kids want to learn to ski though, and my dad is a very patient teacher, so I'm sure they'll have a good time.

Man I sure can relate to that, glad I'm beyond that stage. Now it's my daughter's turn, sweet revenge!. :laugh  :laugh
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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,8:00 pm Post # 21 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

You get to go boating, drink as much as you want (without pissing the wife off   ) and not have to worry about being in charge of anything except getting your ass at a certain place at a certain time.  Sounds like a dream trip to me.  Grab some gas money for the boat owner, some beer and fritos and you're good to go.

Does that mean every trip is a dream come true for you honey! :kiss  :rolleyes

Ohhh I am gonna pay for that.. Good things shes at work,and I am leaving at O dark thirty before she wakes up.  Damn I allready miss my kids, I have to go get my own beer. :beer

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Post Icon Posted: July 01 2004,8:07 pm Post # 22 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sportin' Wood @ July 01 2004,8:00 pm)
You get to go boating, drink as much as you want (without pissing the wife off   ) and not have to worry about being in charge of anything except getting your ass at a certain place at a certain time.  Sounds like a dream trip to me.  Grab some gas money for the boat owner, some beer and fritos and you're good to go.

Does that mean every trip is a dream come true for you honey! :kiss  :rolleyes

Ohhh I am gonna pay for that.. Good things shes at work,and I am leaving at O dark thirty before she wakes up.  Damn I allready miss my kids, I have to go get my own beer. :beer

Yeah but she'll see this sooner or later!.. :laugh  :laugh
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yard bargMale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 02 2004,7:24 am Post # 23 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (My Man's Sportin' Wood @ July 01 2004,3:34 pm)
Quote (yard barg @ July 01 2004,2:27 pm)
My wife pulled a fast one  and i'm not happy !!!!!

 my cruiser took a crap on fathersday - So i'm kinda done boating this year do to $$$$ ( new house is an adjustment )  i still have  pop's jet ( my avatar ) MY FEMALE friend and her new husband - go to my wife's saloon - and they all made plans for us to go on their  New ski what ever ( the roll bar boats ) Now I hope all the men will agree - as we know there is no hope for the women as you stick togther like glue , unless one of you make a coment about the others butt - then its on)  I'm not a good passanger - IM THE CAPTAIN - If it was another sport boat i would not feel as guilty  ( I"M a dirty boat owner who is cheating on his beloved one ) SSSSOOOOOOOO any ways my wife have been  " debating " - ok arguing over this - and on top of the boat thing she invited her sister and brother in law to go out - Which was ok with my  friend . but i still feel that this is not right - I should be in my Jet boat - not stuck as a second mate on the drama barge !!!  fricken ski boats --- I shall where my cap low all day !!!   this would describe what could possiably happen  :puke

You've gotta be kidding!  You're not one of those control freaks, are you?  You need to learn how to see the bright side of things.  You get to go boating, drink as much as you want (without pissing the wife off :bowdown  ) and not have to worry about being in charge of anything except getting your ass at a certain place at a certain time.  Sounds like a dream trip to me.  Grab some gas money for the boat owner, some beer and fritos and you're good to go.  Better yet, you go to work for me and deal with the public, I'll go with your wife and we'll leave your crybaby butt at home!   :rotflmao  :rotflmao

BTW, my kids are gone and the worry begins.  I know, I should take my own advice and appreciate the fact that we have a childless weekend.  I'm just worried because of all the accidents lately, and my dad drinks too much.  I'm hoping my mom will control the situation, knowing how worried I am.  The kids want to learn to ski though, and my dad is a very patient teacher, so I'm sure they'll have a good time.

lmao - see - i told you they stick together like glue !!  but i have to ask your a question - when you drive  a vette would you really rather hang out with a volvo ? - I have the jet - which would be rated at a camero at least - still beat's the volvo - ohh by the way just so you know - i'm a recovering  aqua holic - !!!!    don't make me buy another flat bottom - one seater  :bebe    roll bar boats or pwc - that's a toss up !

adios pussy cat
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Post Icon Posted: July 02 2004,8:59 am Post # 24 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply


Angie<--racking up Jeff's post count again!-->

Edited by Sportin' Wood on July 02 2004,9:10 am

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Post Icon Posted: July 02 2004,9:02 am Post # 25 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sportin' Wood @ July 01 2004,8:00 pm)
You get to go boating, drink as much as you want (without pissing the wife off   ) and not have to worry about being in charge of anything except getting your ass at a certain place at a certain time.  Sounds like a dream trip to me.  Grab some gas money for the boat owner, some beer and fritos and you're good to go.

Does that mean every trip is a dream come true for you honey! :kiss  :rolleyes

Ohhh I am gonna pay for that.. Good things shes at work,and I am leaving at O dark thirty before she wakes up.  Damn I allready miss my kids, I have to go get my own beer. :beer

You got me!  Yes, every trip is a dream trip with you! :love mush, mush  :puke   Seriously, I was going to post something along that line, but then I remembered that I work too, Dammit!  I get all the food and towels together, and if it wasn't for me, you would be a rock lobster!!!!! :p  :ass  :ass  :ass So you just keep driving the boat, and I'll keep taking care of you :fouet  :D

Edited by My Man's Sportin' Wood on July 02 2004,9:13 am
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