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BigBoyToysMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 03 2004,10:41 pm Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

In today's mail I got a letter from the insurance company saying that their doctor has declared me permanent and stationary, and they will no longer be sending me a bi-weekly temporary disability check    So, now I'm REALLY Focked    Not only that, they say that I was OVERPAID $1800.00 which they will keep out of my future settlement.    I don't see how I can be overpaid     for the past 11 months I've been getting about 1/3 of my normal pay....I'd say I was UNDERPAID!  Screw Workman's Comp Reform.  $hit just rolls downhill anyway and ultimately, it's the injured worker that takes it in the rear :ass    :banghead  :banghead   I can blame all of this on the recent Workmans Comp Reform that the Governor recently enacted.....And yes, it is retroactive to ALL cases, past, present, and future.  I bet the Insurance companies have a big smile on their faces now! :beat   Thanks Arnie, now get the H#LL out of office!!!!

Then, on top of all of that, this stupid State taxes the taxes that are on the taxes.  More taxes than anywhere I'm thinking! :angry    

But wait, there's more......Remember that campaign pledge by Arnold to not allow Illegal immigrants to get a Driver's License?  Well, HE (Arnold) is currently trying to sign into law a deal that indeed WOULD allow illegal immigrants to have a drivers License, after a background check and it will have to show the citizenship status on the License itself!   WTF is that all about? :angry   What part of "ILLEGAL" do these idiots not understand?

BBT<-------Shaking his head in anger and disbelief, and most certainly looking for a new State to move to.

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Post Icon Posted: July 03 2004,11:49 pm Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Here it is, 5 minutes 'til midnight, and I'm on the computer looking at Waterfront Homes in Idaho along with Jobs.  I was also thinking about Texas but that is just too dang hot and humid for me.

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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,12:09 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I know what you're going thru, and am going thru the very same stuff now, the "doctors" for the insurance co dont want to grant me the workers comp, for their reasons of course, it's just going to make for a bigger settlement.

And even though i voted for him, AHHNahld what the heck were you thinking signing that bill????

I got some bills that could use your siggy.
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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,1:22 am Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I'm telling you AZ is the shit!  :good

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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,5:50 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 03 2004,10:41 pm)
In today's mail I got a letter from the insurance company saying that their doctor has declared me permanent and stationary, and they will no longer be sending me a bi-weekly temporary disability check    So, now I'm REALLY Focked    Not only that, they say that I was OVERPAID $1800.00 which they will keep out of my future settlement.    I don't see how I can be overpaid     for the past 11 months I've been getting about 1/3 of my normal pay....I'd say I was UNDERPAID!  Screw Workman's Comp Reform.  $hit just rolls downhill anyway and ultimately, it's the injured worker that takes it in the rear :ass    :banghead  :banghead   I can blame all of this on the recent Workmans Comp Reform that the Governor recently enacted.....And yes, it is retroactive to ALL cases, past, present, and future.  I bet the Insurance companies have a big smile on their faces now! :beat   Thanks Arnie, now get the H#LL out of office!!!!

Then, on top of all of that, this stupid State taxes the taxes that are on the taxes.  More taxes than anywhere I'm thinking! :angry    

But wait, there's more......Remember that campaign pledge by Arnold to not allow Illegal immigrants to get a Driver's License?  Well, HE (Arnold) is currently trying to sign into law a deal that indeed WOULD allow illegal immigrants to have a drivers License, after a background check and it will have to show the citizenship status on the License itself!   WTF is that all about? :angry   What part of "ILLEGAL" do these idiots not understand?

BBT<-------Shaking his head in anger and disbelief, and most certainly looking for a new State to move to.

Damn sorry to hear that! :( So what does "permanent and stationary" mean, are they putting you on permanent disability?? :stupid They got to do some fkn thing!.. :rolleyes
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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,6:28 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (RIVERRATMIKE @ July 04 2004,1:22 am)
I'm telling you AZ is the shit!  :good

Wanna bet, this shithole ain't one bit better. When the wife got hurt "ON THE JOB", she had to get a lawyer just to get the medical bills paid! :angry Compensation checks, they never heard of it!. :rolleyes OH, did I mention starving!. :angry
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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,7:46 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 04 2004,5:50 am)

Damn sorry to hear that! :( So what does "permanent and stationary" mean, are they putting you on permanent disability?? :stupid They got to do some fkn thing!.. :rolleyes

Permanent and stationary, is a classification term that they use here in CA to move you from Temporary disability (There's a chance that you can get better) to Permanent and stationary (The injury is permanent and not changing for the better or for the worse and we cannot make the injury better).
Basically, most of the Doctors do not believe that Surgery will help me "At this time".  My doctor has been holding out hoping for the new disc replacement surgery to get FDA Approved (F'ing gvernment Red Tape BS).  WHat happened is that the Insurance caught wind of this via doctors reports, that the only option available to me that might help my condition is the disc replacement.  So, the insurance company, not wanting to pay for a surgery and the subsequent temporary disability recovery period, railroaded this thing through and had their doctor declare me permanent and stationary.  In other words, you're injured, live with it now.  The only thing that happens from this that can be remotely good, it that this opens the path and paves the way for vocational rehabilitation and for a settlement.  The settlement will be based on what percentage I am disabled, in other words, how much less can I do now than I could before the injury.  
I just had a feeling this was gonna happen.  I could really care less about a settlement.  All I wanted is to get fixed and be able to go on with my life with some kind of normality.  I want to be able to work at a job, but I also want to be able to do the things away from the job that I used to be able to do also.  I can't even pull an engine by myself any longer :angry   So, what's gonna happen now is the various doctors are all gonna state their opinion as to what percent that I am physically disabled.  The insurance companies doctor (The one that declared me permanent and stationary), came in at 50% Permanently disabled.  Meaningf I can do 50% of my regular pre-injury duties.  I expect my regular doctor to come in higher than that and my attorneys doctor, who I see on 7/29, to come in at the highest of them all (Just the nature of the game).  Then, they will avg. them out, come up with a settlement package/offer, I counter offer, etc.  and somewheres along the line its accepted by both parties and then has to be approved by the workmans comp board (More red tape) and then after approval, then the settlement has to be paid out (If any $$ ) within 90 days or spomething like that.  SO, this process can take from 6 months up to a year or more.  All the while, I am sitting here through that period of time with ABSOLUTELY NO income :angry
That will make 2 courtrooms I will be seeing in the next 6 months or so....Workmans Comp, and Bankruptcy Court! :angry

Edited by BigBoyToys on July 04 2004,7:51 am

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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,7:56 am Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

It may turn out that after the settlement, I have a rather small monthly check for the rest of my life, but that is unlikely since the State of California Workmans Comp rules state that the Insurance company DOES NOT have to give a monthly check for life UNLESS the injured worker is 90% or more permanently disabled. They DO NOT have to pay me anything at all between now and the settlement, they do however, have to continue paying for medical treatment until the settlement, and after the settlement they may or may not have to pay future meds, depending on the structuring of the  settlement.
That's right, more stupid f'ing government laws and BS.

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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,7:59 am Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Guess you have to just about cut your head off to get any help huh!. :angry
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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,8:07 am Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 04 2004,7:59 am)
Guess you have to just about cut your head off to get any help huh!. :angry

LOL...Yeah, dang near it anyways.
On top of all of this BS, the new reform puts limits on DOctor appointments too.  So, my doctor that I saw on 7/1 has already received the letter from the insurance company (I saw it but couldn't make out what it said), and subsequently, my doctor has had to cut back on my dr. visits.  Now I only see him once every 2 months.  Hope I don't run outta pills and patches between now and then :angry   He did give me a ton of meds though when I saw him on the 1st.  Just hope that they hold out until the next appointment because I can't do much of anything without them.  
Oh yeah, and to top all this off, the Insurance companies doctor (I have his complete report) also recommended that they start "Weaning" me off of the pain meds.  The only way that will work though in my opinion is if they FIX THE F'ING THING!!!!!!!!!

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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,8:14 am Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Now they want to take you off the meds :eek That would tend to piss a person off just a tad! :guns  :guns
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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,8:29 am Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 04 2004,8:14 am)
Now they want to take you off the meds :eek That would tend to piss a person off just a tad! :guns  :guns

Oh believe me, I'm pissed off as H#LL but I can't do anything about it.  Too much Government BS in this State!  I'm outta here as soon as this stuff is settled!  
From what I understand, the injury is indeed fixable, and has a 95% success rate, but the procedure that I need is not FDA approved yet (although is currently undergoing testing in the USA).  SO, the Insurance company just wanted to hurry up and push this through to save $$.  They would rather retrain me for another job within my limitations (Which are not consistent BTW...somedays I can't even get outta bed) and pay out a structured settlement now, rather than make me 90%-100% better again.  Nobody wants me to get off the meds more than I do.  I fear getting addicted to them and have been since day 1 and have expressed my concern about that to my doctor.  SInce I am very aware of the possible addictive nature of the meds, I doubt that I can become addicted to them because I am holding mentally tough on that addiction part anyways.  However, I have tried on numerous occasions to quit taking the meds, and the pain becomes UNBEARABLE, to the point where I am often rolling on the ground in pain, to laying down perfectly best.  There is no way in H#LL that I can do ANY type of work right now without the painkillers.  With them, I can function to a point, but am still very limited in what I can do.  In as much as the Meds are necessary to do anything, keep in mind that it is ILLEGAL for me to be driving while taking them, yet it is extremely painful driving without them......How in the World can I drive to work if I find a job within my physical limitations?

The only option I can see, is some kind of "Work from Home" type of job.  I have always been an outdoors type that likes to do different tasks, using my hands, etc..  I have never been able to sit behind a desk working and that kinda job would drive me nuts I think.  Mrs BBT and myself are now thinking hard on what type of job I can do physically, that I can also do from home so I don't have to worry about the driving part of it, and I'd have the option of getting up, and laying down or something if the need arises.  DOES ANYONE HAVE AN IDEAS OF TYPES OF JOBS THAT FALL WITHIN THIS CRITERIA??? :confused   Any input with ideas would be appreciated, because I am stumped.....

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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,8:33 am Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Thank God Arnold is the Gov and Grey Sky Davis is gone ..I know your upset and I hope your situation gets resolved but the state was bankruped because of Workmans comp and all the abuses and bullshitter Lawyers its too bad that when someone like yourself has a real issue and needs help the system screws you over...sorry to hear it .
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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,8:54 am Post # 14 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (OceansidePat @ July 04 2004,8:33 am)
Thank God Arnold is the Gov and Grey Sky Davis is gone ..I know your upset and I hope your situation gets resolved but the state was bankruped because of Workmans comp and all the abuses and bullshitter Lawyers its too bad that when someone like yourself has a real issue and needs help the system screws you over...sorry to hear it .

Well, Arnold made the situation WORSE for the injured worker, and BETTER for the Employers and Insurance companies.  Don't let the media fool you, the Insurance companies have been MAKING $$ and the Employers were OK too.  Employers would just raise the cost of their service or product to offset the rates.  They always Have.
As for the attorneys being the ones that have "bankrupt" it, believe me, the state was NOT bankrupt because of the Attorneys.  The Attorneys rate is a fixed rate at 13% max of the settlement amount, always has been.  And, I feel that EVERY injured worker that has a serious injury, NEEDS a lawyer because without one, the insurance companies and employers would screw the injured worker even more!  Now, a minor injury, Ie; Strained muscle, cut finger, sprained ankle, etc. I do not feel that they need a attorney because their chances for a complete recovery are much greater than someone that has a serious injury.  I would venture to guess that the biggest problem with the Workmans Comp situation is the skyrocketing Medical costs, in general.  They are going up constantly, whether or not it is workmans comp.  And, rather than fixing the injured worker asap, they just sit on it and treat injuries with pills, hence extending the injury length of time and resulting in more doctor appointments and more co$t to the insurance companies.
Nope, it's not the Attorneys fault, I am VERY glad that I have an Attorney because I would have been screwed long ago without one (The insurance company has denied treatment 2 times already, and the attorney pushed it through for approval).  If they are so concerned about the high costs, go after the doctors and make them fix the injury, if possible, as soon as they can.  That is all that I wanted in the first place.  I never dreamed that I would be out of work for more than a week or two at best, and here I am, 11 months later, no better, no worse.
What they need to do to REALLY make a dent in the costs of workmans comp, is to go after the workmans comp fraud!  SOmeone says they got hurt on the job, they go to a doctor, nothing shows on x-rays as being injured, worker says they are still in lotsa pain, insurance company ultimately settles and pays out $$ to them. :rolleyes   In the meantime, the worker that really has an injury (MRI Showed 3 Herniated discs in my back), gets screwed around by the doctors AND insurance company, and ultimately gets hurt the worst out of everyone involved in the whole stinking process! :angry  :angry

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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,8:56 am Post # 15 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 04 2004,8:29 am)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 04 2004,8:14 am)
Now they want to take you off the meds :eek That would tend to piss a person off just a tad! :guns  :guns

Oh believe me, I'm pissed off as H#LL but I can't do anything about it.  Too much Government BS in this State!  I'm outta here as soon as this stuff is settled!  
From what I understand, the injury is indeed fixable, and has a 95% success rate, but the procedure that I need is not FDA approved yet (although is currently undergoing testing in the USA).  SO, the Insurance company just wanted to hurry up and push this through to save $$.  They would rather retrain me for another job within my limitations (Which are not consistent BTW...somedays I can't even get outta bed) and pay out a structured settlement now, rather than make me 90%-100% better again.  Nobody wants me to get off the meds more than I do.  I fear getting addicted to them and have been since day 1 and have expressed my concern about that to my doctor.  SInce I am very aware of the possible addictive nature of the meds, I doubt that I can become addicted to them because I am holding mentally tough on that addiction part anyways.  However, I have tried on numerous occasions to quit taking the meds, and the pain becomes UNBEARABLE, to the point where I am often rolling on the ground in pain, to laying down perfectly best.  There is no way in H#LL that I can do ANY type of work right now without the painkillers.  With them, I can function to a point, but am still very limited in what I can do.  In as much as the Meds are necessary to do anything, keep in mind that it is ILLEGAL for me to be driving while taking them, yet it is extremely painful driving without them......How in the World can I drive to work if I find a job within my physical limitations?

The only option I can see, is some kind of "Work from Home" type of job.  I have always been an outdoors type that likes to do different tasks, using my hands, etc..  I have never been able to sit behind a desk working and that kinda job would drive me nuts I think.  Mrs BBT and myself are now thinking hard on what type of job I can do physically, that I can also do from home so I don't have to worry about the driving part of it, and I'd have the option of getting up, and laying down or something if the need arises.  DOES ANYONE HAVE AN IDEAS OF TYPES OF JOBS THAT FALL WITHIN THIS CRITERIA??? :confused   Any input with ideas would be appreciated, because I am stumped.....

Hey I got an idea, how about "Post Whoring", that's an easy job!. :laugh

Seriously though, working at home ain't the greatest either, don't know about where you're at but here if you work at home that means you don't need money and you should be doing it for almost free!.. :angry
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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,9:05 am Post # 16 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 04 2004,8:56 am)
[quote=GoFastRacer,July 04 2004,8:14 am]
Hey I got an idea, how about "Post Whoring", that's an easy job!. :laugh

Seriously though, working at home ain't the greatest either, don't know about where you're at but here if you work at home that means you don't need money and you should be doing it for almost free!.. :angry

Post Whoring don't pay enough...You should know that better than anyone :eek  :laugh  :laugh

As far as work from home jobs, many employers have been going to that because it is cheaper (No office space cost) and statistics have shown that a worker working from home is MORE productive than one that works at the office (Maybe work from home works more hours?  I dunno)

With my IT background, I can probably find some kind of Help Desk Job or something where the calls could just be re-routed to my home phone for certain hours of the day, but that don't even come close to the type of pay I was getting pre-injury.  Maybe a remote admin position?  Maybe ?????? :confused   I have also been considering going into the IT Security and IT Investigations deal.  There are lotsa folks out there saying that the next large scale terrorist attack will be IT related....maybe I can get a job for the Homeland Defense and work from home :eek  :rolleyes

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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,9:11 am Post # 17 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 04 2004,9:05 am)
Post Whoring don't pay enough...You should know that better than anyone :eek  :laugh  :laugh

As far as work from home jobs, many employers have been going to that because it is cheaper (No office space cost) and statistics have shown that a worker working from home is MORE productive than one that works at the office (Maybe work from home works more hours?  I dunno)

With my IT background, I can probably find some kind of Help Desk Job or something where the calls could just be re-routed to my home phone for certain hours of the day, but that don't even come close to the type of pay I was getting pre-injury.  Maybe a remote admin position?  Maybe ?????? :confused   I have also been considering going into the IT Security and IT Investigations deal.  There are lotsa folks out there saying that the next large scale terrorist attack will be IT related....maybe I can get a job for the Homeland Defense and work from home :eek  :rolleyes

:rotflmao  :rotflmao Figured you'd say that! :bebe  :bebe  :rotflmao

Well in that field you may have possibility there, be worth looking into!.. :good
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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,9:19 am Post # 18 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Ya know what's BS, my Ex-employer has many home based tech support employees.  And have recently hired about 300 more from what I've been told.  Now how come they didn't offer me one of those positions?  D-I-S-C-R-I-M-I-N-A-T-I-O-N

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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,9:24 am Post # 19 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Oh well, life's a Biatch and then ya die :rolleyes

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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,9:26 am Post # 20 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 04 2004,9:24 am)
Oh well, life's a Biatch and then ya die :rolleyes

Yep you got that right!.. :rolleyes  :laugh
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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,9:44 am Post # 21 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Well, I'm outta here.  The city of Woodland is having some bg all day 4th of July deal all over town and I'm gonna go enjoy it and celebrate Independance Day and get my mind off of this BS.  On the brighter side, maybe I can also celebrate my "Independance" from the Insurance company :rolleyes  :guns  :D

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GoFastRacerMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 04 2004,9:58 am Post # 22 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 04 2004,9:44 am)
Well, I'm outta here.  The city of Woodland is having some bg all day 4th of July deal all over town and I'm gonna go enjoy it and celebrate Independance Day and get my mind off of this BS.  On the brighter side, maybe I can also celebrate my "Independance" from the Insurance company :rolleyes  :guns  :D

Have a fun day!.. :good  :jumpie  :beer
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,2:01 am Post # 23 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I'm in the health care field. I get paid crap for what I do. Also we don't get heath insurance until we are with the company for 6 months!! Thats crazy.



Thats "MRS" RVRGIRL 2 you.....
"When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt."
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GoFastRacerMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,5:58 am Post # 24 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (RVRGIRL @ July 05 2004,2:01 am)
I'm in the health care field. I get paid crap for what I do. Also we don't get heath insurance until we are with the company for 6 months!! Thats crazy.

Welcome to Az!.. :rolleyes  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
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BigBoyToysMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 05 2004,8:10 am Post # 25 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 05 2004,5:58 am)
Quote (RVRGIRL @ July 05 2004,2:01 am)
I'm in the health care field. I get paid crap for what I do. Also we don't get heath insurance until we are with the company for 6 months!! Thats crazy.

Welcome to Az!.. :rolleyes  :rotflmao  :rotflmao

More like, "Welcome to Anytown USA" :rolleyes

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