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Post Icon Posted: July 06 2004,1:26 pm Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I find it very sad that everyone feels they NEED 'things' to make themselves feel better and look what is happening in our country :( Why the need to buy things you can't afford??? It's so sad!  :( It is pulling our great nation down! :(

Why going broke is a fact of life in America.

Bankruptcy has become little more than a few months in purgatory, rather than the seven-year ache -- and lifelong disgrace -- it once was.

Bankruptcy, once regarded as a shameful and humiliating failure, has become an everyday fact of life: More Americans filed for bankruptcy last year in the United States than in the entire decade of the 1960s.

And with millions of consumers struggling under record-breaking debt loads in an environment of rapidly rising interest rates, those numbers are likely to continue climbing in the months and years ahead.

What's behind the bankruptcy boom? In simplest terms, it stems from a growing tendency for consumers to spend more than they can afford to repay.
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Post Icon Posted: July 06 2004,1:34 pm Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Its the American Way to be in debt up to your eyeballs---for some. But I rather have a pot to pee in myself.
And to see some of the folks that file BK, IMO its just a tool to stay rich looking and fix the problems you got yourself into. No Money, No funny, No your pennies and come see me another time.

Ain't life Grand? Treat it that way.
The Love of my Life, Jan.
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Post Icon Posted: July 06 2004,2:27 pm Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

hey - i need a 100 foot hallet -  really i do -

seriously have you  seen the dauflt rate on credit cards - it now up to 29% ouch - i  get em and tear em . don't need em '    life simplifed - your born - you work or dont- but you still pay taxes and you die - ---- play hard - party like a rock star ....  :beat  :beer  :drama

adios pussy cat
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Post Icon Posted: July 06 2004,2:43 pm Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Who the heck invented money anyhow? :stupid , thats where all the problem lies...Thats who we should blame for it all, if not for money we'd all be happy with the same stuff. :D

Right? :rolleyes
Whaaaaaaaattttt????? :bebe  :rotflmao

Edited by Ziggy on July 06 2004,2:44 pm

Ain't life Grand? Treat it that way.
The Love of my Life, Jan.
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Post Icon Posted: July 06 2004,11:13 pm Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Bankruptsy is in place because many people who get sick, have a child born with medical abnormalities or suffer a personal loss through no fault of their own, ie: floods, hurricanes, fires etc. and don't have the income to pay it off.

The people who can't control their spending habits simply abuse the system and you know who ends up covering for them? You and me!!! :stupid  We end up paying higher interest on loans and higher priced consumer goods to make up the difference. :angry

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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,5:40 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I was able to repay all of my debt, and had plenty of $$ leftover every month.....when I was working.  Then, a injury occured at work, and the program that is in place gave me the opportunity to "maintain" everything, and pay all my bills, with no $$ big deal right?  So, now here I am, 10 months after the injury, the system that was in place, and that I and everyone else that is/was working has paid into, has let me down.  I went from a personal net income of around $65k-70k per year, to a net income of $2408 per month for 10 months, and was maintaining ALL of my bills and living expenses.  But, I received a letter in the mail Saturday saying that they will no longer be paying the $2408 per month and now I'm down to $0 income per month....for now anyways.  The injury hasn't healed, and quite the contrary, nobody has even attempted to heal it In my opinion.  On top of all of that, my employer terminated me, illegally I might add.
Now then, with that background info, right now I don't have a pot to piss in, and so far have been able to continue to pay my bills.  But the day is quickly approaching when I have no other option but to file Bankruptcy, because the system that all of us hard workers pay into, has let me down, primarily due to stupid laws that the politicians passed.  Politicians I might add, I do not consider part of the "Working" force, because they are so out of touch with reality and their constituents that they supposedly represent.  
I will continue to try and pay all of my debt, but when it comes right down to it, if I have to file bankruptcy to protect the roof over my kids heads, and to feed and clothe my kids (5 By the way), then so be it, I will file bankruptcy.  It is my last choice and option though.
In a case like that, I don't feel that there is anything wrong with bankruptcy.  SItuations happened that were/are beyond my control, and everything was basically put into the hands of the "SYstem" and the "Laws" that govern it.  I've been a working stiff all my life, and hate not being able to work and do other things at home even, but I am at the mercy of the system now, and it's the "System" that drags everyone down.

Edited by BigBoyToys on July 07 2004,5:42 am

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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,5:49 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

What they need to do is investigate the ones that are abusing the system!. :guns They are the ones that fk things up for the ones that legitimately needs help!.. :angry
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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:00 am Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 07 2004,5:49 am)
What they need to do is investigate the ones that are abusing the system!. :guns They are the ones that fk things up for the ones that legitimately needs help!.. :angry

I agree.  SO much in fact, that I am seriously considering training to become a private Investigator, specializing in WOrkman's Comp Fraud along with IT Security and Fraud.  I am a candidate for Vocational Rehabilitation, and have been offered it.  Not so sure though that I can hold out income wise though to be able to go through a re-training period.  Never know, I may end up working as a cashier at the local 7-11 with Habu as my boss (Of course Habu, being a foreign immigrant, got all the help he needed when he moved to the USA).  Damn, if I was a minority or a foreigner I'd have the various Government agencies standing in line at my front door begging to help me, but I'm not, and I don't.
Question, why is there a United Negro College Fund and that is legal, even though they only help a certain ethnic group.  But, there is no United Caucasion College fund because that discriminates against others?  Seriously, I ain't kidding.  That's total BS.  Bunch of whacked out politicians wanting to do "feel Good" things and trying to be "Politically Correct" has left the Caucasion people high and dry, even though I don't think that caucasions are the majority anymore.  AT least not around here.  There has been 6 houses sold in my neighborhood within viewing distance of my house, in the last 3 months.  And you know what?  ALL of them were purchased by Hispanic folks.  Note;  I have nothing against Hispanics, just pointing out the Majority/minority discrepancy.

Here's a good question, why is there so many various programs available to certain ethnic groups and immigrants (Legal and Illegal even) and yet, there is no special programs available to me (Caucasion Male, Born in the USA)???  REVERSE DISCRIMINATION is the answer, and it happens all the time and no body says anything about it.

Question;  Why is there the NAACP (National Association for Advancement of Colored People) and no NAAWP (National Association for Advancement of WHite People).  I'll tell ya why, as soon as someone started an organization like that, there would be lawsuits coming from every direction.

Edited by BigBoyToys on July 07 2004,6:07 am

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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:06 am Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 07 2004,6:00 am)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 07 2004,5:49 am)
What they need to do is investigate the ones that are abusing the system!. :guns They are the ones that fk things up for the ones that legitimately needs help!.. :angry

I agree.  SO much in fact, that I am seriously considering training to become a private Investigator, specializing in WOrkman's Comp Fraud along with IT Security and Fraud.  I am a candidate for Vocational Rehabilitation, and have been offered it.  Not so sure though that I can hold out income wise though to be able to go through a re-training period.  Never know, I may end up working as a cashier at the local 7-11 with Habu as my boss (Of course Habu, being a foreign immigrant, got all the help he needed when he moved to the USA).  Damn, if I was a minority or a foreigner I'd have the various Government agencies standing in line at my front door begging to help me, but I'm not, and I don't.
Question, why is there a United Negro College Fund and that is legal, even though they only help a certain ethnic group.  But, there is no United Caucasion College fund because that discriminates against others?  Seriously, I ain't kidding.  That's total BS.  Bunch of whacked out politicians wanting to do "feel Good" things and trying to be "Politically Correct" has left the Caucasion people high and dry, even though I don't think that caucasions are the majority anymore.  AT least not around here.  There has been 6 houses sold in my neighborhood within viewing distance of my house, in the last 3 months.  And you know what?  ALL of them were purchased by Hispanic folks.  Note;  I have nothing against Hispanics, just pointing out the Majority/minority discrepancy.

I think I would go for the training, that may be an interesting field!.. :rolleyes  :good
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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:08 am Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Not much $$ in it and very few job openings in the field.....

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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:13 am Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

You know though, I've looked at the Workmans Comp fraud thing extensively in the past few months.  Estimates are that Approximately 90% of all Workmans Comp Fraud comes from Minority Workers and Illegal Immigrants (Yes, even they are able to receive WOrkman's Comp in California).  And the highest injury/Fraud rate is in the Farming Industry.

Kinda makes ya go Hmmmm doesn't it (Keep in mind my previous post about lotsa Hispanics moving into my neighborhood recently, most are field workers ) Now that really makes ya go hmmmm.......  ANd my neighborhood avg. price of a house is around $350k right now

Edited by BigBoyToys on July 07 2004,6:15 am

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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:19 am Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 07 2004,6:13 am)
Kinda makes ya go Hmmmm doesn't it (Keep in mind my previous post about lotsa Hispanics moving into my neighborhood recently, most are field workers ) Now that really makes ya go hmmmm.......  ANd my neighborhood avg. price of a house is around $350k right now

That's because the people that are selling care about the money, they are leaving so they don't give a shit. If someone can get the loan, they takke the money and run!.. :rolleyes
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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:20 am Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 07 2004,6:08 am)
Not much $$ in it and very few job openings in the field.....

Guess that's why they want to train ya huh!.. :rolleyes  :laugh
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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:23 am Post # 14 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 07 2004,6:20 am)
Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 07 2004,6:08 am)
Not much $$ in it and very few job openings in the field.....

Guess that's why they want to train ya huh!.. :rolleyes  :laugh

LOL...Yeah, I reckon.  Too much Red Tape too to become a Private Investigator.  There are some strict laws governing that in CA

Edited by BigBoyToys on July 07 2004,6:24 am

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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:27 am Post # 15 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

What do you expect? People have no idea how to budget.
I have guys working for me, come to think of it... All the guys working for me cry that they don't make enough money.  This is coming from guys that are single and make 20 bucks an hour. Problem that they can't see is that they get reemed in taxes and spend $10 a day on smokes hit the bars almost every night, and all drive brand new trucks. I had a guy just quit working for me because it was somehow my fault he was denied credit to buy a boat because his debt ratio sucked ass. I'm 34 years old and still have never bought a brand new truck.
Damn kids today don't even know how to keep a bank account straight. Credit is a tool to gain wealth not to buy stuff you can't afford.
We have a whole city of fake wealth right next door to us called Canyon Lake. You should see this place, I think the entire Jones family lives there because all the people look the same, act the same, drive the same trucks, and boats, buggies, and golf carts. The ladies all have the same hair and boobs. It's like the Stepford city. They have guards and a gate to keep sane people out.

[ armed security guard] "Sorry sir You'll have to lift that work truck and put some dub's on it if you would like to come in here!" Oh, and I'll have to see your tattoo and proof of ownership of a Roll bar boat!

Fawkin sheep! :stupid

Edited by My Man's Sportin' Wood on July 07 2004,8:27 am
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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:30 am Post # 16 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (My Man's Sportin' Wood @ July 07 2004,6:27 am)
What do you expect? People have no idea how to budget.
I have guys working for me, come to think of it... All the guys working for me cry that they don't make enough money.  This is coming from guys that are single and make 20 bucks an hour. Problem that they can't see is that they get reemed in taxes and spend $10 a day on smokes hit the bars almost every night, and all drive brand new trucks. I had a guy just quit working for me because it was somehow my fault he was denied credit to buy a boat because his dept ratio sucked ass. I'm 34 years old and still have never bought a brand new truck.
Damn kids today don't even know how to keep a bank acount straight. Credit is a tool to gain wealth not to buy stuff you can't afford.
We have a whole city of fake wealth right next door to us called canyon lake. You should see this place I think the entire Jones family lives there because all the people look the same, act the same, drive the same trucks, and boats, buggies, and golf carts. The ladies all have the same hair and boobs. It's like the stepford city. They have guards and a gate to keep sane people out.

[ armed security guard] "Sorry sir You'll have to lift that work truck and put some dub's on it if you would like to come in here!" Oh, and I'll have to see your tatoo and proof of ownership of a Roll bar boat!

Fawkin sheep! :stupid

:good  :rotflmao

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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:47 am Post # 17 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 07 2004,6:06 am)
Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 07 2004,6:00 am)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 07 2004,5:49 am)
What they need to do is investigate the ones that are abusing the system!. :guns They are the ones that fk things up for the ones that legitimately needs help!.. :angry

I agree.  SO much in fact, that I am seriously considering training to become a private Investigator, specializing in WOrkman's Comp Fraud along with IT Security and Fraud.  I am a candidate for Vocational Rehabilitation, and have been offered it.  Not so sure though that I can hold out income wise though to be able to go through a re-training period.  Never know, I may end up working as a cashier at the local 7-11 with Habu as my boss (Of course Habu, being a foreign immigrant, got all the help he needed when he moved to the USA).  Damn, if I was a minority or a foreigner I'd have the various Government agencies standing in line at my front door begging to help me, but I'm not, and I don't.
Question, why is there a United Negro College Fund and that is legal, even though they only help a certain ethnic group.  But, there is no United Caucasion College fund because that discriminates against others?  Seriously, I ain't kidding.  That's total BS.  Bunch of whacked out politicians wanting to do "feel Good" things and trying to be "Politically Correct" has left the Caucasion people high and dry, even though I don't think that caucasions are the majority anymore.  AT least not around here.  There has been 6 houses sold in my neighborhood within viewing distance of my house, in the last 3 months.  And you know what?  ALL of them were purchased by Hispanic folks.  Note;  I have nothing against Hispanics, just pointing out the Majority/minority discrepancy.

I think I would go for the training, that may be an interesting field!.. :rolleyes  :good

Its the changing face of the working class.
Irish, german, what ever. The country was full of light eyes and dark hair during the civil war. The face of america changed to lighter hair and it will change again, I would guess latino. What are You gonna do? The United Negro Fund is needed IMO. Education is the key to bringing any race out of poverty. There are tons of grants out there for all walks of life and races. Sure I got screwed out of a job with the CDF because of affirnative(sp) action. But I am not one to blame others,  I got into a field that had a shortage of skilled workers avalible.( I'm better off ) I do think it is interesting that alot of public jobs are held by non white races, and most big private company jobs are held by the white man. Which is really better?

Tough subject to coment on because it can be taken the wrong way by what ever view you hold. Conversation on this subject by open minds always turns out favorable, closed minds  well not so positive.

Back to picking on the credit lemmings! :D
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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,6:50 am Post # 18 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Damn I am using the wifes sig.... Sorry Angie They all know Your much sweeter then me anyway :kiss

Sportin' wood

Edit: and You can spell much better

Edited by My Man's Sportin' Wood on July 07 2004,6:51 am
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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,7:11 am Post # 19 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (My Man's Sportin' Wood @ July 07 2004,6:50 am)
Damn I am using the wifes sig.... Sorry Angie They all know Your much sweeter then me anyway :kiss

Sportin' wood

Edit: and You can spell much better

:rotflmao  :rotflmao

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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,7:15 am Post # 20 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (My Man's Sportin' Wood @ July 07 2004,6:27 am)
What do you expect? People have no idea how to budget.
I have guys working for me, come to think of it... All the guys working for me cry that they don't make enough money.  This is coming from guys that are single and make 20 bucks an hour. Problem that they can't see is that they get reemed in taxes and spend $10 a day on smokes hit the bars almost every night, and all drive brand new trucks. I had a guy just quit working for me because it was somehow my fault he was denied credit to buy a boat because his dept ratio sucked ass. I'm 34 years old and still have never bought a brand new truck.
Damn kids today don't even know how to keep a bank acount straight. Credit is a tool to gain wealth not to buy stuff you can't afford.
We have a whole city of fake wealth right next door to us called canyon lake. You should see this place I think the entire Jones family lives there because all the people look the same, act the same, drive the same trucks, and boats, buggies, and golf carts. The ladies all have the same hair and boobs. It's like the stepford city. They have guards and a gate to keep sane people out.

[ armed security guard] "Sorry sir You'll have to lift that work truck and put some dub's on it if you would like to come in here!" Oh, and I'll have to see your tatoo and proof of ownership of a Roll bar boat!

Fawkin sheep! :stupid

:D  :good  :good  :rotflmao
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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,7:17 am Post # 21 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (My Man's Sportin' Wood @ July 07 2004,6:47 am)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 07 2004,6:06 am)
Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 07 2004,6:00 am)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 07 2004,5:49 am)
What they need to do is investigate the ones that are abusing the system!. :guns They are the ones that fk things up for the ones that legitimately needs help!.. :angry

I agree.  SO much in fact, that I am seriously considering training to become a private Investigator, specializing in WOrkman's Comp Fraud along with IT Security and Fraud.  I am a candidate for Vocational Rehabilitation, and have been offered it.  Not so sure though that I can hold out income wise though to be able to go through a re-training period.  Never know, I may end up working as a cashier at the local 7-11 with Habu as my boss (Of course Habu, being a foreign immigrant, got all the help he needed when he moved to the USA).  Damn, if I was a minority or a foreigner I'd have the various Government agencies standing in line at my front door begging to help me, but I'm not, and I don't.
Question, why is there a United Negro College Fund and that is legal, even though they only help a certain ethnic group.  But, there is no United Caucasion College fund because that discriminates against others?  Seriously, I ain't kidding.  That's total BS.  Bunch of whacked out politicians wanting to do "feel Good" things and trying to be "Politically Correct" has left the Caucasion people high and dry, even though I don't think that caucasions are the majority anymore.  AT least not around here.  There has been 6 houses sold in my neighborhood within viewing distance of my house, in the last 3 months.  And you know what?  ALL of them were purchased by Hispanic folks.  Note;  I have nothing against Hispanics, just pointing out the Majority/minority discrepancy.

I think I would go for the training, that may be an interesting field!.. :rolleyes  :good

Its the changing face of the working class.
Irish, german, what ever. The country was full of light eyes and dark hair during the civil war. The face of america changed to lighter hair and it will change again, I would guess latino. What are You gonna do? The United Negro Fund is needed IMO. Education is the key to bringing any race out of poverty. There are tons of grants out there for all walks of life and races. Sure I got screwed out of a job with the CDF because of affirnative(sp) action. But I am not one to blame others,  I got into a field that had a shortage of skilled workers avalible.( I'm better off ) I do think it is interesting that alot of public jobs are held by non white races, and most big private company jobs are held by the white man. Which is really better?

Tough subject to coment on because it can be taken the wrong way by what ever view you hold. Conversation on this subject by open minds always turns out favorable, closed minds  well not so positive.

Back to picking on the credit lemmings! :D

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not prejudice or anything.  I just think that there is alot of reverse discrimination going on.  And affirmitive action is one of the problems.  As for the United Negro COllege Fund, sure it's needed, but you don't hear anyone in the media (or elsewhere) when a caucasion applies for a grant and get's turned down, yet if a minority gets turned down, you hear them yelling discrimination more often than not and it's all over the news.
Even in the court system, you always hear minority folks yelling racial discrimination.  Yet ya never hear Majority yelling racial discrimination.  You always hear about and see cops supposedly "beating" a minority (even if it wasn't really a beating) but you rarely here about the cops beating a caucasion guy.  Believe me, it happens...I know that for fact :rolleyes  But if I got beat and cried racial discrimination, not only would it NOT make the news, but they would laugh me out of court.
It's just too many politicians and others trying to do the "feel Good" thing and trying to be "Politically Correct" while leaving the rest of us behind.

Edited by BigBoyToys on July 07 2004,7:19 am

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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,7:20 am Post # 22 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply


I want a new Mercedes..... :rotflmao

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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,7:21 am Post # 23 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 07 2004,7:17 am)
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not prejudice or anything.  I just think that there is alot of reverse discrimination going on.  And affirmitive action is one of the problems.  As for the United Negro COllege Fund, sure it's needed, but you don't hear anyone in the media (or elsewhere) when a caucasion applies for a grant and get's turned down, yet if a minority gets turned down, you hear them yelling discrimination more often than not and it's all over the news.
Even in the court system, you always hear minority folks yelling racial discrimination.  Yet ya never hear Majority yelling racial discrimination.  You always hear about and see cops supposedly "beating" a minority (even if it wasn't really a beating) but you rarely here about the cops beating a caucasion guy.  Believe me, it happens...I know that for fact :rolleyes  But if I got beat and cried racial discrimination, not only would it NOT make the news, but they would laugh me out of court.
It's just too many politicians and others trying to do the "feel Good" thing and trying to be "Politically Correct" while leaving the rest of us behind.

It's the American way!.. :D  :good  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,7:23 am Post # 24 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Jetboat Brian @ July 07 2004,7:20 am)

I want a new Mercedes..... :rotflmao

Hell, I'll be happy with just boat parts!.. :rotflmao  :rotflmao
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Post Icon Posted: July 07 2004,7:25 am Post # 25 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Ok, no more complaining from me...Back on topic :D

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