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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:00 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I have one more class left then I'm done..... :jumpie
Aug 19 is my last day..... :good
But the Graduation ceremony is July 29.  I will get to go through the ceremony...I'm looking forward to it.
My grades
Anatomy & Kinesiology   A-
Ethics 1   A+
Ethics 2   A+
Eastern massage (Shiatsu) A+
Western Massage (Swedish) A+
Clinical LAb   A+
Advanced Eastern massage  A+
Business  A+
National certification board exam prep test   B+
Eastern Philosophy  A+
Externship  A+
Advanced Western massage  (Last class)
CPR & First aid    A+
My Director/Instructor told me that he would hire me as a TA (teachers assistant) So If I don't find a job as a Massage Therapist right away I will be helping to teach other students.. :)

Edited by Mrs big boy toys on July 15 2004,9:09 pm

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:10 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Hey!  How did that B sneak in there? :D

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Kim HansonMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:26 am Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Way to go  :good congrats :jumpie

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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:36 am Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 15 2004,9:10 am)
Hey!  How did that B sneak in there? :D

That really doesn't count on my transcript, just a practice test which was harder then the real test will be..... :D

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:37 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Kim Hanson @ July 15 2004,9:26 am)
Way to go  :good congrats :jumpie

Thanks.... :D
I really love what I'm doing. :)

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,11:05 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Right on girl. What school do you attend?

It's a whole new year!

Where my girls at?

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,3:59 pm Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Atta girl :good Do you get a dollar for every A or something else :love

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GoFastRacerMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,7:46 pm Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Congrats Mbbt!.. :good  :good  :good  :beer
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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:12 pm Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Silver @ July 15 2004,11:05 am)
Right on girl. What school do you attend?

Thank you.... :) I attend school at Northwestern School I go to

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:16 pm Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (AZKC @ July 15 2004,3:59 pm)
Atta girl :good Do you get a dollar for every A or something else :love

Thanks.. :rotflmao No, but I do get Rewarded ..... :D
I'm going into the medical part of Massage so there will be money coming in that's for sure.  :)  Working with Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, And Dr's.

Edited by Mrs big boy toys on July 15 2004,9:18 pm

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:17 pm Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 15 2004,7:46 pm)
Congrats Mbbt!.. :good  :good  :good  :beer

Thanks I'm pretty proud of myself... :D  But I have to give some of the credit to MrBBT if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be able to go to school. Thanks Honey... :kiss

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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GoFastRacerMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:34 pm Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Mrs big boy toys @ July 15 2004,9:17 pm)
Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 15 2004,7:46 pm)
Congrats Mbbt!.. :good  :good  :good  :beer

Thanks I'm pretty proud of myself... :D  

You ought to be!. :good  :good  :good  :beer
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shuemanMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:38 pm Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Mrs big boy toys @ July 15 2004,9:16 pm)
Quote (AZKC @ July 15 2004,3:59 pm)
Atta girl :good Do you get a dollar for every A or something else :love

Thanks.. :rotflmao No, but I do get Rewarded ..... :D
I'm going into the medical part of Massage so there will be money coming in that's for sure.  :)  Working with Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, And Dr's.

And ya got a "built in" patient to practice on.... :rotflmao
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BigBoyToysMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,9:59 pm Post # 14 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (shueman @ July 15 2004,9:38 pm)
And ya got a "built in" patient to practice on.... :rotflmao

Boy, if ya only knew how accurate that statement is.  Mrs BBT started going to this school after I got injured and she saw that the doctors were doing nothing to help me.  So, she wanted to help me and she has learned alot and I'm VERY proud of her accomplishments, and even more proud of her because her enthusiasm for the field of work has grown, rather than weakened like most folks do when going to school (Ya get tired of it).  I for one, can GUARANTEE, that Mrs BBT's training has enabled her to make me feel much more comfortable and with less pain than normal.  Honestly, there is nothing that she can do to fix my problem, that will require surgery.  But while the doctors have been screwing me around, Mrs BBT has been applying her new found/learned techniques on me and I can tell you, the results are simply amazing!  I truely believe that if everyone would get a professional massage from a properly trained Massage Therapist, you would go back again for regular appointments.  I cannot say enough good about this deal.  It's a Win Win situation for Mrs BBT and Myself, and our family of course.  Although Mrs BBT has helped other clients already and they have all had nothing but praise, there will be a time not too far from now when Mrs BBT will have her own regular clientele built up. :good

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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,10:00 pm Post # 15 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

MrBBT was the reason why I desided to get into medical Massage....Because I wanted to be able to help him. I may not be able to help his 3 herniated disks but At least I can keep his muscles from getting injured...

When I started school I didn't realize how hard it was going to be, but I love it..... :D

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 15 2004,10:06 pm Post # 16 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 15 2004,9:59 pm)
Quote (shueman @ July 15 2004,9:38 pm)
And ya got a "built in" patient to practice on.... :rotflmao

Boy, if ya only knew how accurate that statement is.  Mrs BBT started going to this school after I got injured and she saw that the doctors were doing nothing to help me.  So, she wanted to help me and she has learned alot and I'm VERY proud of her accomplishments, and even more proud of her because her enthusiasm for the field of work has grown, rather than weakened like most folks do when going to school (Ya get tired of it).  I for one, can GUARANTEE, that Mrs BBT's training has enabled her to make me feel much more comfortable and with less pain than normal.  Honestly, there is nothing that she can do to fix my problem, that will require surgery.  But while the doctors have been screwing me around, Mrs BBT has been applying her new found/learned techniques on me and I can tell you, the results are simply amazing!  I truely believe that if everyone would get a professional massage from a properly trained Massage Therapist, you would go back again for regular appointments.  I cannot say enough good about this deal.  It's a Win Win situation for Mrs BBT and Myself, and our family of course.  Although Mrs BBT has helped other clients already and they have all had nothing but praise, there will be a time not too far from now when Mrs BBT will have her own regular clientele built up. :good

Thanks Honey.... :kiss I really love my new field of work. I help you and others with just the touch of my hands. I have help others recovery so much faster then they normally would have .

Edited by Mrs big boy toys on July 15 2004,10:07 pm

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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shuemanMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,6:13 am Post # 17 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Mrs big boy toys @ July 15 2004,10:00 pm)
MrBBT was the reason why I desided to get into medical Massage....Because I wanted to be able to help him. I may not be able to help his 3 herniated disks but At least I can keep his muscles from getting injured...

When I started school I didn't realize how hard it was going to be, but I love it..... :D

That's BEAUTIFUL.....!!!   :good
Way Ta Go Girl..!!
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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,6:18 am Post # 18 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Congrats Mrs. BBT.  Going  to school as an adult, with all the other responsibilities of adult life, and carrying a fantastic GPA is quite an accomplishment.

You deserve a big  :good and  :jumpie  :jumpie  :jumpie

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BigBoyToysMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,6:45 am Post # 19 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Sleek-Jet @ July 16 2004,6:18 am)
Congrats Mrs. BBT.  Going  to school as an adult, with all the other responsibilities of adult life, and carrying a fantastic GPA is quite an accomplishment.

You deserve a big  :good and  :jumpie  :jumpie  :jumpie

I concur 100%!  I know how hard it is to be an adult, with children, going to college full time since I've done that also.  But Mrs BBT's commitment to school has not affected her commitment to our family not one bit :good   She has (and is) going through this thing with flying colors with a great balance between school and family, and to be able to accomplish that, as well as she has (Look at her grades) is nothing short of amazing.  
You are getting an A+ at home here too Hun... :good  :kiss
And yes, although I know I tell you all the time, thank you for everything that you do for me, us, and our family.  Although the kids may not notice (You know kids :beat ) I certainly do notice and appreciate it VERY much.

Now then, can you go work 3 jobs for me and make up the income I've lost by getting injured? :rotflmao  :rotflmao  (Just Kidding folks.....I ain't a slave driver here :D )

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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,7:15 am Post # 20 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

That's so sweet thanks.. :) I'll be the first one to admit that Going to school as a mother of 5 and wife (to a great hubby) isn't easy at all, but With the support I have and the help I get from MrBBT that makes it easier to accomplish anything.  :D no matter what I do I always give it 100%.
Mr BBT helps me study He even lays there while I put little dots on him. Or try new things I have learned. My instructors are great they give me new thing to try and Help MrBBT. So of course I come home and try them and they normally help him.

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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BigBoyToysMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,7:17 am Post # 21 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Mrs big boy toys @ July 16 2004,7:15 am)
That's so sweet thanks.. :) I'll be the first one to admit that Going to school as a mother of 5 and wife (to a great hubby) isn't easy at all, but With the support I have and the help I get from MrBBT that makes it easier to accomplish anything.  :D no matter what I do I always give it 100%.
Mr BBT helps me study He even lays there while I put little dots on him. Or try new things I have learned. My instructors are great they give me new thing to try and Help MrBBT. So of course I come home and try them and they normally help him.

Hey, you wern't supposed to tell anyone about that dot thing :D   I can't count how many times I went downtown or to Walmart or somehwere, just to return home later to find that I had a red or blue dot on my forehead or somewhere else visible :eek  :rotflmao  :rotflmao

Edited by BigBoyToys on July 16 2004,7:18 am

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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,7:19 am Post # 22 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 16 2004,7:17 am)
Quote (Mrs big boy toys @ July 16 2004,7:15 am)
That's so sweet thanks.. :) I'll be the first one to admit that Going to school as a mother of 5 and wife (to a great hubby) isn't easy at all, but With the support I have and the help I get from MrBBT that makes it easier to accomplish anything.  :D no matter what I do I always give it 100%.
Mr BBT helps me study He even lays there while I put little dots on him. Or try new things I have learned. My instructors are great they give me new thing to try and Help MrBBT. So of course I come home and try them and they normally help him.

Hey, you wern't supposed to tell anyone about that dot thing :D   I can't count how many times I went downtown or to Walmart or somehwere, just to return home later to find that I had a red or blue dot on my forehead or somewhere else visible :eek  :rotflmao  :rotflmao

:rotflmao or behind your bad.. :D

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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Mrs big boy toysFemale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,7:32 am Post # 23 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Thank you everyone for the kind words... :) You all are such awsome people. I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone. :beer

God Bless Our Troops past, present, and future......"Thank You"

To all Vietnam Vets. You are all Hero's to me.

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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,8:02 pm Post # 24 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

A hearty congratulations, Mrs. BBT! All of your hard work is going to pay off in a very rewarding new career!

:) :) :)

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Post Icon Posted: July 17 2004,6:03 am Post # 25 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I can't wait until Mrs BBT finds a good paying job doing her new profession.  I think she finally found a line of work that she enjoys and instead of coming home from work grumpy every day, she'll come home with a smile on her face. :good   And within a few years, I can see Mrs BBT starting up her own business and then she'll really have a nice job :good  and maybe I can retire (Fat chance :laugh ).

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