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JustMVGMale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,6:53 am Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I am posting this on all of the local websites hope you can all participate, Thanks to all Mike VG

Blood Drive
As you may or may not know the Southland is in need of blood, so 95.5 KLOS one of the local radio stations is having a blood drive, the cool thing is that you'll get a free ticket to OZ FEST, a heavy metal concert, sure they are just general admission(Lawn Seats)and a commemorative Tshirt but you'd be helping out , i'll have, along with my friend our motorhomes at the concert stop by , have a beer or mixed drink or? what ever the hell you want, wear your favorite boating shirt take a pic post it here if you can what the hell right? If you go to the following link you can go to any one of the centers and give blood, if you've given before that is so cool, I normally don't ask for much but hey it's just a pint of blood , but that pint can go along ways, if you have never donated, well it's about time you did!! I don't work for the station now but did in the past, i'll be donating at the Ontario Donor center, it will be much appreciated , and lifesaving as well, any of you who would like to meet and do this as a group we can get some pics post them ... and the rest is history, check out the link decide whats best for you and get an appt, if you don't have ne they'll work you in. It's easy to donate, heres the link:

Hope to see you at the concert drop by say Hi and if you can't or just plain don't like the music thats fine at least you donated and got the tshirt. Thanks Mike VG PM me if youd like and we'll get more info on where we'll be at the concert so we can have a little pre party/concert action.

Mike Van Gompel


Edited by MandMVG on July 16 2004,6:53 am
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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,11:56 am Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I would if I could. O negative is a good one too!

It's a whole new year!

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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,3:08 pm Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

I donate on a fairly regular basis.  It's cool to get an added perk out of the deal once in a while though. :cool

I'm O Positive. :D

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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,3:13 pm Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

They won't take my blood it is type super focker blood. :eek

Don't Be a Hater

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Post Icon Posted: July 16 2004,5:45 pm Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

River Liver you  will submit and you will donate, me i'm B+ so they kinda want mine, been donating for years , every year for the station and always for the Red Cross.
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Post Icon Posted: July 19 2004,12:29 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Apparently all of the LA reservations are full, but the IE red cross are going to take walkins , so i am going to hit the Red Cross on the 28th and make sure i get a ticket for the concert, i'll be going to the Donator station at 4th and Archibald in Ontario. Hope see or hear that some of you made it , you'll be helping out alot of people and get that dudley do right atta boy/girl for me if you want to meet up and go to the same spot, het have brunch or lunch right after.... Mikey
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Post Icon Posted: July 19 2004,5:46 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (RiverLiver @ July 16 2004,3:13 pm)
They won't take my blood it is type super focker blood. :eek


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Post Icon Posted: July 19 2004,6:17 am Post # 8 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

It's kinda odd how the American Red Cross can only draw blood in certain states and not all of them.  Each State has it's own laws I reckon.  I was DEEPLY involved with the American Red Cross while I lived in New Mexico, as director of Disaster Services for a 5 county area.  I was an instructor for All CPR and First Aid classes, as well as a few Disaster Services Classes, and was also listed as a DSHR (Disaster Services Human Resources) Which are the people that volunteer to go WorldWide to disasters to help out people in need.  Although I was a Volunteer in every aspect and made absolutely no $$ for myself, I worked from 30-40 hours per week, and frequently all hours of the night.

BTW, here's a few little known facts, a bit of Trivia about the Red Cross.
The Red Cross in Mexico, Cruz Roja (Sp?) Operates all of the Ambulances in the Country, and does it for a fee.  This is where they make most of their $$.
The American Red Cross, makes most of their $$ from Fund Raisers and Donations, but by far the single biggest Donator to the American Red Cross is The United Way.

Did you know that; The American Red Cross is on the front lines with Firemen at large fires, serving coffee, refreshments, and food, as long as it's necessary?  Most calls that the American Red Cross Disaster Services Action Team (DAT) are single family house fires?  The American Red Cross will pay to put up a displaced Family whose house was destroyed by fire, in a Motel, along with food vouchers, clothing, toys, sundries,etc?
The American Red Cross is the quickest way to get in touch with a Military family member, in the event of a Tragedy at home, and can arrange to have a soldier granted Temporary leave?

In short, since Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross MANY years ago on May 21, 1881, it has become the leading humanitarian Relief organization in the World.  It does great things for normal people, and I encourage EVERYONE to donate blood, $$, Time as a volunteer, Take CPR and First Aid Courses, or anything else that you can do to help out.  After all, you never know if some day you'll need the assistance of the American Red Cross.

Edited by BigBoyToys on July 19 2004,6:23 am

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Post Icon Posted: July 19 2004,6:30 am Post # 9 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Unfortunately, I am not able to donate blood at this time due to the MANY medications I'm on, and the narcotics that are in my blood are not acceptable :rolleyes  :D   (Legal Prescription Narcotics I might add, before anyone gets the wrong Idea :rolleyes  :D )

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Post Icon Posted: July 22 2004,10:09 am Post # 10 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

For those of you that can donate please do, get the voucher for ozz fest and come by the RV for a refreshment, hope we can make a dent in the blood need in so cal, and BBT most of us boaters have something in our blod i just hope they have developed better filters or there's gonna be some very happy recipients!! :good

Mike VG
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Post Icon Posted: July 22 2004,10:58 am Post # 11 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (MandMVG @ July 22 2004,10:09 am)
For those of you that can donate please do, get the voucher for ozz fest and come by the RV for a refreshment, hope we can make a dent in the blood need in so cal, and BBT most of us boaters have something in our blod i just hope they have developed better filters or there's gonna be some very happy recipients!! :good

Mike VG

As I post, I am clean. :good  The only issue that ever comes up is how much Excedrin I've taken beforehand. :rotflmao

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Post Icon Posted: July 25 2004,1:02 am Post # 12 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

You know i was looking at BBT's entry and thought what a lucky person they would be to receive that pint from BBT, already have the meds needed in a pint, wait don't they already have that in beer and hard liquor, BBT has to get better and hope that his other woes can be dealt with quickly, i hate the way insurance companies and state laws get in the way of people getting better!!

Wednesday is my day for donating , i'll be at the Red Cross @ Fourth and Archibald in Ontario, so if anyone else from the boards wouls like to meet and hang out or even donate let me know.

Mike VG
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Post Icon Posted: July 27 2004,10:17 pm Post # 13 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

For this particular Blood drive the Red Cross centers in the Inland Empire will be open @ 10am to 6pm on Thursday, 8am to3:30 pm Friday and closed Saturday, so if you planned on donating or were even thinking about doing it these are the hours, according to the Station all of the L A and OC centers are booked with appts. NO Walk ins will be allowed as has been allowed in the past.  Thanks everyone Mike VG
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Post Icon Posted: July 27 2004,10:42 pm Post # 14 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (BigBoyToys @ July 19 2004,6:30 am)
Unfortunately, I am not able to donate blood at this time, the narcotics that are in my blood are not acceptable  :D   :D )

junkie :laugh
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Post Icon Posted: July 30 2004,2:11 am Post # 15 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Well lets describe my day bleeding for a cause, got to the Donor Center at 10:30 got put on a waiting list, this is not a bad thing, then after an hour my name is called i fill out the usual paperwork, which bugged me becuase i am a regular there, oh well more waiting another hour and a hlaf goes by, again my name is called go in get my finger pricked, wish it could have been the other way round but that'll have to wait till i get home, anyway back to the already overcrowded and unruly due to the wait heavymetal/OZZY fans who want to donate for a free ticket to the concert this weekend, long story short after a four and a half hour wait and three Adam Sandler movies, i guess thats all they had i was bled, gave my pint and waited for my goodie bag, ooops we just ran out, ok i did a noble thing and that should tide me over, they got my name and addy and will send me shirt and cups and a sunvisor very nice of the station, then the Red Cross lady comes over and tells me that i should have mnetioned that i was already on file and would have been taken right away, go figure.  All in all not a bad day i did do something good but it would have been nice to have been taken a little earlier, i learned and next year i'll make mention of being on file.

Mike VG
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