Cancer Slum Lord
Oceanside, Ca./Lake Havasu, Az. Posts: 7,441
APPD 0.94 Post Rank: 10 2016 Nordic 26 Deck
Posted: July 26 2004,10:35 am
Post # 5
Yup, Tom was one cold blooded SOB and his Bro was a warm haearted kinda guy j/k---both yu guys are way cool, glad to have met you both...Team green and red---we'll call you guys the Christmas Bros
Ain't life Grand? Treat it that way. The Love of my Life, Jan.
Havasu Doug
HDF Gold Supporter Delta Tau Chi - ΔTX
North Padre Island, Texas Posts: 12,188
APPD 1.50 Post Rank: 7 '78 Challenger jet
Posted: July 26 2004,10:39 am
Post # 6
Quote (Wifey @ July 26 2004,10:31 am)
Quote (ICETOM420 @ July 26 2004,7:35 am)
I will get on him about joining up but he sure as heck isnt ICETIM I'm thinking he will be TEAMRED..
Well who's team green? That's what folks were calling you guys all weekend... Â I would hear things like "I'm going over to talk with "team green" hmmmm Â
Almost everything they had over there was green. Tom said "Team Green" early on and it stuck all weekend.
Ok here is the low down on GREEN and red..Way back when we both got our boats going our friends kids started calling us TEAMGREEN and teamred(notice GREEN is always caps)that cause I have dominated our two boat racing circut for years,so when I signed up over on banderlog I went in as TEAMGREEN and from there it is all history.Then when I found these other boards I went back to being myself ICETOM and the 420 part just fell into place as it is the closest thing to beer for me.Next time some of ya should happen by the GREEN camp for a little go round..Ok so I dragged that out a bit but ya get the point I think .
My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.