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RVRGIRLFemale Offline
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Poopsie Bubble Buns
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Post Icon Posted: July 27 2004,5:22 pm Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Q & A..Let The Games Begin...........    

                                                        1)  "What do you feel is the MOST romantic city?"

2) Where would you, or did you, go for your honeymoon? Hawaii

3) Where is the best place to be kissed? Under The Stars OR In The shower

4) What would you consider to be the most romantic getaway? Our Vacation house on the river OR A Romantic Cruise

5) What is your favorite  flower?

1: Roses

2: Daisies

3: Tulips

4: Lillies

6) What is your favorite  city?Any city my love is in!

7) What is your favorite  food? Name 3

1: Ice Cream

2: Pizza

3: Chinese Take-Out

8) What is your idea of the perfect  gift? Something from the heart and required extra special thought to give.

9) What is your favorite  movie? Bridges of Madison County

10) What is your favorite love song?

1:Amazed by Lonestar

2: Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith

11) What is your favorite romantic nickname? baby, sweetheart OR honey

12) What is your favorite  scent? Scent of My boyfriend after a shower

13)What is your favorite thing to do with your partner?

1: Sleep Next To Each Other

2: Kiss

3: Talk

14) What is your favorite thing to do  online? Chat With Friends and go on Message Chat boards and shop

15) What is your favorite romantic thing to do?   Have a romantic evening with my boyfriend

16) What is your favorite way to be kissed? Any way

17) What made you fall in love with your partner? The friendship we share, laughter... everything

18)When do you feel closest to your partner?When we truly communicate.

19) When do you feel most loved? When he sends a sweet card for no reason at all or calls me out of the blue to say he misses me.

20) What makes you feel romantic?

Candles (Candlelight)


Wearing Sexy Clothes

Love Letters

Soft Music

21) How do you keep your romance alive?
Laugh alot, have a good sense of humor.
Look for new ways to fall in love all over again.

22) What do you love most about your partner? Everything

23) What is the best way to meet new people? Through Friends

24) If you could improve one thing in your relationship with your partner, what would it be?Time Together



Thats "MRS" RVRGIRL 2 you.....
"When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt."
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