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Posted: July 30 2004,12:51 am |
Post # 1 |
Anyone want to go lemme know so i can look for ya.
Mike VG Cell 818-645-1645
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| Member # 40 | Joined: 1-07-2003 | |


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Posted: Aug. 02 2004,11:27 pm |
Post # 2 |
AS if any one shivs a git, here are a few pics that were taken this past saturday, found a nice spot front row to what used to be "Speed Alley" at Castaic, there wer a few nice runs to watch and some decent boats, but you can tell it's not a very popular spot anymore due to the rules enforcement team, the party poopers. Here's us coming up to the spot my buddies had picked for the day

A pass that my buddy caught

Same pass

Comin at ya!!

We had a good time just hanging around but it was fun to watch the kids watching out for the Yellow boats, and then see them scramble to get out of the water.
Edited by MandMVG on Aug. 02 2004,11:35 pm
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| Member # 40 | Joined: 1-07-2003 | |


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Posted: Aug. 03 2004,3:27 am |
Post # 4 |
Thanks Doug, just wish you could've made the trip, I smell a Mid-week Club meeting veeeerrrryyy soon as i believe that it is a needed trip so as to clear ones head and put the pedal to the metal .
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| Member # 40 | Joined: 1-07-2003 | |
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