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Bullitt BobMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 30 2004,9:18 pm Post # 1 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Lamborghini totaled in high-speed wreck

By Lynn Doan

A Las Vegas man may think twice next time before going out of town and leaving the keys to a $285,000 sports car available to young visitors staying at his house.

A 21-year-old French tourist took David Aninowsky's black 2004 Lamborghini for a 100 mph spin down Buffalo Drive about 1:30 a.m. Wednesday and totaled the sleek vehicle near Coley Avenue, Metro Police said.

The driver, Clement Picquet, lost control of the car, overcorrected and the Lamborghini spun out of control. The car left 422 feet of tire marks before striking a curb, sending it onto a sidewalk. It then plowed through 40 feet of brick wall before hitting a fire hydrant, a street pole, a fence and a dog, which was killed.

The car continued for another 270 feet before it stopped, then burst into flames.

Picquet came out of the wreck uninjured and refused medical treatment. His passenger, Clement Nouanet, was treated at University Medical Center for minor burns, according to Metro Police officer Tina Ellison and the accident report.

The Lamborghini was destroyed.

Police officers marveled that the two people in the car not only survived but didn't suffer more serious injuries. Lamborghini's Web site notes that the chassis of this model is extraordinarily strong because it is made of steel and carbon.

Ellison said Picquet was cited for reckless driving.

Craig Huntington, who lives across the street from where the accident occurred, said the damage was phenomenal.

"These people's brick wall is about about four feet high, and (the car) wiped out about a third of it," said Huntington, who was not home at the time of the accident.

The driver told police he had borrowed the car from his friend, Aninowsky, who was out of town.

"We don't know if he had permission or not at this time," Ellison said.

The hardtop Lamborghini Murcielago, named after a Spanish bull, can reach speeds of up to 200 mph, Exoticar Paint Works owner Mike Iannuccilli said. The car can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 3.5 seconds.

"It's not like a Chevy," he said.

Iannuccilli said he only repairs a few Lamborghinis each year, usually for minor damages like bumper touch ups. He said the high-end cars are usually wrecked by inexperienced drivers who "let the cars get away from them."

Metro Police Lt. Wayne Petersen said the crash was a rare occurence.

"Cars worth more than people's houses aren't usually driven around these streets," said Peterson, who works in the traffic section. "There just aren't many people who would drive quarter-of-a-million-dollar cars around."

Peterson said he couldn't even remember the last time Metro Police were called to a traffic accident involving a Lamborghini.

Ellison said the owner may not even know what has happened to his car if he is still out of town, though she did say she thinks Picquet may have lost a friend.

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Post Icon Posted: July 30 2004,10:02 pm Post # 2 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Bullitt Bob @ July 30 2004,9:18 pm)
she did say she thinks Picquet may have lost a friend.

No shit!.. :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
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BigBoyToysMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 30 2004,10:27 pm Post # 3 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (GoFastRacer @ July 30 2004,10:02 pm)
Quote (Bullitt Bob @ July 30 2004,9:18 pm)
she did say she thinks Picquet may have lost a friend.

No shit!.. :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao

Yep....I'd say so  :eek   But what kind of guy would toss his keys to a couple of French tourists??  I'll tell ya, they all had to be  :rainbow  :rainbow  :rainbow .  There's no other way to explain it, unless of course he was a democrat then it would make lotsa sense.....throwing away good $$ like that :eek  :laugh

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Post Icon Posted: July 30 2004,11:20 pm Post # 4 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Hello, Progressive.........  :rotflmao  :laugh

Sarcasim, Just one more thing that I offer for free!!
I've Reached The Age Where Happy Hour Is A Nap!!


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Post Icon Posted: July 31 2004,5:50 am Post # 5 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

Quote (Carrera Elite @ July 30 2004,11:20 pm)
Hello, Progressive.........  :rotflmao  :laugh

:good  :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao

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GoFastRacerMale Offline
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Post Icon Posted: July 31 2004,6:33 am Post # 6 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

LMAO!.. :good  :rotflmao  :rotflmao  :rotflmao
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ICETOMMale Offline

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Post Icon Posted: July 31 2004,9:54 am Post # 7 see this member send this member a private message  quote this post in reply

If that French guy is smart he'd have his ass on the next plane outta the USA and back to his pissant country and never look back. :plane

My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.
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