Bullitt Bob

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    Truckin' Bozo
Mesquite, NV.
Posts: 3,229
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Post Rank: 21
Eliminator Jet
Posted: Aug. 07 2004,9:48 am |
Post # 24 |
Quote (BigBoyToys @ Aug. 07 2004,12:38 am) | Olds are for breaking, Chevy's are for running I have EVERYTHING he needs, from the motor mounts, bell housing, Driveline, PTO, Even a 454 BBC sitting on an engine stand.  And YES, it is ALL for sale but it is ALL in NorCal   I may even be able to come up with a 455 olds since I have one sitting, but it has 2 spun main/rod bearings (Typical Olds) and it is currently apart and in Pieces.
Just ask your friend what he wants to really do. Â But, here's something I learned long ago. Boats minus motors are a dime a dozen - $100-$1000 maybe.. Boats with an olds are ok, but no value - $1500-$3500 maybe Boats with a BBC have alot more value - $3500-$6500 maybe
Now, all that is based on various things, and there are many variables. Â But, a BBC is actually LESS to install and MAINTAIN than an Olds is. Â I've purchased a few boats minus engine for $300-$450 and actually purchased 3 boats at once 1 time, 2 w/o engines and 1 with engine, for $1k. Â I've also purchased a few jet boats that were complete with an Olds in it, for $1k to $1500. Â But, I've NEVER been able to find a Complete Jet boat that ran good with a 454 BBC in it for under $3500 unless there was problems with the hull (Another story in itself).
My advice, decide what is gonna be done with the boat, come up with a top dollar amount that you're willing to spend on it to get it in running condition (If that's the way that is chosen), and then go from there. Â I can come up with about 100 different engine setups just with the stuff I have, so it's basically, what are ya willing to spend? |
I appreciate where your coming from on motorless boats being of little value, but this boat is structurly flawless, paint and upholstery are perfect, so in San Diego where most older used boats are usually pretty much roached, his would be a good find.
He really would rather go BB Chevy, but not if it's going to cost him akin to a small fortune. Before creating this topic, I told him all about yours and Art's deep knowledge regarding Chevy powered boats and if there's a right way to go, you guys would know.
My friend Greg learned his lessons early about all the problems surrounding the Olds, but after the first couple years of grief by spinning bearings and cracking heads, he built his 455 right from the bottom, up. That motor went four full seasons to the river every weekend with absolutely no problems and he only pulled the motor to freshen it up. That's when someone broke into his garage and took the motor.
He realizes a BB Chevy is the better motor, but if push came to shove, he has the skills to build another Olds just as durable as his first one.
I'll call him this weekend and let him know what you've got and find out how much he's willing to spend.
